Large Spiders in Caves

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  • As far as I know, caves are empty. I think a good way to counter players having free access to caves and all the ore would be to add spiders.

    The spiders would be the size of a player, pale white, and have glowing eyes. Spiders are afraid of light and will not go near torches unless there are several spiders in a group. There could also be a spider nest structure underground where a lot of spiders spawn. The nest would have a ton of webs and would also have a treasure chest as a reward for killing all the spiders.

  • I would support this, yet I'm one of those people whom fear spiders at a certain size and style. If they're the size of the ones in Skyrim then they're being disabled. Them, and Centipedes. Screw them both for giving me horrid moments. Scaring me to shit. I'd prefer zombies & even Creepers, even with many people protesting stupidly in paranoia.

    Yeah, go for it but they damn well better keep their distance from me once I get pissed off in being scared off. That, and I'd rather have basic zombies (first 7 days in 7 Days to Die) in very regional areas of the map that they'd be rare to encounter. Sorry if the wording comes off as rude, just that it's making me jumpy imagining a "what if".

    Keep in mind that there might be others with the same (or similar) fears, and that I'm open to the thought, just that I'd "NOPE" the right out of the cave. I would either "NOPE", or blast the thing to bits if it came closer to me.

  • We all have our own perceptions of what we want to see in Rising World, and having played Minecraft for what seems like an eternity, I love all the Minecraft mobs ... in Minecraft. Not elsewhere.

    I'd rather see realistic creatures like we'd see in our own world, with maybe a bit more extreme, but nothing out of a horror flick. Rising World has a chance at being original, and introducing creatures we wouldn't have normally seen in other games yet would be a good way to go. A giant spider can work, but we could technically encounter other races, such as - dare I say - dwarves, other non-player humans, and creatures such as moles, cave bears, and maybe even bats. Imagine bumping into a colony of bats while dungeon delving. The Internet is full of possibilities, and so are D&D's Monster Manuals.

    But I would recommend to the developers adding an option in the settings where players can choose what creature they want or don't want to see, with multiplayer servers being decided upon by the host. This way, those who are afraid of spiders, can turn them off in their own worlds. Or cringe in a corner of the room mumbling "there's no place like home" over and over again while the giant spider spins its web around the latest morsel to feed to its babies. Imagine being eaten alive on screen by a bunch of spiders, your screen flashing red with blood splatters, ever fading into your eternal sleep.

    Anyways, that said, yes to adding a chance encounter with viable creatures in caves, just as long as it makes sense, and definitely make them individually optional in the settings.

  • We all certainly fall into a few different camps as far as monsters go. I think it's been one of the more divisive subjects in our community. I am ok with just about anything (including zombies at this point) as long as there's an option to turn them off.

    With every NPC added so far, there is an option to turn it off. I'd like to see the world-creation screen to add categories of NPCs because as more are added, that "animal" list is going to grow quite a bit. If we could have categories such as "neutral animals", "agressive animals", "passive animals", monsters, "aggressive humans" "merchants", etc etc... then it would work out fine for me.

    My original impression of Rising World was that it would be a realistic survival/crafting games with no magic or supernatural creatures. From the rumors I've heard about the upcoming dungeons, I believe that will no longer be the case but that "monsters" and supernatural entities will be limited to places like Hell and the dungeons. This is ok and I'm even ok with the occasional wandering zombies and orcs as long as they don't come after me in mobs every night. Again, adjustments are needed. I like what ARK Survival Evolved did and added a whole page of sliders to control various game aspects. Something like this would be nice depending on how far Rising World goes. Apparently Red is even going to adjust the grow time again for trees back to its old setting where they grew faster. I'm personally against this because I feel the new settings are more realistic but that's me. When the API evolves more, I'm sure someone will come out with a "hardcore survivalist" mod to tune the settings to something more extreme but we shall see.

  • Yup, we all fall into different camps indeed.

    Yeah, again, I would "welcome" spiders just that I would "NOPE!" the right out of the cave so fast that they wouldn't get me.

