Im hoping it would be possible ro build vehicles by craftable components. Eg make wooden wheels and axles you can place just like other 3d building exept make them moveable you could place wheels on to axles. place wood beams to make a frame. Maybe attach the front axle via a pin in the center to make it steerable. Attach a drawbar to hit h to a horse
Vehicle components. Eg. Wheels, axles, steering, motors
Make a steering linkage, an engine, drive shaft or chain, brakes, seats, grabbable handles so the user can push or pull or attach horses or cattle to pull
I remember Red mentioning that he wanted to give us something pre-built, yet can be customized, so I'm suggesting stuff along those lines.
I want to the be able to place the shell of the vehicle (cars, trucks, bikes, boats, trains, & etc) somewhere outside among the scenery to work on it. Cars would be in people's garages while boats would be in a dry-dock, and trains in a station yard, or similar. Basically having to build the motor, doors, windows & etc to then apply paint colour when you're done. Possibly even going as far as adding decals (Silent Hunter 3 style) onto your vehicle.
I want the satisfaction & weight that these vehicles are actually vehicles, not some useless item you build and leave. It should be proudly placed in the scenery to build up while finally allowing them to travel wherever you go. Carrying them shouldn't be an option, unless it's a canoe or a bike. Vehicles should need trains, boats, & planes to carry one another around.
I'm not happy about Vehicle like cars, motors etc
im good with horse cart, rail car meyby basic train, but for me idea for componet your vehicle is good
you can make trucks just look what i made
for users who want to come see my truck you can come to rising citys server and type in chat /teleport 79
also i made a fire truck to see that type /teleport 66 -
Excellent! -
The truck looks really amazing!
About the initial question, basically as @ArcticuKitsu said: There will be pre-made vehicles, but with the ability to customize them (different wheels, engine etc)
@SnowLeopard: Horses are also planned, they will be available before we introduce vehicles^^ Same goes for trains. -
SnowLeopard: Horses are also planned, they will be available before we introduce vehicles^^ Same goes for trains.
So when you say trains, what kind of trains are we talking about? Steam , diesel, electric ? the type of fuel can also effect appearance. so basically are there going to be old school trains or new modern trains? will their be freight trains or passenger or both ? I think the potential for and of trains is equal to that of the potential of the game , nearly infinite.
References: -
Finally able to see that truck. Love it! Now expecting those kinds (Euro, JP, & NA types) in the game, more so that my American buddy can become a trucker in this game. Nice one, Yagiggle!
Nice! Loving what Red mentioned. Horses to take care of while having fun in biomes heh. Please! Please make those horses swim! Make them swim, as they do in Lego Worlds, instead of flicking you off like in Minecraft. Found that silly in MC.
Red teased about trains that both confirmed, yet kept things in the air heh. I guess he doesn't want to over-promise so we'd curse at him when they don't find their way in.
QuoteRed51: Different types are planned, at least in the long run
This is sweet
. This game has insane amounts of potential and possibilities that it's making all of us gitty. I hope I find myself playing the game coming this September. I want to catch it around the time water comes in.
@yahgiggle: Very impressive that truck!
The truck looks really amazing!
About the initial question, basically as @ArcticuKitsu said: There will be pre-made vehicles, but with the ability to customize them (different wheels, engine etc)
@SnowLeopard: Horses are also planned, they will be available before we introduce vehicles^^ Same goes for trains.Sounds great so far will it also give the option to give them a own style like colors etc?
I'm not happy about Vehicle like cars, motors etc
im good with horse cart, rail car meyby basic train, but for me idea for componet your vehicle is good
I guess It would be fair if you and others who prefer the past get horses and horsecarts but in my mind ppl who want to play in the 21th century should also get the option to build cars and mechanicparts
That sounds fair to what Sleekcrime said. We can play however we want in either creative or survival; medieval or modern; both or just one age; single or multi; and any other fun option. This game has that intention and further potential to give us old fashioned to tech up to modern and such.
I can strongly say that people shall stick with horses once they carelessly use up oil. Either that, or go into 'cautious' mode to be efficient. Shall be interesting. There's things like seaweed & sugar canes to consider for vehicles once oil is used up. I'm thinking ahead hoping that Red51 also thought of this issue that showed itself strongly in Minecraft's FTB modpack.
And again, I do hope vehicles are built outside of the crafting bench, not within it. I want to stress this because it gives it more of a value & worth.
I really hope this implementation of vehicles make it to the game. Being able to customize vehicles looks like a natural extension of this games already brilliant building system.
By all means have standard vehicles you can buy or make off the shelf but i want to turn that offroader into a full expedition car, with extra lights , better attack angle, larger tires etc or make a road train to carry a lot of resources from town to town. better yet a front loader for flattening and digging larger areas of land, a tractor for cultivating large fields etc. -
Now that we have water, i hope oil comes soon.
Well, we already have coal (ok, it does not burn, I know, at least not yet...).
Oil does not implies lakes, ponds or seas -- at least not on Earth -- which makes it easier to implement visually. It does implies refining factories, though, and pipes and gasoline stations and... POLLUTION!
What about electricity?
Steam engines seem the obvious choice, modern external combustion engines are a far cry from the lumbering behemoths of the 19th century, and the boilers could be powered by anything that combusts from coal to wood to methane produced by decomposing organic matter.
Nothing says cars cant be steam powered and its a good choice for boats at they are surrounded by water. only issue would be the relative size and weight isn't that good for aircraft.
A progression could be internal combustion engines powered by Rapeseed oil or methane. no need for massive pools of black gold or pumping mechanics to be added to the game. -
I'd rather have electric powered vehicles in this game when thinking long term. You can only have so much oil that it shall give you museum pieces. I guess it'll be fine for a few first real-time month (or a year), yet electricity would give you better benefits. Same with boats & such. I guess boats would be the only diesel-related thing to have.
Electric is by far the best way of powering pretty much any vehicle, the problem comes with storing or generating that power. Current battery tech is only just viable for short range cars. Even if you did have perfect batteries you would still need to generate the power to begin with.
If vehicles are modular theres no reason why all of the above cant be implemented, just depends on what the player wants. Steam for renewable and wide variety of fuels, petrol/diesel for the highest power and speed, electric for lack of maintenance and no need to make the fuel.
Electric would be hard to make as it would need a fuel cell or similar, maybe requiring uranium to construct one.
Electric is by far the best way of powering pretty much any vehicle, the problem comes with storing or generating that power. Current battery tech is only just viable for short range cars. Even if you did have perfect batteries you would still need to generate the power to begin with.
If vehicles are modular theres no reason why all of the above cant be implemented, just depends on what the player wants. Steam for renewable and wide variety of fuels, petrol/diesel for the highest power and speed, electric for lack of maintenance and no need to make the fuel.
Electric would be hard to make as it would need a fuel cell or similar, maybe requiring uranium to construct one.
You're thinking a bit to hard because this is Rising World. You can get away with certain things in the name of gameplay.
The rest I can agree with, yet not fully. We're also bound to have all these neat gadgets to give us battery cells & such, if with a bit of in-game related durability to keep things balanced. That, and we would happily build charging cells and such.
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