Nephy's Suggestions.

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • I am taking a page from ArcticuKitsu's book and compiling all of my suggestions in one place. The point of this is to use it as a reference for new suggestions without me bombarding other threads or creating a new thread. Some of these words may have been taking from some other threads of replies I have said. The goal is to make this as descriptive and as easy to read for those who are interested as possible.


    -Dynamic Building/Constructing-
    I personally think what would make the game more appealing is if it's building system was a lot like Landmarks. Landmark had one of the richest and most versatile ways of building I have seen in a crafting game to date. You can do so much with the materials given to you to put them into all kinds of different shapes including water. This is the best example I can give for what I would wish the building would be like in the game.

    -Water formations/Water biomes-
    Getting water formations and water biomes going is one of the things I am most excited for. The world doesn't just doesn't seem as lifelike without them. There is all this beauty and detail in the nature but we have no bodies of water to tie it in together. Waterfalls, lakes, oceans, creeks..etc. I would like all of these. Personally I adore water and things having to do with water. In building games, I often use water features to accent my buildings. So I am really really excited for this to the point where I am kinda waiting on playing the game as much until it is implemented.

    Fishing would be one of those things that would be hard to see not be in a game like this. I love fishing in many other games, MMO's, RPG's, actual fishing games...etc. If Rising World had a fun fishing system, I would be really happy.
    With this implemented I would also like there to be in depth ways of using fish and other gifts from water sources/sea.

    -New and different Sound Effects-
    I would like nice sound effects for rain and audio ambiance depending on where you are. If you are in a dense forest you get that environmental sound, if you are in a cave things are more echoy and hallow sounding. Adding ambient sounds based on your location would add a real sense of submersion. Now to address something I have an issue with that is already in the game. I dislike the 'dropping dice in a cup' sound effect that happens when you mine. I don't feel any immediate gratification from mining, its just something I do to get the stuff I need. I would like to hear different clacks and clanks to make it feel like I am mining something substantial up. Perhaps different ore can give off different sound effects. That can happen down the line, but I really want the initial mining sound effect replaced as soon as possible first.

    -Rare animals/creatures killed for trophies-
    I love the concept of the wall trophies that were introduced. I am hoping that with more animals that get released we can see them all be eventually turned into a display of some sort. That being said when I was thinking about it, I would love if there were some rare creatures randomly spawned out there that you could kill and display in some way either as a wall mount or taxidermy or some other form to show what an accomplishment it was to track down one of these beasts. With it implemented I think it would as some more depth to a hunting aspect of the game and make it feel really outdoors like which compliments the environment and the game.

    -High quality textures-
    While some of the textures have improved there are others that clash when against a certain backgrounds. For example in some instances I find that certain textures with the trees against the grass textures can make the grass look not so good. I am hoping that the textures get upgraded to the levels that ARK Survival Evolved is able to provide.

    Edit: Part of this issue has been resolved for me with messing some graphical features. The textures look waaaay better for me than they did before.

    -More threatening creatures-
    As it stands, there is not much of a reason for me to build shelter to seek safety from the night or from much of anything. To get away from bears I can just haul up in a cave and be good until I get the equipment to take them on.

    -More wildlife-
    Different animals/creatures depending on what biome/cave layer you are in. I want to see the world flourish with various inhabitants that can hinder or benefit you.

    -Able to create waypoints-
    It can be frustrating to make something, explore and get lost. Waypoints would make this an awesome feature to find the things you created. If there are people that prefer the full immersive experience of being lost, make it just an option or a feature that they do not have to use.

    Able to mount creatures and ride them.

    -Character Customization-
    I know this is going to be coming in the future, but I am putting it here because I want it. lol

    -Furniture of Differing styles-
    This can cover a variety of things, so I don't need to get detailed here, but one thing I would like to mention is a plethora of lighting options and designs. Also when water is implemented I would like an aquarium or the ability to house caught fish in glass containers.

    I will add more as I think of it, and anything that is implemented into the game I will edit the thread to reflect that.

  • also "Furniture of Differing styles"

    You can already create your own custom furniture with planks and beams,
    an aquarium for example is easily made with glass panels en maybe if you
    like some beams. then throw in a potted plant and some tiny posters of
    fish and you're done. :thumbsup:

    it only needs water lol

  • -New and different Sound Effects-
    I would like nice sound effects for rain and audio ambience depending on where you are. If you are in a dense forest you get that environmental sound, if you are in a cave things are more echoy and hallow sounding. Adding ambient sounds based on your location would add a real sense of submersion. Now to address something I have an issue with that is already in the game. I dislike the 'dropping dice in a cup' sound effect that happens when you mine. I don't feel any immediate gratification from mining, its just something I do to get the stuff I need. I would like to hear different clacks and clanks to make it feel like I am mining something substantial up. Perhaps different ore can give off different sound effects. That can happen down the line, but I really want the initial mining sound effect replaced as soon as possible first.

    First off, thanks for your suggestions! Always nice to hear that people care about sound! :)

    • Location-based and richer ambiences are planned and will really come to the fore when the biomes are ready. In the long-term we'll add more echoes to the caves, likely when dungeons come to the game. We also plan to dampen nature sounds when you enter a building. When that will happen is unclear, but it is planned!
    • Rain will come when weather is implemented.
    • The mining sound effect is something that is on my to-do list. I don't like that sound either! There will be a new sound in one of the next updates. Good idea about different ores giving off different sound effects. We will see if and how we can do that.
  • also "Furniture of Differing styles"

    You can already create your own custom furniture with planks and beams,
    an aquarium for example is easily made with glass panels en maybe if you
    like some beams. then throw in a potted plant and some tiny posters of
    fish and you're done. :thumbsup:

    it only needs water lol

    Oh wow, I feel really dumb. I hadn't even thought about manually building one. While I would prefer to plunk down some live fish in a watery container, the posters is a great workaround for something of a similar look! Thanks!

