Changelog 2017-11-30: New playermodels, new items and more!

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • AdminTools script is .... /heal [ player name]

    Server Tools is .... /st heal [ player name ]

    hahahaha XD perfect I don't even remember correctly the commands I wrote

  • Thanks for the speed these bugs are getting squashed.
    I think that the axe and rake have already been reported as being held in left hands. While the rake appears to work fine (im not left handed), the axe will break your wrist if you try to chop with it held like that.

    Screen shots of the following:

    Ore detector having problems: Look closely at the printing in the lower rectangle window-it is half in half out of screen. The printing continues to stay below the space it should be in as you scroll thru it. Also the Needle in top window stuck permanently on the High position far to the right. Sorry I should have red marked all, but was afraid it might cover it.

    Next is the Headless sickler: appears to be shoulders and part of shirt showing.

    Rake is not making contact with ground-feels and looks like painting ground.

  • Issue with posters.

    Posters are not able to be placed. Like with melon seeds, when I place it on a surface it disappears. Then when I open my inventory it reappears in there instead of being placed in the world.

  • Evolution since last hotfix :
    - bandages and slit legs can be used, great !
    - morning star deals damage with LMB but crash the game if using secondary action (RMB) :

  • Hi, about the piano I placed it on floor and when trying to play my screen was "inverted" I mean the grass was at the sky place and the sky at the grass place. even after close the game and reload the world was head in place on feet

  • Quote

    Thanks for your help finding all these bugs and issues! If you still have any trouble with the preview version, please let us know

    It was lot's of fun to test the preview, thank you for your great work. Lot's of changes are very smart (the preview placement voxel is fantastic) and I can't wait to update my main world/server with this new update.

    And during this preview, I took time to build a little home, so all was nice ;)

  • The gravel, when set down is HUGE. This one is sitting on the ground.

    The weapon animations as of 2am est were not working at all. The rifle shows in one position only on the screen, and the bow shows in two: but neither of them are in correct alignment as shown below, the gun in first ss, shows only a small edge, in corner of screen. The ends of bow in the last 2 ss show a slight rise in elevation and that's all.

    As of 2 am est, I remade all the crafting stations on the workbench and others, and all work fine.

    I finished using the console menu commands to make all of the clothing using the clothing item_item command. All items were made successfully except the tuxedo coat, the VR, and the xmashat.
    A few of the outfits allowed the skin to show through: especially the tux pants. Some of the long sleeved shirts did the same. I am going to start making all of the clothing on the stations and see if I get the same results. And learn how to do so :).

    Just read that the Update is Updating Dec. 5th. Outstanding. Thanks for the great work Red. A very good job. (I know it is not done yet, but still great progress).

  • Thanks for all the feedback! :)

    Ouch, my backwards hand...

    Hehe, well, actually it's the left hand. These are two-handed items, unfortunately the left and right hands are swapped. That will be fixed soon ;)

    com.jme3.asset.AssetNotFoundException: Models/Items/Threadreel/threadreel.j3o

    That issue should be solved now^^

    Please, please revert to original stack sizes. Exploring/gathering has lost some of it's appeal as I have to return to base frequently to empty bags. Have just about gotten to the *&%# @& point.

    Hmm... we really need more feedback on this. I'm not so happy about the previous stack sizes, especially when it comes to big items like pelts (previously you were able to carry up to nearly 1200 pelts in your inventory) =O It would be great to hear what others think about this.

    armor has been implemented yet (reducing damage taken) ?

    Actually the clothes don't provide any stats yet, so unfortunately the leather armor does not yet reduce the damage taken. That will change soon ;)

    - steel hoe : Ok but morning star deals no damage still

    Morning star should be fixed now, although using the secondary action causes a crash - that will be fixed with the next update.

    I can't apply bandages to stop bleeding.

    Should be fixed after the latest hotfix^^

    Edited to add. I still can't take screenshots in the game. After I tried to take a screen shot with the print screen, I noticed a log in the rising world directory

    That's strange... when pressing the print key, there should be a new screenshot in your "Screenshots" subfolder in your game directory. However, when using Steam, it's anyway recommendable to use the Steam screenshot feature ^^

    1. the short and long-sleeve shirts need to be switched on the loom. One says short and shows a long sleeve.

    That should be fixed with the next update (or was it already fixed with the hotfix? don't remember :D)

    There are a few issues with tnt that I have noticed

    I'm working on it :)

    These are also very good. I really like how the swings feel, but they feel too soft. When I'm chopping down a tree, it feels like I am just setting the axe on the side of the tree. It would help if it was more like the stone hammer thing that you start off with. A backswing, and then a hard frontswing.

    Thanks for the feedback! Yeah unfortunately some animations still need some tweaks

    Though it seems a bit OP. It would be awesome if the bits on the drill wore out, and while digging it would get slower and slower until you replace the bit.

    I see... maybe we will change the mining drill a little bit ;)

    Few items not working properly. Broke my leg and can't splint it. It's been broken for well over an hour now. I may have to kill myself to get it removed. Moving very slowly. Watermelon seeds fail to plant.

    Bandages and splints should be working now. Watermelon seeds still cause issues, will be fixed soon!

    Next is the Headless sickler: appears to be shoulders and part of shirt showing.

    Does this issue still occur?

    Posters are not able to be placed

    That should be fixed after the latest hotfix. Or do you still run into this issue?

    - morning star deals damage with LMB but crash the game if using secondary action (RMB) :

    That will be fixed with the next update ;)

    I do not know if this has already been reported, but I just realized that the water is not as it should be.

    That's really strange... there was an issue with rendering water previously, but that was supposed to be fixed oO

    Hi, about the piano I placed it on floor and when trying to play my screen was "inverted" I mean the grass was at the sky place and the sky at the grass place. even after close the game and reload the world was head in place on feet

    Hmm... what fov setting do you use (in settings -> view adjustment)? Was the piano placed on even ground?

    And during this preview, I took time to build a little home, so all was nice

    This looks really nice! :thumbup:

    The gravel, when set down is HUGE. This one is sitting on the ground.

    Yeah, unfortunately the resolution of the terrain "blocks" is quite low, resulting in big chunks of stone/dirt/gravel/etc when placing... it's not a new issue, but hopefully there will be enough time to address this feature in the near future

    The weapon animations as of 2am est were not working at all. The rifle shows in one position only on the screen, and the bow shows in two: but neither of them are in correct alignment as shown below, the gun in first ss, shows only a small edge, in corner of screen. The ends of bow in the last 2 ss show a slight rise in elevation and that's all.

    This seems to happen when flymode is enabled (when spawning initially). Disabling flymode should fix the issue. Nevertheless, probably the next update will get this issue sorted out :)

    A few of the outfits allowed the skin to show through: especially the tux pants

    That's true, it's still something that needs to be changed

  • Hmm... we really need more feedback on this. I'm not so happy about the previous stack sizes, especially when it comes to big items like pelts (previously you were able to carry up to nearly 1200 pelts in your inventory) It would be great to hear what others think about this.

    Yes, smaller stacks are better, even smaller than the new ones... provided we get animals and other things to transport extra stuff! ;)

  • Thank you Red51 for all your work on this game.

    I had to do a goggle search because I forgot how to take screenshots in steam. Screenshots are sorted for me, thanks for reminding me about the steam screenshot feature.

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