!! Important Notice !!

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Probably you've noticed the recent DDoS attacks on our HIVE server. As a result, the downtime forced the game to run in offline mode. When the game runs in offline mode, you are still able to play singleplayer or via P2P/LAN, but you can no longer join any public multiplayer servers with hive-verification enabled.

    Basically the hive is there to make sure that usernames are unique. This allows Steam users to play with standalone users.

    Unfortunately there isn't much we can do against the DDoS attacks, and since it's inacceptable to ignore them, we made a momentous decision: We will get rid of the hive server, at least for Steam users. From that point on, authentication will be solely handled by Steam. In return, user names are no longer unique, so you will be able to change your name at any time (identifying users will happen via SteamID). This also means you no longer need an account to play multiplayer.

    In a nutshell, these changes are only beneficial for Steam users. Due to these changes the game will have a better Steam integration, e.g. support for the Steam server browser.

    Of course we will still support the standalone users, and they will still be able to play with Steam users, so there will be no drawbacks for standalone users.

    These changes also affect server admins: Since user names will be no longer unique, you will have to use the SteamID64 for the whitelist/blacklist or to set up admins. In addition, we have to get rid of the standalone server, so the server will only be available through Steam (but it supports anonymous login, and there is no need to install Steam in order to run the server). Of course standalone users will be able to play on these servers.
    It's highly important to create a backup prior the update, since the update requires some extensive conversions to the world database. To be on the safe side, it's also recommendable to create a backup of singleplayer worlds.

    Apart from that, there will be some changes to the Plugin API as well. It's important that plugin creators update their plugins if they rely on playernames to identify a player. We created a separate topic about that: https://forum.rising-world.net/thread/7781

    Unfortunately we have to take down the stats page for the time being, since it will be no longer compatible with the new servers. Also the rcon tool will only have limited support, but we will release a new, better rcon tool in a few weeks.

    If you have any questions, please let us know :)

    Overview of all changes:

    • Authentication is solely handled by Steam, so it doesn't matter if our servers are online or not (Steam version only)
    • No need to create an account to play multiplayer (Steam version only)
    • User names are no longer unique. In return, you can always change your user name
    • User identification will be done via SteamID (standalone users will receive a similar ID)
    • The dedicated server files will only be available through Steam (SteamCMD is sufficient and anonymous login supported). Standalone users can also play on the Steam server
    • No changes for singleplayer, P2P multiplayer or LAN
    • Server admins have to use SteamID for whitelist/blacklist/adminlist/banlist (or standalone ID)
    • Server admins can reserve names on their server (and, in addition, block certain user names)
    • Some changes to Plugin API, maybe some plugins need to be updated in order to stay compatible
    • We will add support for the Steam server browser
    • We no longer need a separate EULA for Steam users
    • We have to take down the stats page for the time being
    • The rcon tool only has limited support, but we will release a new rcon tool in a few next weeks
    • Standalone users will be able to access beta branches of the Steam version
  • Hello.

    It will be a big move for servers admins. I have few questions.


    Server admins have to use SteamID for whitelist/blacklist/adminlist/banlist (or standalone ID)

    Will we have an easy way to catch the steamid ingame ? not only for ban but for area protection or setting group ? if username is not unique anymore, we need to use steamid for those too ?


    Server admins can reserve names on their server (and, in addition, block certain user names)

    It would be useful to insert dev's names in config, or we will see many red51 running in our servers ^^


    The dedicated server files will only be available through Steam (SteamCMD is sufficient and anonymous login supported). Standalone users can also play on the Steam server

    I'm only worry about the update script at the moment but I guess we can adapt it for downloading the steam server (or have a new script for ?) I think of https://gameservermanagers.com/ which is very useful for managing steams servers (I don't know if we can add Rising World in their list)

