Musik Player

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • Hi there,
    I'm new here.
    I'm form germany, and I'm playing Rising World for a few days. (I'm in love whit this game.)^^

    The poster function is really nice and I was wondering, if you could do the same with music.
    A CD Player whit a playlist function would be really nice.

    sorry for my bad english.^^°
    [color=rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 29px; line-height: 36px; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)]playlist function[/color]

  • I'm pretty sure a music player which can link to your library has been discussed but I do not know if the developer is onboard with the idea or not. I think the chat was about making something like minecraft notes or to import sheet music into the piano. Personally, I just play the game with the game music off so I can listen to my music.

  • This is something I"m trying to push into the game with higher functionality than Minecraft. Basically taking lessons from the following games:

    • 'Grand Theft Auto 3' to 'Grand Theft Auto 5' - The radio feature on PC which allows you to dump your music files in to stream.
    • Second Life: It allowed you to script a TV/Computer object to reach Youtube to then play any video you could think of.
    • Euro Truck Simulator 2 & American Truck Sim: The radio function when you press 'R" to either listen to your own music, or music from the internet. It allows you to listen to radio influenced by Europe; North American for American Truck Sim.
    • Phantasy Star Online 2: There's a jukebox item where you can register music discs to scroll through to select a track. You collect seasonal/event discs to then be able to play them at any time for both you & your buddies. Anybody can hear it blasting.
    • Star Wars Galaxies: More of a player thing, yet players could play instruments. You could have your character be healed by entertainers that dance or play music while also hearing the typical Star Wars cantina music. Should seek out SWGemu, or similar.

    Another idea was to have sheet music you could enter notes onto for the piano, and other instruments, to play music on their own. This would compete heavily with Minecraft's noteblocks, as well as have something for you to enjoy on your way back from somewhere.

    Another idea was to have NPC musicans auto-playing instruments for those 'cantina' (think Star Wars episode 1 [now episode 4] with the Cantina scene) for when you build relaxing Saloons, cafes, restaurants, and etc. Something to enjoy for more immersive & scenic side of things. I however had an idiot, or a few, mock this idea that I'm still hating them on it by bringing a stupid clown idea into the mix in hateful mocking, yet feel this would suit Rising World nicely (again in competition with redstone & noteblocks) with a more ''lively" living in mood.

    If anybody here has played either 'Star Wars Galaxies' [Cantina + instruments] or 'Phantasy Star Online 2' [Jukebox with collectible music discs; Everybody can hear & share their own] then they also should know where I'm coming from, and where I"m going with this :)

  • How about ComputerCraft and OpenComputers concept from modded minecraft in those you can make a script or even a program to play youtube videos and music and much more. :D

  • The poster function is really nice and I was wondering, if you could do the same with music.
    A CD Player whit a playlist function would be really nice.

    While technically it is possible I think the only thing stopping this is that I can see it cause a massive licensing dispute.
    the entertainment industry is known for frowning down on this practice.

    Which is why in a lot of games like the ones mentioned by @ArcticuKitsu are music sources that are only played locally. apart from youtube or internet radio which can be shared and have their own licensing taken care of, its a tricky request to have your "itunes" albums streamed to a wide audience without any proper licensing dealt with.

    Dont get me wrong "mods" can do this, but a game itself packaged and distributed with a function like that is a whole different ballpark than mods.

  • Quote

    How about ComputerCraft and OpenComputers concept from modded minecraft in those you can make a script or even a program to play youtube videos and music and much more. :D

    Ya, but no. Minecraft is dead to me now thanks to Rising World. I'm done with Minecraft, even trying to defend it, and all that. Same with poorly calling Princessgoddamnit a "hypocrite'. I'm just 100% done with Minecraft that I'd rather keep to Rising World now. Every time I play Minecraft now I just want to play Rising World. Also, I can't script so that's also out.

  • Quote

    While technically it is possible I think the only thing stopping this is that I can see it cause a massive licensing dispute.the entertainment industry is known for frowning down on this practice.

