[Plugin] Animal Breed Master - Viehzuchtmeister V0.81.1

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Not sure which version to download and try or if I should wait for an update. After seeing the baby pig (mini pig) I had a few things come to mind..

    1) Will NPC Dummies be added to the mod? Now before someone giggles and says something crazy I want to point out that I have yet to find out how to shrink a dummy npc for "mock family roleplay." My idea is this: I am building a very big town dedicated to all my subscribers on YouTube as part of my LP. I add an NPC to their home named after their channel and it got me to thinking that I will need kids in the neighborhood to bring life to the town. Now I wouldn't want them breeding like rabbits but have some control over it. Perhaps this could be added as a part of the husbandry mod?

    2) The second thing that comes to mind is server or stick with steam and local machine? I only have 8 gigs of ram with about 6.90 usable, wish there was a way to clean ram but that's not the point my computer isn't a dinosaur just yet till it reaches 10 years, It has an Asus AMD 8670D Graphics card and a quad core processor. My biggest fear with RW and how much of a hog it already is, would be how would this plugin affect my gameplay when recording? Planks And Beams took me down to a slideshow presentation in fps (1-5 fps.) so how would this affect my gameplay when recording?

  • I am not a trained tech., but I've been gaming for years. So you can double check this advice: upgrade your ram.

    I think that when you say you have 8G of ram, but that your pc is not a dinosaur-these two things are not really related.

    My oldest pc is now 10 years old, a Gateway, but working fine. I keep updating it to it's max. which is now at 12 Gb.
    My newer pc is an Alien gaming pc: It has 20G ram built in and I will need to upgrade that as soon as I can.
    Gaming PCs seem to be selling with 16-32 GB ram as standard now.

    I think you will have a much smoother gaming experience with at least a double amount of ram.

  • Not sure which version to download and try or if I should wait for an update. After seeing the baby pig (mini pig) I had a few things come to mind..

    1) Will NPC Dummies be added to the mod? Now before someone giggles and says something crazy I want to point out that I have yet to find out how to shrink a dummy npc for "mock family roleplay." My idea is this: I am building a very big town dedicated to all my subscribers on YouTube as part of my LP. I add an NPC to their home named after their channel and it got me to thinking that I will need kids in the neighborhood to bring life to the town. Now I wouldn't want them breeding like rabbits but have some control over it. Perhaps this could be added as a part of the husbandry mod?

    2) The second thing that comes to mind is server or stick with steam and local machine? I only have 8 gigs of ram with about 6.90 usable, wish there was a way to clean ram but that's not the point my computer isn't a dinosaur just yet till it reaches 10 years, It has an Asus AMD 8670D Graphics card and a quad core processor. My biggest fear with RW and how much of a hog it already is, would be how would this plugin affect my gameplay when recording? Planks And Beams took me down to a slideshow presentation in fps (1-5 fps.) so how would this affect my gameplay when recording?

    If the pnb takes you down to a slideshow, why you don't use the console commands? But it depends on how you play, in singleplayer or Multiplayer. I play creative mode with the console commands and a good memory to remeber a lot of the Id's ^^ and I'm using the F6 tool too, if I have to look for
    a texture Id.
    I would say "try the abm" and if you have some slideshow effects, you can remove it again.
    8 GB RAM is not much for Windows 10 gaming, if you use it, but I've seen one of your last videos and you have a better video performance than me with 32 GB RAM. :D The delays may also be related to the number of components in the chunk. You can also try to reduce the sight.

  • If the pnb takes you down to a slideshow, why you don't use the console commands? But it depends on how you play, in singleplayer or Multiplayer. I play creative mode with the console commands and a good memory to remeber a lot of the Id's ^^ and I'm using the F6 tool too, if I have to look fora texture Id.
    I would say "try the abm" and if you have some slideshow effects, you can remove it again.
    8 GB RAM is not much for Windows 10 gaming, if you use it, but I've seen one of your last videos and you have a better video performance than me with 32 GB RAM. :D The delays may also be related to the number of components in the chunk. You can also try to reduce the sight.

    I usually play in singleplayer most often but as of recently I am trying some new things out. Like inviting other players to my world and visiting theirs. I use the console command mostly when I need a specific texture for blocks by using the blockbench. Next week I'll be trying your PNB again btw is your compass working again? I kind of miss it. The only thing that really bothers me about this ABM mod is how will it affect already named NPCs and creatures? That's my biggest worry is adding ABM and losing out on some of the creatures I've grown to love.