  • Well I'm feeling a bit better these days but coming by here to read this change still makes me wonder if Hive was even a good idea? I've read up on a few servers and VPN networks with security and wanted to suggest a few for you since I've been ill, but if everything is just being given to Valve to work out the kinks I guess that'll work too. As I read we should back up our single player worlds I can't help but wonder why? My reason for asking this is because I've never figured out how to invite anyone to my singleplayer world yet. I could click that button on the bottom right till I'm blue in the face and yet still not even Joni or anyone else could I successfully invite to my world. So how will this work now? Does this mean the dedicated servers are gone? A good example would be like ARK: Survival Evolved they've got official servers setup so that anyone could join them up to 250 people at a time I think is the max. Do you have official servers or will all that disappear? I don't know @red51 , I will support you and the game for as long as it lasts. Just keep up the great work and we're sorry to see you had to deal with all these attacks. With all the work you put into the game it's a shame everything had to come to a screeching halt because of a few bad eggs. One thing I would like to say is this: Red we love you!

  • Will we have an easy way to catch the steamid ingame ? not only for ban but for area protection or setting group ? if username is not unique anymore, we need to use steamid for those too ?

    Yes, the SteamID (or the standalone ID accordingly) will be visible in the main menu (below the user name in the top right corner). Rightclicking on it allows you to copy it to clipboard ;) Probably we will also add a command for admins to get the steamID of a player who's currently on the server.
    Alternatively it's possible to get the SteamID of a certain user if you have a link to his profile.

    It would be useful to insert dev's names in config, or we will see many red51 running in our servers

    Hehe, yeah, probably we will blacklist these names from the game anyway :D Otherwise people could abuse it

    I'm only worry about the update script at the moment but I guess we can adapt it for downloading the steam server (or have a new script for ?)

    What update script do you mean exactly? Basically there will be two ways to check the version automatically: on the one hand, you can get a json string containing all branches which are available on Steam (including the build number and version). On the other hand, you can also just get the current version number. The new links for these requests aren't ready yet, I'll post them before the update goes live ;)

    I think of gameservermanagers.com/ which is very useful for managing steams servers

    It's our intention to send a contribution containing support for rw servers to gameservermanagers.com after the update. However, I don't think this will be ready in time for the update :|

    Just a thought, how can we prevent someone impersonating another user?

    Server admins can set up a list containing reserved names. This allows you to either block certain names (e.g. if you don't want users to have names like "Admin" or "Moderator" or something like that), or alternatively you can assign a certain name to a specific UID (e.g. you could link the name "yahwho" to your SteamID, in this case you will be the only person who's able to use that name) ;)

    Well I'm feeling a bit better these days but coming by here to read this change still makes me wonder if Hive was even a good idea?

    Well, basically the hive was originally necessary since there wasn't a Steam version at the beginning. It was required to authenticate standalone users. When moving to Steam, we didn't want to force existing people to move to Steam as well, so we kept the hive. We didn't knew that the hive will cause so many problems at one point :/

    I've read up on a few servers and VPN networks with security and wanted to suggest a few for you

    We already have a ha-cluster and a comprehensive DDoS protection which can handle up to 11 tbit/s (and there aren't any security issues at all), but filtering legit traffic from malicious traffic is always tricky. If we want to stick to the hive, we need a lot more servers (with proper load balancing in place, the more servers you have, the bigger the attacking botnet has to be to really cause a downtime). Unfortunately we don't have the funds for a massive server infrastructure, so fully migrating to Steam is probably the best solution (of course Steam also suffers from networking issues sometimes and DDoS attacks may also happen for Steam, but usually there shouldn't be many problems at all) ;)

    As I read we should back up our single player worlds I can't help but wonder why?

    Since the game used the player name to authenticate a user previously, we need to change that to a unique user ID now. But since there is always a small chance that world conversions fail, it's recommendable to create a backup of existing world (just to make assurance doubly sure). But well, if something really goes wrong, in the worst case you will "only" lose your inventory.