    Oh. I don't thought so far.
    I was planning to use some music of a friend, vor Taverns and other stuff.
    I have his permission, but I see it's a difficult suggestion. ^^°

  • I guess it would be enough if you have the opportunity to choose an instrument (like the piano) and choose an .abc file like in Starbound and play them straight.
    The .abc files are based on midi sounds and I guess it wouldn't that a massive licensing? I can't really imagine becuase Starbound is just a indie game itselfe.

  • Yeah he probably could do that if he used open source codec but then you guys would probably complain it doesn't play your DRM and codec that uses licensing. Most people use licensing codec because they don't know any better and the music industry has all the codecs copyrighted even the ones they stolen then modified from open source. The music industry just file law suits just to make examples of people, you don't want to be made an example of.

    Many formats that the rest of the world considers free or open source the United States and several other countries recognizes as corporate or patented. If any music probably only MP3 & MP4 are needed. Which I think the companies just couldn't protect their claim that they solely owned that format anymore and gave up their claim. We used Midi files in 1990s when I was a teenager, some first music ever on pc. Most played I think was techno and of that Axel from Beverly hills cop we still got remnants of "Cannon" midi. Funny to me since that was first music on PC was instrumental music and techno even went mainstream for themes similar ( airwolf, knight rider). I hear "cannon" all the time people here sometimes use that as wedding song now which I think it "cannon" was in a few movies for nontraditional wedding song now of course women love to copy. But as soon as MP2/MP3 hit in late 1990s we never went back to midi. I don't know if half these things technically should be copyrighted anymore since formats are over 30 years old. God I am old lol.

    I think the music industry is one of the biggest money whores on the planet so corrupt and dirty putting spyware on your machine without your approval. I agree with SilverSatin unless your using a clearly define format that has never been licensed or never was part of (Apple,Sony, or any other corporation) but always was open source. Is only type I would dare try to do a music player. You could just turn music off in game and play it through another program. As far as piano goes perhaps Midi as some have suggested. I can't imagine MIDI is still copyrighted and if that's not copyrighted he could just import open source Java code for a MIDI player and people could run around with magical music sheets behaving like blueprints that play songs.

    Perhaps I do this if I was in charge of this project Midi (I create another tab in my Journal (blueprints/music) --> high light music (upload midi) name it just like blueprints... In fact as far as interface goes I outright steal blueprint interface for Midi too. How it would work? I keeping it similar to other interfaces, you place a (instrument down(piano/drums/harp), jukebox, record player) on floor -> the instrument would have an inventory slots you put sheet music into it's inventory. As you did I would check if Music sheet, if it was it would go into it's inventory.. If not warn you 'music sheets only'. You then click on instrument it would play music sheets in it's inventory L-Click function toggles "on/off", Use function opens inventory and R-Click "next track" or (list of selections similar to smelter interface).

  • What.....I'm just reading that wall of text wondering why (DRM or whatever the issue, maybe) you would post that when it should be something like I've seen with other games where you just dump your music & listen to what you're playing. You don't need to worry about copyrights when you just dump your music in the music folder for a radio to play from it, or whatever music device we get within Rising World.

    Go look at SIlent Hunter 3 with its gramaphone (needing to convert to .ogg though) to play your music at sea. Similar with Grand Theft Auto 3, Vice City, and assuming with GTA 5 also where one 'radio station' plays all your music within. That, and with Gran Turismo 5 on PS3 with how you can just dump your music into the folder and play. Euro Truck SImulator 2 & American Truck Simulator both have a folder & playlist radio option for you to add & listen to whatever you want also.

    If it's about the sheet music then you shouldn't worry about that either. Sure, it'll get pulled from Youtube but you'll still have it in the game without worries. Even if it's multiplayer.

    All you're going to do in Rising World, if Red51 approves, is add the notes onto sheet music that would be a more compact & simplified manner to what these noteblocks do in Minecraft. If there's anything you would need to worry about would be the copyright on Youtube. You did however bring up an interesting take on sheetmusic recording your music as you play so there's both the manual & auto manner of being creative in this game.

  • What I was talking about was codec at least in USA you can not play music of certain formats without buying licensing or codec for that. Even the great Microsoft can't work with Blu-ray because of licensing. Now Ogg is of course open source format which is free for anyone to use in Video or Audio. But as far as other formats... Many could play audio and video formats in browsers like Firefox but they don't want to mess with lawyers and don't want to pay for codec on a free browser.