    Also, the same thing I said on Steam forum is what I"ll say here is that when we do have zombies that they should stay "REGIONAL", and locked in rare abandoned/infected settlements. Not roaming about, but in settlements. People pissed me off by not reading this by throwing tantrums that I threw one in frustration for them not reading that I would welcome zombies, but to please picky people that they should be stuck in similar types of situations as Pyramids, jungle temples, and such in Minecraft. Rare. They won't come hunt you down, unless you harass them. Just like sharks, they would only attack you out of instinct for food. Again, zombies would only be added in a 'regional' sense in an abandoned settlement with maybe lore added to them as to why they turned that way. Polluted water, or something.

    Also, I'm all up for Dwarves, Elves, Dark Elves, and such, just not in that 'World of Warcraft' style. It be neat seeing Red51's unique spin on it. Again, bringing up the anime 'GATE' for ideas on this could also be done. I'd welcome sharks, whales, among other entities. More so when you can interact with them, trade, gain specific things after doing things, and etc. Look at Mystcraft mod (Minecraft), and such. Not sure what Red51 could get done, or even modding, just that I'd welcome having the option to also befriend entities from that side, even importing characters to be both friendly & hostile to spawn.

    So much you can do on both vanilla & modding side. Also, there's been desire for flying mounts (other than Zeppelins) that makes me wonder how people would enjoy having flying on giant fantasy flying creatures from a (rare continental) fantasy biome, or similar. SOmething like a dragon you'd have to tame for a real-time week, or so by either egg-hatching or just having it getting attached to you. To trust you by feeding it, keeping it sparkly clean, and such.


    For caves, I'd go with what OP said about real world entities, as well as curious pirates & bandits roaming about. Even the odd hostile thief, and such. Even those which would spawn in and out of chunks for immersive sake. Maybe even the odd "mini-boss" to lure you towards dungeons with special drops and such. Something to spark your curiousity, like drones in Empyrion.

  • You guys all say no to high-fantasy monsters, but say yes to high-fantasy friendly creatures. I don't think there should be dwarves, elves, zombies, etc. unless they are done in an original way. Zombies don't sound fun at all since there are zombies in every other survival game. I think the only monsters in this game should be based off of real-world creatures, such as the giant white spiders. We already know that monsters are going to be added to the game, yet people keep saying that they don't want it.

    I would support this, yet I'm one of those people whom fear spiders at a certain size and style. If they're the size of the ones in Skyrim then they're being disabled. Them, and Centipedes. Screw them both for giving me horrid moments. Scaring me to shit. I'd prefer zombies & even Creepers, even with many people protesting stupidly in paranoia.

    Yeah, go for it but they damn well better keep their distance from me once I get pissed off in being scared off. That, and I'd rather have basic zombies (first 7 days in 7 Days to Die) in very regional areas of the map that they'd be rare to encounter. Sorry if the wording comes off as rude, just that it's making me jumpy imagining a "what if".

    Keep in mind that there might be others with the same (or similar) fears, and that I'm open to the thought, just that I'd "NOPE" the right out of the cave. I would either "NOPE", or blast the thing to bits if it came closer to me.

    There's always something someone's afraid of. But that would almost be the goal of adding spiders entirely- to make a scary monster. Either way, Red can't stop from adding something to the game because some people have fears of it.

  • We all certainly fall into a few different camps as far as monsters go. I think it's been one of the more divisive subjects in our community. I am ok with just about anything (including zombies at this point) as long as there's an option to turn them off.

    With every NPC added so far, there is an option to turn it off. I'd like to see the world-creation screen to add categories of NPCs because as more are added, that "animal" list is going to grow quite a bit. If we could have categories such as "neutral animals", "agressive animals", "passive animals", monsters, "aggressive humans" "merchants", etc etc... then it would work out fine for me.

    My original impression of Rising World was that it would be a realistic survival/crafting games with no magic or supernatural creatures. From the rumors I've heard about the upcoming dungeons, I believe that will no longer be the case but that "monsters" and supernatural entities will be limited to places like Hell and the dungeons. This is ok and I'm even ok with the occasional wandering zombies and orcs as long as they don't come after me in mobs every night. Again, adjustments are needed. I like what ARK Survival Evolved did and added a whole page of sliders to control various game aspects. Something like this would be nice depending on how far Rising World goes. Apparently Red is even going to adjust the grow time again for trees back to its old setting where they grew faster. I'm personally against this because I feel the new settings are more realistic but that's me. When the API evolves more, I'm sure someone will come out with a "hardcore survivalist" mod to tune the settings to something more extreme but we shall see.

    you just explained my thought

    do you want zombies? make them switchable!!

