Changelog 2017-12-30: Fireworks, new items and a Happy New Year!

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • first of all: great great work!!!! i have to say that i love rw so much, i buy it for some friends as present and they all love it!!!!

    but i really would like to see in the next update a plate armor and that the samurai-helmet cover the whole head. i actually love all the new weapons. so i miss the possibility to "show" them. a weapon holder would be very useful and decorative. maybe as kind of the torchholder or as a shield or something.

    i miss to some different looks of blocks for the rooftop. straw or bamboo would be great too or palmleafes. and some kind of shingle that looks like more a shingle and not "just a sliced block"

    and for me a big thing is the water-physics. i cant wait anymore to flood different parts on my map. every castle needs a moat^^

    and a little bug: the big lights shining through walls. im sorry for having no image of that.

  • thank you this is less lagging on the Jingle Bell Jam site :)

    Thanks for the feedback, glad to hear that :)

    Still using a huge amount of ram, almost 7gb just on the menu screen alone!

    Where do you get this information from? Please keep in mind that the game allocates the max memory from the beginning (depending on the OS), so if you assign 8 GB to the game (this happens automatically if you have enough RAM), the Java VM will allocate it (even if the game actually only consumes a few MB) ^^

    When you're just in the main menu (i.e. just started the game, so you haven't loaded a world before, for example), the overall memory consumption should not exceed ~ 1 GB. You can get the actual memory consumption by typing memory into console ("used" heap + direct memory) ;)

    When a world is loaded, you can press F3 in order to get accurate memory stats.

    but i really would like to see in the next update a plate armor and that the samurai-helmet cover the whole head

    Yeah more armors are actually in the works :thumbup: About the samurai helmet, what do you mean exactly? Something like a mask?

    a weapon holder would be very useful and decorative. maybe as kind of the torchholder or as a shield or something.

    That's definitely planned, unfortunately I have no ETA for that yet :|

    and a little bug: the big lights shining through walls. im sorry for having no image of that.

    Yes, unfortunately light still does not get obstructed by blocks or planks. It's on our todo list, and it wouldn't be a huge problem for blocks, but calculating the light gets pretty expensive when taking planks and beams into account (especially when placing lots of construction elements). We still did not find a way to generate it properly without killing the performance.

  • yeah a mask! i forgot that they wear a mask to look more terrifying. that would be awesome!!! they wear it under the helmet.

    I am grateful for the wonderful community and your work here red51!!! happy new year, health and luck for everyone and your familys!

  • I have to say out of the 3 things to be implemented first, I would like to see horses and boats. And speaking of horses (animals really) when are they going to be fixed from going through walls and such? Also my spawned elephants and rhinos no longer move. They stay in the same spot I dropped them in forever. I hope that can be worked on soon. My zoo is full of escapees! Lol

  • I do apologize i think Ive found the problem, the memory leak was caused by a compatibility issue with the update and an older version of Java, Ive updated Java and it seems to be using less ram now. So anyone with a similar issue, try updating Java to the latest version.

  • how swords and rifles are used as decor ?

    Yes, I would very much like this to become possible.
    Maybe some cool frames for weapons and armor.
    A wooden manikin with a "bald nostalgia" appearance for clothing and armor.
    If it is possible to move weapons and armor just as we do with blocks, beams and planks (setp and setr), it would be perfect.

  • Es wäre schön, wenn es einen Esel geben könnte, wie bei Grizzly Adams, der Mann in den Bergen, eine meiner Lieblingsserien aus meiner Kindheit. Wäre doch ein ideales Tier zu Transportzwecken.

    Google Translator: It would be nice if there could be a donkey like Grizzly Adams, the man in the mountains, one of my favorite series from my childhood. Would be an ideal animal for transport purposes.



    Die Kleidung und die Frisur mit Bart von Mad Jack würden auch super für meinen Charakter im Spiel passen...

    The clothes and hairstyle with beard of Mad Jack would also fit great for my character in the game ...


  • I would like to see the game go through the ages. So mounts first for me.

    Its Kind of hard to do that when there are modern things alredy in the game... Eg.. Mining Drill, Flouesent lights, modern clothes.. moderm weaponms. maybye there wil be a mod that restricts what you can make, then progress

  • I do not use any recent technology. Sometimes I use colored lamps hidden behind walls or underneath the floor to create a different ambiance. But I definitely do not like this mix. I preferred to prioritize old technologies, but since I'm defeated, I can only hope to have more medieval or steam punk elements in the future.
    Modern architecture and technology have no appeal to my imagination.

    When we have common real-world things inside games, imagination works less. Less imaginative work = less brain activity.
    My opinion. :whistling:

    Its Kind of hard to do that when there are modern things alredy in the game... Eg.. Mining Drill, Flouesent lights, modern clothes.. moderm weaponms. maybye there wil be a mod that restricts what you can make, then progress

  • Its Kind of hard to do that when there are modern things alredy in the game... Eg.. Mining Drill, Flouesent lights, modern clothes.. moderm weaponms. maybye there wil be a mod that restricts what you can make, then progress

    True, I meant more of the transportation aspect though. I'd like to see, mounts, maybe wagons and boats before trains and cars. Although trains and even mine carts would be great for lugging everything home. And if we're lucky those flying elephants! ;)

  • how about letting Red51 choose he maybe wants air-planes, snails and then horses

    "We also can't wait to release the other things which are already in their starting holes, e.g. mounts and other transportation options, like trains and boats.
    Which one of these features do you actually prefer and want to see first? ;)" - Red51


    In fact he asked for our opinions. ^^

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