[Plugin] Animal Breed Master - Viehzuchtmeister V0.81.1

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Mein Plugin функционер кишки. Ihr Ihr сервер в MySQL?

    Плагин работает хорошо для меня.
    Ваш MySQL сервер?
    (Google Trans)

    I used Google Translate so I could understand. Didn't even think of that until I saw it at the end of your reply. Lol. Thanks for being patient with me. :) It has to be something in my server settings. I am going to comb thru them this weekend until I figure this out. I have a nice barn & chcicken coop ready & waiting, just need to get this figured out so I can tame the animals. :)

  • После обновления у животных нет маркера. Переустановка плагина не дала никаких результатов. Плагин не работает. Как исправить?

    Nach dem Обновление haben die Tiere keine Markierung. Das erneute Installieren des Plug-Ins ergab keine Ergebnisse. Плагин ист дефект. Ви цу бехебен

  • ABM was indeed causing server crashes. Red did a hotfix that resolved the issue for me. However, some ABM bugs remain, like nametags no longer show up on tames etc.

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • NEIN!Wir warten auf den Besitzer des Plugins.Das Problem mit den Namen der Tiere begann nach dem Update 0.9.4 vom 27. September. 2018 auf dem Server rw-1, rw-2.Der Besitzer des Plugins ist lange Zeit still.Ich warte :whistling: (Yandex Übersetzer)NO!
    We wait for the owner of the plugin.
    The Problem with the names of the animals started after the Update 0.9.4 the 27. September. 2018 on the server rw-1, rw-2.

    The owner of the Plugin is silent for a long time.I'll wait :whistling: (Yandex translater)

  • Hallo zusammen!

    Soeben habe ich ein Kompatibilitäts-Update V0.81.1 bereitgestellt. Dies sollte weitestgehend das Problem mit den Namen beheben!

    Hello everybody!

    I have just released a compatibility update V0.81.1. This should largely fix the problem with the name tags!

    Aus gesundheitlichen Gründen (Augen) war ich wenig aktiv gewesen.
    Kann noch einige Wochen dauern, bin aber wieder auf dem Weg der Besserung!

    For health reasons (eyes) I had been little active.
    Can take a few more weeks, but I'm on the way to recovery!

  • I am noticing that my npcs are moving around when I log on my server but the name tags placed by ABM are separating from the animals when they walk away. Also all the NPC dummies and my owned animals seem to be reappearing where they were spawned or born every time I log into the server weather they are leashed or not. When the animals walk away from there names, you can not feed them any more. These are recent developments since the last few updates. also this is reported in the main thread for this main update for the game.

    I just tried on my test server and all seems to be working although it is jerky. This may be related to lag.

    I tested again and the names are now moving with the animals as did on the lan server so this problem is probably lag related but all animals and npc dummies return back to there original spawn spot, or as in the case of animals, they return to there birth spot every time I log off the server and back on. on both lan and my rented server.

  • Hallo zusammen!

    Soeben habe ich ein Kompatibilitäts-Update V0.81.1 bereitgestellt. Dies sollte weitestgehend das Problem mit den Namen beheben!
    Aus gesundheitlichen Gründen (Augen) war ich wenig aktiv gewesen.
    Kann noch einige Wochen dauern, bin aber wieder auf dem Weg der Besserung!

    Hallo. Danke und vor allem Gute Besserung. Lass es ruhig angehen. Die Augen sind das wichtigste. :)

    Ich sag´s wie´s ist und wem´s nicht passt, der hat Pech gehabt.

  • This is a follow on from sharkbitefisher post ( Rosalia server) relating to the npc/animals not sure to post here or the ABM plugin so will post
    in both.

    I have included 2 screen shots looking at a goat but with no name above it, and the second one which i have turned about 15 - 25 degrees but now
    shows the name.

    Im guessing its more the plugin that is causing the trouble??

    Logging out does fix the problem, but the problem still exists on random

  • Hallo,
    es wäre schön wenn man auch eine bestimmte tierart zurück rufen könnte.

    mfg Tiger082009

    Tiger082009 Admin vom MP Server Tigerland

    Alexander Pope: Irren ist menschlich, aber vergeben ist göttlich.

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