  • Rising World and Monster just do not mix. I think there are in the real world enough animals that exude danger and thus could be inplentiert into play. Any monsters come in dozens Games and Rising World does not need this.

    What Rising World needs, but is something alive under the earth. Spiders were there a possibility, but also bats, centipedes but also moles or worms would be conceivable.

    These could bring natural hazards such as large depths, hot water or volcanic springs into play. And just as where it is dangerous to place then maybe also precious diamonds.

    I think that the opinion of the comunity with the question yes or no monsters are split and the easiest would be if monsters and dangerous animals come into play, but they can be turned on or off individually.

  • i think Red is definately on board with old lava tubes and finding diamonds. For reference:
    lava tubes

    I know he has occasionally brought up re-designing hell and he seems to like my idea of tall lava tubes stretching from the bottom to top of the hell cavern, transporting lava to the surface. I'm curious what else he has in mind for hell.

  • I'm just staring at this part of the quote going "what the f***"..........What?! How......


    Rising World and Monster just do not mix

    To me that's like saying Earth doesn't look right with Alaska in it. Alaska mustn't be in the game because it's constantly a winter hellhole. The game must be peaceful 24/7, and etc........Common, Alaska is a pretty cool state with a hybrid of winter madness, having Canadian stereotypes, extreme hunting, extreme living, as well as providing various Russian & American elements. Might not be the same, just that imagine the world without Alaska, then monsters not given a 'hostile' chance in Rising World. That, and we don't even know yet if that's even true because Rising World is still maturing. Even mod wise we have yet to experience.

    Yeah, we truly are in different camps with different points of views of how Rising World should behave. Just keep in mind that the whole world seed would generate as ONE ocean with various continents and islands that there would be a chance for Red51's playful take on a fantasy biome on one continent, maybe some "monster-filled" biome on another, some scouts spawning on another, and then the other 80% being all serious & realistic. There would be a chance to encounter hostile "Monsters", but a slim chance to encounter the 'scouts'. Maybe as frequently as you see drones in Empyrion (rehashed thought, but yeah). Again, I'm also open to the thoughts of other real world entities, as with others.

    To me, because of how big & endless the world would be, allows for co-existing and conflicts among various hostiles. Even the further you go out from spawn the more weirdness/uniqueness you would encounter. More structures, more entities, more treasures, oddities. That's the case in Minecraft, and would make sense here also. You have to travel to find the good stuff. Even stuff underground, as well as Zork's lava tubes & volcanoes. Even at spawn, I guess, with biome generation & scenery, but yeah.

    God damn.....I'm just frustrated because "Rising World & monsters don't mix" and people blindly posting "I DON"T WANT ZOMBIES" on steam forums. I'm trying to be neutral here, but I guess I'm doing a poor job of that. My delivery of the post, and such which was complained about.

  • For what is worth, I repeated elsewhere ad nauseam my points of view, so I'll summarize them briefly:

    1) I don't know if "Rising World and Monster just do not mix"; but I know that for me it would be better if they don't. Why? There is already plenty of games where fighting is a key element, adding another one would add little, if anything. I would greatly prefer a game where survival elements are provided in less abused ways, from meteo (cold, rain) to biology (hunger, ...) to anything else one can think of, possibly based on real (or realistic) elements (The Long Dark might be a good example, if only it could run better under Linux...).

    And adding monsters which can be turned off would only solve half of the problem, as this alone would not add the other survival elements I hinted at.

    2) I fail to understand environments in which some thing has no origin, no apparent way to survive and so on. "Monsters" usually fall in this category: what do they eat when the player is not there? Where do they come from? What do they descend from? We strive for "realistic" looking in buildings we make, we ask for better doors (just to make a silly example), for an economy, for more appropriate tools and so on and then we slip on "monsters"? I simply do not understand.

    It is just my opinion of course; it is not worth more than anybody else's opinion, but neither it is worth less.

