Game music

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • I want to put together a youtube video of the music in Rising World, or just have them to listen to when I am not playing the game (e.g. at work). Previously there was only the title music and the christmas variation, in addition to the sound effects, in plain ogg vorbis files.

    Since more music was added, and corresponding to the switch over to a new sound engine, the old ogg files have been replaced with the files and . I managed to open these using a Windows program called "Aezay FSB Extractor" which once it located the offset byte was able to read the contents. However, the header information for each track appears to be missing and I cannot play anything. I dont know much about ogg headers but I think that in order to reconstruct an ogg header, I nee more information than simply the bitrate, samplerate, and duration which is provided in the bank archive. ||

    Has anyone else had better luck with this? Maybe Red could possibly provide us with the tracks. :D

  • Thanks for liking the music so much that you attempted to hack into the .bank-Files :D
    We've moved over to FMOD as our sound engine, that's why they are in a proprietary format now.

    If you really want to rip the music, the best way would be to go slightly below ground where there's no cave wind yet and record the audio.
    Not sure how I would feel about it being uploaded to YouTube or anywhere else, though.

    That said at some point there will be a soundtrack if enough people demand it. There will be more music soon and it will amount to about an hour of music for the album.
    We'll see if we can either work out a really good deal for those owning the game or if we'll just make it really affordable.


  • <--- One player here who demands a soundtrack! :-D

    There's youtube videos uploaded with the minecraft soundtrack which is where I got the idea of creating one for Rising World as well. If you're not comfortable with the music being posted or youtube or anywhere else then I wont do it. :)

    Thanks for the suggestion about going deep. Now that I think of it, I can just turn off all sound effects so I can get a clean recording of the music so I can add it to my personal collection. It would be cool, however, if there was some kind of "jukebox" feature like in Minecraft to play the music whenever in my home base.

  • I'd love to listen to Rising World's music side. I vote in favour of a Rising World soundtrack. Music is an important part of anything that you tend to judge the game by how it makes you feel through music, and with setting the mood and atmosphere.

    There's Minecraft, Rome Total War, & all sorts of other game music posted up there that helps advertise the game in a "word-of-mouth" manner (curiousity) that it also helps share people's stories. It helps spread the hype. If you're that worried then feel free to up it yourself while monetizing it & etc, etc.

    I, myself, want to listen to it just to see where the game is going & how I should judge Rising World at this point & constantly as the weeks go by. It's still awesome listening to the background music of various games.

    This is what people hear when they check out Minecraft:

    What does Rising World have to share these experiences, to be nostalgic, and to "set the mood"? I heard it [the BGMs] in people's Let's plays, and I should pick up the game. With Red51 & Waveshapr permission I'd suggest doing as Waveshapr recommended to record underground then to up it. I'm highly curious. Hope I'm being respectful also :)

    I truly hope you & Red51 look into a radio object similar to what Grand Theft Auto 3+, Euro Truck Simulator 2 (pressing R), and Second Life has to share music with one another, even simply in your own world. It be awesome. No rush, nor disrespect, just that music plays a nice big part in everything :thumbup:

  • I am a huge fan of music. I love it and usually go on with my day with earphones attached and music going. It is a integrated part of my life and I think that if I went deaf it would be the worst thing ever for me because of my love for music.

    With that being said, I GREATLY appreciate the work that a composer does to provide a soundtrack to a game. It keeps me immersed and engaged. It brings forth a variety of emotions when played out to different things for specific reasons. The soundtrack for a game like Rising World is absolutely wonderful. With its open works and crafting/survival system the music that plays suits what is going on around you and because you are in the first person, it pulls you in as you visualize you as the character. It can be so simple to misplace a song or a sound that can totally ruin a moment and make it jarring. With this game, that is far from the case (with the exception of me despising the mining sound when rocks hit the ground, that 'dice rolling in a wood cup sound' that I discussed on my thread.)

    A soundtrack for this game would be greatly wanted from my end and I would love to listen to even more and more music be implemented in the game. I also hope that there will be an option in the future to have a music box that you can set up at your spawn to play the lovely tunes at your leisure from the game. As a person that also indulges in Second Life alot, a universal way to share music could be nice, but I think it could ruin the experience of the game. There are just certain places I feel warrant Rising Worlds own music to give you whatever feelings you should have for that moment. Perhaps if you only play certain music when you are around a home or a spawn, but universally, I don't agree with so much.

  • 'That said at some point there will be a soundtrack if enough people demand it. There will be more music soon and it will amount to about an hour of music for the album.
    We'll see if we can either work out a really good deal for those owning the game or if we'll just make it really affordable.

    I would appreciate it very much if you guys will make a soundtrack.

  • I really love the tweaks that @waveshapr did to one of the pieces in the water update. I have all the music ripped for personal use but wouldnt mine confirmation on what title belongs to what piece. He mentioned that he's been so busy with sound effects that he hasn't been able to devote a lot of time to improving the music.

  • To revive this thread a little: I was able to extract some music tracks out of the FSB however the dev used a weird character in one of the tracks and the tools that are floating around being able to extract FSB files crash upon coming to this file. So I was only able to extract half of the stuff in there.

    Apparently it's a filesystem limitation, not a program fault. Even trying to run "fsb_aud_extr" in Wine under Linux has the same outcome, sadly.

    EDIT: Even trying to split the big FSB into many tiny ones results in it getting stuck on that one file sadly.

  • Welp, I managed it now via this tool and on Ubuntu!

    It seems to be happy with the weird "-" symbol that's in the filename (so that's what that was haha) and now I have the full files :)
    Of course I won't provide them here but you guys can try on your own now! :)

    EDIT: The Python script will produce filenames starting with "00000000-" but you can simply rename all files at once by opening a PowerShell window in that directory and use the following code: DIR | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name -replace "00000000-","" }

  • Don't worry, that's just my humor :D
    I consider it a compliment :)

    A soundtrack is in the works, it just went under my radar recently. There is a lot of energy that went into new music and sound for the last update as well as the coming updates. The soundtrack might get broken down to several volumes as there is new music added to the game with each update.

  • Don't worry, that's just my humor :D
    I consider it a compliment :)

    A soundtrack is in the works, it just went under my radar recently. There is a lot of energy that went into new music and sound for the last update as well as the coming updates. The soundtrack might get broken down to several volumes as there is new music added to the game with each update.

    No offense taken :D
    Awesome to know! I have this game for such a long time already but only recently had enough time to look into the mechanics and other things to fully start enjoying it. And while playing the game the music was always so calming, decided to unpack it to be able to listen to it :) And I usually won't give up until I manage to do something I've set into my head haha, that's why I tried every possible solution until one worked :)

    Anyways, excited for future updates!

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