Changelog 2015-12-24: Biomes!

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • I am not sure if this is the same thing sagsave has, but on my server I am exploring via TP with rcon and I went far...... out, to the taiga biomes actually and the trees twitch??? I thought maybe the map needed to settle in and build itself. Waited an hour, no. Went to work came back still twitching and Red knows with my special eyes 8o<X I get sick, then a migraine....


  • I am not sure if this is the same thing sagsave has, but on my server I am exploring via TP with rcon and I went far...... out, to the taiga biomes actually and the trees twitch??? I thought maybe the map needed to settle in and build itself. Waited an hour, no. Went to work came back still twitching and Red knows with my special eyes 8o<X I get sick, then a migraine....

    When moving too far away from the origin you will encounter visual glitches. They're caused by precision errors, unfortunately the world is not infinite yet. Though there is no limitation in world generation (so the world will always be generated, irrespective of your position), you run into these precision errors which make the game unplayable at a certain point (you'll notice minor glitches when being ~10,000 units away from origin, and the game basically becomes unplayable at ~100,000).
    These "issues" will be fixed once the "infinite world" is implemented^^

  • When you say "infinite", do you mean that the world will "wrap around"?

    For the time being, the "infinite" terrain will be more or less "minecraft-like", i.e. like the current terrain, just with no limitation. I like the idea of having a "round world", but all preparations have been already done for the "flat infinite world" approach. Maybe something like a round world will be implemented in the future, but I can't say much about that yet..

  • So i am always addicted to theoretical discussions =O . What would a "Wrap around" gives you? Simple boundaries wouldn't be enough, e.g. you start X at 0 travel til X = 100 and the next chunk loaded will be the start chunk for x = 0. So maybe this would later on be a nice mod.

    I like the 'infinite' hehe.

  • I personally think that wrap around world would be very playable and better than minecraft infinite. Or atleast an option for this would be cool. I know the idea of a round world was discussed once too and i personally like this best of all as an option.

    It is also my opinion. Granted, the world can be large... just as you'd expected from a world (ie. planet) where you can't just walk half an hour and loop back to your original position :P it has to be big enough to feel "infinite". I supposed that, given this and the future water, the concept of continents (and islands...) could emerge also.

    A pretty nice idea could also imply having different world configurations; when creating a world, setting the world's size would impact it's gravity (the bigger the world, the stronger gravity value)... with a limit, of course! Given that the current measures is 1 block = 0.5 meters, a earth-sized world of 40,000 km would give 80,000 blocks, or about 5000 world parts "wide" (i.e. before wrapping around) with a gravity of 9.81 m/s² .

    Having different texture packs, different skyboxes and the aforementioned settings, this could be pretty sweet! And biomes could simply be geo-markers to know where we are in the world :) Also, with that, a world map could easily be generated, browsable, and searchable... with a proper GPS system even.

    Just a thought :)

  • i know of a another user who built a minecraft type game they had a go at making it round but ran in to all sorts of problems with voxels not lining up they ended up scripping that idea and went with a box type of shape

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  • i know of a another user who built a minecraft type game they had a go at making it round but ran in to all sorts of problems with voxels not lining up they ended up scripping that idea and went with a box type of shape

    Of course :D you can't align squares in a round shape.... regardless how big your world is. My point is that, if you picture a world as a rectangle (because a world is always slightly wider than high.. read about physics... enough said) with a large enough area; a world can be big enough as to appear flat, and walking and wrapping around the map will be seamless. If you've ever played old school FF, for example, they have this concept of a wrap-around world in the game.

    Of course, you can't really map that sort of map unto a sphere, for example displaying the voxel world from space, as this would imply a non-rectangle world, which would be messy... real messy, or distord the world parts around the poles to make them fit. Ugly.

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