  • thieves are planned AFAIK. So perhaps we need a chest lock or domesticated dogs at some point to keep watch when we are asleep or out wandering.

    I had an idea a while ago for a racoon scavenging for food but who knows if that will materialize. Miwarre had an idea recently for herds of animals to eat wild vegetables thus making food more rare to find. Maybe something like this would tie in to how we eventually domesticate animals by luring them in with their favorite food. Minecraft kinda does this but the animals do not actually deplete the food surrounding them which I always though was odd.

    Anyways, lots of good ideas but it will be a little while before it comes. Atleast thieves and merchants should be possible when the player models come out.

  • I like the idea of scavengers such as raccoons, moles, and groundhogs, and it would be nice if the animals ate and drank what was out there. It would also force us to build more creatively to protect our gardens. We'd probably see more greenhouses, since there's no rain in the immediate forecast.

    I wonder if once merchants and thieves come into play, whether they'll be followed by an economy of sorts. A merchants API could be designed to allow people to create various types of merchants.

  • I do hope thieves are roamable because it would give us a reason to have swords, small firearms, crossbows, muskets and the like. Regardless of the age we should get NPCs to come at us because then it be more of skill. They would have to steal from us from our territory.

    The Racoon is something I remember Red51 bringing up that I love bringing up for how unique it is. Love how he mentioned Racoons going into chests, yet stealing something 'common' so we wouldn't whine & moan, throwing tantrums similar to when Enderman warped around with every single block. Even if justified on the Enderman part via nerfing, this would be different. I would see Racoons stealing food, something we can simply grow back easily.

    Expanding on this: Wolves should stalk you before deciding to attack you. You would have to put it in a kitchen or storage device for them to wander away so this could also balance out you hunting game, farming, and the like. There should also be a way for parent & baby animals to spawn on empty chunks to repopulate over time.


    I also hate my last posting because it comes off as rude, wanting to apologies & say sorry. On the flip-side I'm once again pissed off because my posting came off as such that I feel horrid over it, yet still reading postings coming off as paranoid still by saying "no monsters! No zombies!" in simpleness while I"m also painfully trying to staying neutral, yet most likely in vain.

    I want you to tell me "no monsters" after brainstorming how the future (finished) version of Rising World would be when seriously making note of an endless ocean biome with island on it in the form of continents (North American + Euro-Asia & Africa), giant islands (Australia, Japan & New Zealand type), as well as various smaller islands. Keeping this in mind you need to populate the world, so what would you populate it? The stuff we have on our planet, yes. What about the odd 10-20% to keep things interesting? I'm hearing a "Screw that! My paranoia wins!" type comments. I don't want to shut anybody down, nor insult them, just that..........What do you do with a vast endless world where everything would be the same. Look at No Man's Sky with how people whined everything was the same constantly that adding variety where possible, as with the type of entities you could encounter the further you explore, something I believe Cubeworld tried implementing. The further you would explore the higher the level it would become, more exotic, and such. Rising World could try this both via biome wise, as well as the type of islands & entities you would find, both earthly & fantasy, maybe even alien.

    With people's whining on No Man's Sky I would suggest Red51 visit his fantasy biome strongly when the time comes to add in his own versions of "realistic" fantasy while also adding the odd 5% to 10% world spawning hostile entities to be your enemy. Also, my friend whined that building & staying in one place is boring with him always wanting to explore. Rising WOrld also allows such, which it should be open to various forms of entities, both earthly & realistic fantasy, even on the Subnautica & Anime level.

    Keep in mind that we're also given small firearms so we would also need to have it justified in dungeon raiding, as well as keeping safe when exploring the vast endless world we'll end up creating, thus having on those Japan-Australia-New Zealand type rare islands of hostile civilizations, maybe even triggering scouts being sent on already explored chunks for you to deal with until they could be considered completely eradicated. Cycle would then repeat the further you explore.....

    Yeah, Miiware is also half correct that we also don't know if this game is suitable for hostiles or not, yet I strongly feel (from high gaming experience) that Rising World would be suitable to contain hostile realistic fantasy monsters. Lore would come when you explore their settlement, as well as the various forms of recording devices they would drop.

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