  • I bought my computer in 2015 it's an Asus M11BB Series (Windows 8.1 Pro) 8670D Graphics card with a quad core AMD APU 6700 processor. Has the default power supply which I need to upgrade before adding more ram to the computer. Sure I thought about just adding more ram to it, but that's not always the case. Without enough power being evenly distributed throughout the computer (default is 115 Volts or Watts whatever that is, needs at least 500) just adding more ram without considering powerflow could cause the processor to overwhelm itself. Could cause an electrical fire and I prefer to avoid the route of just adding more ram. Recently I did buy ram but was told not to ad it till I can get a new power supply and cooling system.

  • Hallo Ihr Lieben,
    ich habe folgendes Problem:

    Ein Mitspieler hat mir wohl wollend ein Tier an der Grenze meines GS hingestellt (halb innen und halb außen). Es ist angeleint und unsterblich. Name und Tierart wird aus Tierschutz Gründe nicht genannt :-) Jedoch, weder ich noch die Admin bekommen das Tier weg. Mir ist bewusst das man auf den Eigentümer warten könnte und ihm darum bitten. Sollte er jedoch im Urlaub sein....

    Gibt es eine Lösung dafür?

    Ich bedanke mich im voraus. :thumbsup:

    TESTENDO aka Maurizio
    Sei immer Du selbst... die anderen gibt es bereits

  • Wow Google Translate really messed this translation up lol

  • Wow Google Translate really messed this translation up lol

    This looks like a really accurate translation to me tbh :/ Where is the problem with it?

    Need an Admin to turn off invincible and shoot him.. This is why I do not like that feature for standard players.

    Or you can write a small plugin that will use the npc.kill() method to kill it anyway overwriting any protection the AnimalBreedMaster provides ;)

  • So what is the NPC kill command? in another thread I mention I had to drill a hole to h#ll to get rid of my lazy manager.

    it is an API Method not an in game command. You can see the details here: https://javadoc.rising-world.net/ under: net.risingworld.api.objects -> Interface Npc

  • A player on my our server has a giraffe that has become invisible and apparently underground. However, flying around, we can't see it anywhere. It DOES appear on /abm list however an /abm warphome <ID> has no effect.

    Any suggestions on how we might un-bug this animal?

    Related question, how is 'home' defined for the purposes of the warphome command? I tested it on one of my cows and she just jumped a little without moving. I think it would be better if the warp command warped the animal to the player.


  • Ghost animals and npcs are common bug. I have a chicken in a particularly uninteresting spot on my sever. I believe it is related to the world database miswrite and not ABM. I is possible to edit the database if you talk to your admin them may be able to remedy it by making it go away permanently.

  • I believe it is related to the world database miswrite and not ABM.

    This would be a rather important bug 8o ! If you are aware of systematic world data base "miswrite"s, I think you should report it with the maximum of info for correcting it.

    I is possible to edit the database if you talk to you admin them may be able to remedy it by making it go away permanently.

    Depending on the host configuration, world data base editing might be possible or not:
    *) with a commercial server using MySQL, the data base is usually not accessible directly;
    *) even with SQLite DB, as commercial non-dedicated hosts usually do not allow to run arbitrary software, it may not be possible in loco.

    But even when possible, manually editing the world data base is definitely not advisable: data consistency and referential integrity may be subject to restrictions and constrains unknown to the person editing it and the resulting DB may be in worse conditions than before and even unusable.

  • This would be a rather important bug 8o ! If you are aware of systematic world data base "miswrite"s, I think you should report it with the maximum of info for correcting it.

    Depending on the host configuration, world data base editing might be possible or not:*) with a commercial server using MySQL, the data base is usually not accessible directly;
    *) even with SQLite DB, as commercial non-dedicated hosts usually do not allow to run arbitrary software, it may not be possible in loco.

    But even when possible, manually editing the world data base is definitely not advisable: data consistency and referential integrity may be subject to restrictions and constrains unknown to the person editing it and the resulting DB may be in worse conditions than before and even unusable.

    Ok well I do it all the time. I take it locally edit then change it out on the server. I dont edit BLOBs but I do delete entire records.

    Not sure about the number for a giraffe is 13 abd a NPC Dummie is 100. You can find the giraffe locaton in the NPC table of the world database. There is a location there but it is possible to find them. Attached is a typical World Database corruption. I think may be caused by ABM when it switched how it controlled the owned animals and dummies came in. You can find them by name too if you know the animal name as ABM sets the npc name. Some people set the npc name manually through the game

    The dummie Micythos in this example is missing in action/invisible but you can hear him if you are near the area. Notice his rotation.

    Recovery is not appear to be a possibility. You can turn off locked and invincibility if you cant find them. I have not tried to directly edit location but I am sure that is possible. Just notice the space used as a seperator.

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