    First off, thanks for your suggestions! Always nice to hear that people care about sound! :)

    • Location-based and richer ambiences are planned and will really come to the fore when the biomes are ready. In the long-term we'll add more echoes to the caves, likely when dungeons come to the game. We also plan to dampen nature sounds when you enter a building. When that will happen is unclear, but it is planned!
    • Rain will come when weather is implemented.
    • The mining sound effect is something that is on my to-do list. I don't like that sound either! There will be a new sound in one of the next updates. Good idea about different ores giving off different sound effects. We will see if and how we can do that.

    Sound and music are things that are very important to me. They can easily help immerse you into a game or a moment and if the sound isn't right it can detract. Thank goodness the mining sound is going to change. It is so strange how something that seems so minuscule can drive a person crazy! Also thank you for replying and in your hard work with the game! It sounds like I have alot to look forward to in the way of sound.

    To everyone else who posted about how much of my list is already on the planned features, I am aware of that. However just because something is planned doesn't mean all the details are worked out yet. With having my list like this I am able to type down the details of each part into what I personally think would be great aside from saying "Better sound" and leaving it at that. This gives a chance for the developers to see the subtext under a category of things I would like or things to be considerate of if that makes any sense.

  • I love this idea, even if it may be 'planned' in the future. Nice stuff. It's better keeping your thoughts in one place, eh? Even though forums is still messy with other thoughts.

    - Water & water biomes to be going in crazy detail & variety. Should make us of the water transports.
    - Fishing be awesome, and one of the things I'm waiting for. Can't wait to grab Salmon, Oysters and all those sorts. Using nets & fishing boats also. Having a fish farm also, be neat.
    - More Trophies be awesome to hang also. Not just animals either, but ones from dungeons and rare & common random types. Just various sorts.
    - More Threatening creatures be something I'd go behind. Need something to force you into building also in a defensive manner. Can't just go on "peaceful" to hide for you need a threat to be chased by on both the animal & humanoid side.
    - Having Mounts be sweet, something I do hope take a book from "Mount & Blade: Warband".

    I need to get red to take a look at both Wurm Online/Unlimited, as with "Blade and Storm: Warband" for the heavy movements and features. Sound is also a big thing for me, with me hoping that gets tended to nicely.

    (Rush post. May have to come back to edit or similar)

  • -Dynamic Building/Constructing-
    I personally haven't played Landmarks, but I love the idea that the trailers inspired with creation of voxel shapes in-game. I'd love to finally be able to make differing sizes of cylinders. And everything else.

    -Water formations/Water biomes-
    I'm really excited for water as well.

    Fishing and Swimming underwater are going to be huge to the development process. As long as it's more difficult/impossible to catch fish by hand, then I'm going to be content.

    -New and different Sound Effects-
    I love this idea. One of the first things I noticed was the mining sound as well, and it bothers me still. I think it's also funny that if you hit a fern with an axe it makes the same sound as a tree.

    -Rare animals/creatures killed for trophies-
    I really like this idea as well, particularly for lions, tigers, etc. Fantasy animals and monsters would be awesome as well, gryphons, minotaurs, unicorns,

    -High quality textures-
    I'm still really ticked off with the way grass textures make the world look. Maybe if it weren't so obviously the same grass everywhere, but I just don't like the forest parts of the world because they look so bland. High quality and more variance in the textures and sizes of flora would be a huge plus.

    -More threatening creatures-
    As it stands, there is not much of a reason for me to build shelter to seek safety from the night or from much of anything. To get away from bears I can just haul up in a cave and be good until I get the equipment to take them on.

    -More wildlife-
    Different animals/creatures depending on what biome/cave layer you are in, herds/packs/families, offspring and older animals, variance in animals textures (Not all cows, goats, chickens, and pigs look the same.) Birds would be great.

    -Able to create waypoints-
    Yes. Please, yes.


    -Character Customization-
    All of the yes.

    -Furniture of Differing styles-
    This can cover a variety of things, so I don't need to get detailed here, but one thing I would like to mention is a plethora of lighting options and designs. Also when water is implemented I would like an aquarium or the ability to house caught fish in glass containers.

    Great Suggestions, I'm all for them.

  • I like the Landmark's building system for sure.Right now,a GOOD video card can run RW on ultra details,4K resolution and view BUT ALSO detail distance 50 chunks.I am not sure If Red will develop a system like that.Just worrying that If a construction system like that drains fps and you wont be able to see the city you built but only 10 chunks away,that would personally be pretty disappointing.Besides,in Landmark,you can create awesome and smooth detail just in your plot.Not all over the world and edit anything you see.Dont get me wrong though.I like that building system a lot.

  • I like the Landmark's building system for sure.Right now,a GOOD video card can run RW on ultra details,4K resolution and view BUT ALSO detail distance 50 chunks.I am not sure If Red will develop a system like that.Just worrying that If a construction system like that drains fps and you wont be able to see the city you built but only 10 chunks away,that would personally be pretty disappointing.Besides,in Landmark,you can create awesome and smooth detail just in your plot.Not all over the world and edit anything you see.Dont get me wrong though.I like that building system a lot.

    I agree. In a previous thread, I mentioned Landmark as being a pinnacle of building. Since Landmark is pretty much dead and the new developers were kinda sucky it is disappointing. There is also an other game that has cropped up on steam that has a pretty damn good building system that almost rivals Landmark. It is called Astral Terra : Adventures of the Realms and it has quite a bit of similarities to Landmark.

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