!! Important Notice !!

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Is there any way we can retrieve a steam id given a player's rw id so we can rebuild our blacklists?

    Yes, there will be commands for admins to get the UID of a certain player. For the API, there will be a getUID() function for the player object, as mentioned by @yahgiggle ^^

    Its nice to know what is coming ahead of time like this announcement, it saves my team and myself a lot of headaches cause we can at least prepare for whats coming

    If you have any questions, or if something does not work as intended after the update, just let us know :)

    Are you sure the steam dedicated server can be downloaded anonymously? im getting "failed to install app 33910 <no subscription>"

    Yes, the Steam dedicated is supposed to be available anonymously. Did you use the right app id (the one in the error message is apparently wrong)? The server app id is 339010 ;)

    Actually, I use this script : Server Update Script which do the job very well. but steamcmd is not really an issue.

    Oh, well, this update script will no longer work unfortunately... but using SteamCMD to update a server is quite easy (although it does not create a backup of the server automatically)

    Hey, if you do that, we will have no chance to welcome you if you want to visit our servers !

    Hehe, I'll keep a backdoor for that name :D

    Okay, This is the first time I have administered a server. I use GTX as my host. With these changes, what does it mean to me as a neophyte?

    Basically the update won't require many changes in this case, if any. If your name is currently set as admin (in the server.properties), you have to update that and use the UID/SteamID instead. Otherwise, if a blacklist or whitelist is set up, you have to exchange the names with the according SteamIDs as well. That's it ;)
    But be aware that some plugins maybe don't work as intended after the update (at least if the plugin relied on the player name to identify a player).

  • does anyone know where i can find it as a normal download link rather than a repository tool that dosent work?

    SteamCMD is a Steam tool, it definitely works ;) Did you use the right app id? Also make sure that you login (anonymously) before downloading the app. If you use Windows, this is the command to download the server:
    steamcmd.exe +login anonymous +app_update 339010

    Alternatively, if you have the Steam version of the game, you can download the server files from your Steam lib under "Tools" (Rising World Dedicated Server)

  • Instead of running steamcmd then typing it into the steamcmd window, i tried selecting run and typed d:\steamcmd\steamcmd.exe +login anonymous +app_update 339010 and it worked. ive no idea why the command ran from the run box and not the steamcmd console. Thanks for that, the server now works and is ready for the update. the only other problem I encountered is in order to run the server.exe you need MSVCP120.dll and MSVCR120.dll in the windows system32 and maybe the 64bit versions in the systemwow64 directory under windows. Just in-case anyone has the same issue :thumbup:

  • I have a question re: the standalones. The first RW I bought was from the RW site and I played it with no connection to Steam. I had never played any games using Steam.

    Then I bought the Steam version as I thought it may be a good idea and set up an account there.

    I have two separate accounts one for RW Steam, one for RW stand alone.

    Red51, if I understand you, I can still play the standalone: but I'm confused, how can I play the stand alone without going thru Steam? Sorry but I know nothing of server change overs and very little about Steam. I will keep looking into posts and try to see whats happening and if I can figure this out.

    I thank you for working to fix the Ddos attacks. Too bad some people just don't have anything better to do with themselves except mess around with others games. Keep on keepin' on Red. I love RW.

  • the only other problem I encountered is in order to run the server.exe you need MSVCP120.dll and MSVCR120.dll in the windows system32 and maybe the 64bit versions in the systemwow64 directory under windows

    Yeah, unfortunately the executable currently requires MS VCRedist 2013 to be installed (which contains these dlls). But alternatively one could also just start the server.jar. With the next update, we will provide a new exe as well as a start script for Linux ^^

    Red51, if I understand you, I can still play the standalone: but I'm confused, how can I play the stand alone without going thru Steam?

    Yes, you can still play the standalone after the update ;) We will keep a small hive server for standalone users. When connecting to a mp server, the server will check if you're a standalone or steam user. For standalone users, it doesn't use the Steam authentication, instead it still communicates with our servers^^

  • Will it be possible to combine steam ids and rw usernames in a blacklist or whitelist file? I imagine both steam and the new smaller hive will be used to authenticate all players (steam or standalone).

    No, the blacklist and whitelist will only work with UIDs unfortunately. When putting a user to the blacklist/whitelist, you have to use his UID, but there will be functions for admins to get the UID of an user, and it can also be aquired from the server log (standalone users will also have a UID).
    However, the new hive will only be used for standalone users. Authentication for Steam users will be solely handled by Steam ;)

    Can someone connect to a RW server with my name and get me banned?

    No, if a user gets banned, the server no longer bans the name, instead the UID of the user gets banned. The name of the user doesn't matter for this anymore.

  • Yes, you can still play the standalone after the update ;) We will keep a small hive server for standalone users. When connecting to a mp server, the server will check if you're a standalone or steam user. For standalone users, it doesn't use the Steam authentication, instead it still communicates with our servers^^

    Thank you Red. That's just what I wanted to know.

  • Good decision! I have some questions:
    1. if there is a hive for the standalone, ddos attacks can still happen?
    2. where can I see my standalone id?
    3. is it possible to refund the standalone and get a steam key?

  • 1. if there is a hive for the standalone, ddos attacks can still happen?

    Yes, basically it can still happen, although we rewrite the hive from scratch to make it more robust. And since Steam players won't be affected by a DDoS attack on our servers anyway, I really don't think anyone is still interested in attacking our servers ;)

    2. where can I see my standalone id?

    After the update, you will be able to see the standalone UID in the top right corner of the main menu (under the playername)

    3. is it possible to refund the standalone and get a steam key?

    Yes, basically that's possible. If a standalone user wants to get a Steam key, just send an email to support@jiw-games.net including your username and also the email address that was used when purchasing the game :)

  • Hey @red51 where's my saved games stored?

    As @yahwho mentioned, your worlds are stored in the "Worlds" folder in your game directory (when using the Steam version, you can also get to the game menu by rightclicking on RW in Steam -> Properties -> Local files -> Browse local files) ;)
    Other player data, for example Blueprints, are also stored in the game directory (blueprints can be found in the "Blueprints" folder).
    The game config (containing graphics settings, key bindings) is stored in a file called "config.properties" in your game dir

  • Thanks I took the worlds folder and created a .rar file of it for backup along with the configs. Made a folder called Backup in the Main Directory and also sent a copy over to a CD-ROM as a just in case. Thanks again guys, now if I could just find my old blueprints that are buried somewhere in these forums I could also begin my Subscriber Specials again. By the way wanted to ask if flowing water is in the works and how that impact world saves if rivers, creeks, misc rocks and boulders were added? I'm looking into JSON files to add stones, pebbles, boulders and possibly new plant types for wet zones; such as anywhere it rains with the exception of deserts and other dry arid zones. Opis Model Creator works beautiful with creating new types of blocks, and decoratives to the game.

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