    The comparisons aren't exactly the same with somethings like you mentioned Youtube technically the people posting music up there without authorization are breaking the law could be fined heavily. PlayStation you mentioned is "SONY" a corporation. Who owns the patient on many music formats causing this problem for everyone "Sony" AAC/mp4 Codec, "Sony" even owns artists songs a major record label is Sony (Britney,Prince and hundreds of others).
    The other thing is also illegal in USA you can't pull sheet music of modern music it's also copyrighted unless it is public domain so you could pull the stuff like classics from 1700s or 1800 or even 1 century music but if you wanted latest Justin Beaver song might run into issues of course what players do on their own, Red and this game has no legal responsibility for.

    Just one example of codec they patented: AAC was developed with the cooperation and contributions of companies including AT&T Bell Laboratories, Fraunhofer IIS, Dolby Laboratories, Sony Corporation and Nokia. It was officially declared an international standard by the Moving Picture Experts Group in April 1997. It is specified both as Part 7 of the MPEG-2 standard, and Subpart 4 in Part 3 of the MPEG-4 standard.
    So of course if your PlayStation "aka Sony" you would have no fear of being sued for a codec, in fact Sony will be the one giving you the lawsuit. If you look google "sony lawsuit for music" there's just a mess you don't want to be part of.

    But overall your statement is correct I don't think anyone will mess with you in most situations. I recommend using a standard open source music format like OGG rather than note-blocks, I think midi format probably is usable. I want the game better than minecraft in all things lol. But to clarify I am not saying don't do it but just be aware of the format used is free to use so Red51 doesn't have to pay royalties for codec.

  • Noted. I guess since I brought it up I'll just lean with .ogg just because I've seen it work in Silent Hunter 3. This whole thing about codec/audio format, and even then I don't find it a big issue. Maybe there is, yet nobody bothered to inform gamers hostile dealing with such is.

    I do find your posts informative, yet feeling that it's flexing the muscles a tad bit too much that it's moving away from any points. Maybe I'm missing it, or I just see it as a muscle flexing post. Makes me wonder about the piano though because you can play it happily + you can simply have the sampled sound play from the instrument when automated. Again, being far superior to Minecraft's noteblocks that everything would be in that instrument, or even a music sheet that can be carried around the world, stored, and replayed. Maybe even shared, but only within the Rising World community.

    As for the Sony knowledge flexing is nice, something I'm aware of, yet missed the point how the game (Gran Turismo 5) allowed you to pull from the music section (PS3 hard drive) to then have it play in the game. You could even select if it's random, or if it plays at random. It was beautiful, even slightly more complex than what Grand Theft Auto 3+ has done. I don't see any need to over-complicate anything, unless it's on the instrument playing side of automation. The whole automation playing part I wouldn't see as a big issue either. with & without format as the main focus.

    I guess I should leave the nitty gritty complexities to you & Zork so I'll now observe this again. Maybe.

  • Not sure to understand which the main topic is here.

    A) If it is about adding to RW a track player, than @YakMe considerations about copyright on formats and codec licensing are top priority, commercial-wise. The source of the tracks (supplied by the user into a defined folder, downloaded from the Internet in real time, ...) is secondary and in most cases transfers any copyright issue on the track suppliers themselves.

    B) If it about adding a musical notation gadget to enter notes and have them played, then I would like to raise a word of caution. Since almost ten years I collaborate with an open source musical notation software project and the complexities of such an endeavour are much, much greater than the casual user may suspect. To have a barely decent result (one would be worth listening at) with a simple song (say, guitar, bass and drums), the notation aspects one has to consider are HUGE.

    In addition, as such a gadget would need a collection of samples for the playback, the size (and potentially the licensing cost) of it could also be HUGE. The size of a decent piano only patch is measured in hundreds of megabytes (let's be frank: the current piano is fun as a toy, but its sound sucks, as well as its tuning!) and a minimum provision of instruments is likely to approach the gigabyte. True, lots of sample collections exist smaller in size, but they also suck!

    So, I would NOT suggest this path as it is likely to leave most users unsatisfied.

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