Changelog 2016-12-31: Dungeons, Weather and a Happy New Year!

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • So I was still able to run my un-updated standalone game, even visit my un-updated server. Then the standalone game suddenly offered me the update, so I jumped on that. Unfortunately the update failed (twice now), and my un-updated version is gone.

    My current theory is that my wife is somehow behind this. She is under the delusion that if I spent less time playing Rising World I would spend more time doing household chores.

    Silly girl. :D

  • red may of mistakenly locked the new update thread, wanted to see if he is going to add API Commands for the weaher, "CURRENT STATE", make it rain, etc.

    i did setweather rain <------ seems to work but doing setweather snow, or setweather thunder, did not work

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • java version "1.8.0_45"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_45-b14)

    All things RW have been working fine up until the update, and I'm sure they will work fine again soon. I just wish hadn't tried to update my standalone game, but my crystal ball didn't warn me in time. :P

  • java version "1.8.0_45"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_45-b14)

    All things RW have been working fine up until the update, and I'm sure they will work fine again soon. I just wish hadn't tried to update my standalone game, but my crystal ball didn't warn me in time. :P

    try to update java

  • Tiny bug report

    - Sewage manholes dont open
    - Cant pickup placed sewage manholes
    - cant sit down on the piano while swimming underwater but you keep playing as you move around until hitting ESC

    Special thanks to the wonderful players who discovered it on Serenity server. :thumbsup:

    not a bug just a minor suggestion

    -weather changes too frequently maybe a way to adjust frequency of changes or select what weather types are excluded. snow for example is too much of an extreme change after having a sunny day

  • LTDan -

    Not so far. I put this downtime to use and upgraded my entire system, including Java. Still no joy.

    joni909 -

    Now running:
    java version "1.8.0_111"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_111-b14)

    I really don't think this is a java problem. It's not uncommon for Mac users to wait a little longer for game updates to work on our systems. Understandable, but a shame to see the clock ticking away the weekend and not being able to play. ;(

  • Okay, this may not help anybody else, but I finally managed to find a copy of my standalone game on my backup drive, and I'm able to play the pre-update version. I can now log onto my favorite servers, which of course are not updated either.

    I don't get to see the myriad new features of the update, but I can at least get back to working on my build. WAY better than nothing.

    I'm sure these long moments will pass and we'll laugh about them soon enough.

  • yep i think that's the price you pay for very cloesed source systems well there's nothing else to do then wait and hope :(

  • yep i think that's the price you pay for very cloesed source systems well there's nothing else to do then wait and hope :(

    Actually, this is a first since I started playing games on Steam years ago that an update didn't run on my Mac the moment it came out on Steam. While this time it could be a Mac issue, it's very much unexpected.

  • Oh, I've seen it before, like on Ark Survival, but the delay was usually less than a day. Ya gotta understand that we are a serious minority in the gaming world, and it only makes sense to take care of the vast majority first. I don't have a serious problem with it. :saint:

  • Oh, I've seen it before, like on Ark Survival, but the delay was usually less than a day. Ya gotta understand that we are a serious minority in the gaming world, and it only makes sense to take care of the vast majority first. I don't have a serious problem with it.

    I guess I've just been very lucky until now. Too bad the streak had to be broken on New Year's Eve, but then, there are much better things to do on NYE than play video games, so I'll call this a blessing, enjoy the festivities, and be back tomorrow. Have yourself a Happy New Year.

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