    My reason for asking this is because I've never figured out how to invite anyone to my singleplayer world yet. I could click that button on the bottom right till I'm blue in the face and yet still not even Joni or anyone else could I successfully invite to my world

    If you want to play via Steam P2P (i.e. invite people from your friend list), you have to select a world first and then hit the green "Play with friends" button ;) Once the world is loaded, you can invite a friend from your friend list (or alternatively they can join the game through the friend list accordingly)

    Does this mean the dedicated servers are gone?

    Dedicated servers will still be there, and they will still be available for free of course :) But we can't offer them on our homepage anymore, so it will be necessary to download them from Steam. But we add support for SteamCMD (a slim command-line based Steam tool) and anonymous login (so there is no Steam account required to download/run the server).
    If you want to run the server on your local machine, you can also find it in your Steam lib under "Tools"

    Do you have official servers or will all that disappear?

    Unfortunately we don't have any official servers (we don't have enough time to administrate them), but basically there is no reason why a server would disappear due to this update ^^ Most server hosters were already using SteamCMD to offer (and update) their Rising World servers

  • Hi @red51

    Sorry if I missed this in your announcement but I'm concerned how we will manage our current blacklists on our servers. I don't see any kind of getSteamID method on Players in the API. Is there any way we can retrieve a steam id given a player's rw id so we can rebuild our blacklists?

  • Ops skim read too fast (my mistake)! But that still doesn't stop anyone not on the reserve list. :/

    Edit: maybe a plugin is in order 8) Anyways, upshot is I would rather this than a DDOS.

    a plugin would be the better idea, i think blocking the name yahwho could cause more problems than not blocking it, because someone out there may have that name for a good legit reason so why should they be blocked oO a plugin could give server admins the power to add a tag or slightly change names that are the same something like yahwho(1) then yahwho(2) then yahwho(3) then everytime yahwho(3) enters the server they will always get the yahwho(3) name, every player could have this tag unless you are added to that server as a trusted user then the tag is changed to something else maybe yahwho(3) now becomes yahwho with a hidden tag 3

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • Hi @red51

    Sorry if I missed this in your announcement but I'm concerned how we will manage our current blacklists on our servers. I don't see any kind of getSteamID method on Players in the API. Is there any way we can retrieve a steam id given a player's rw id so we can rebuild our blacklists?

    The new API has the getUID (long PlayerUID = player.getUID();)

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • Thank you for the news in advance, I'm not much of a flexible guy when all of a sudden server needs an update and things change so serverly that I cant catch up to get things done before having to go to sleep or work in the morning.

    Its nice to know what is coming ahead of time like this announcement, it saves my team and myself a lot of headaches cause we can at least prepare for whats coming :D The Seranians of Serenity Server salute you :thumbsup:

  • Are you sure the steam dedicated server can be downloaded anonymously? im getting "failed to install app 33910 <no subscription>" I want to try and avoid installing steam on my server if possible as I want all the resources available for the server.

  • What update script do you mean exactly? Basically there will be two ways to check the version automatically: on the one hand, you can get a json string containing all branches which are available on Steam (including the build number and version). On the other hand, you can also just get the current version number. The new links for these requests aren't ready yet, I'll post them before the update goes live

    Actually, I use this script : Server Update Script which do the job very well. but steamcmd is not really an issue. I'm not a developer (I understand, but it's difficult for me to make automatisation script myself). If in the future, we will have a gameserver script, it will be perfect (I say that for the long run. It's better to have simple way to manage/update servers I think)

    Hehe, yeah, probably we will blacklist these names from the game anyway Otherwise people could abuse it

    Hey, if you do that, we will have no chance to welcome you if you want to visit our servers !

  • Okay, This is the first time I have administered a server. I use GTX as my host. With these changes, what does it mean to me as a neophyte? All I have done so far is work with the config file and permissions file on my GTX hosting site and added a few plugins.

  • Are you sure the steam dedicated server can be downloaded anonymously? im getting "failed to install app 33910 <no subscription>" I want to try and avoid installing steam on my server if possible as I want all the resources available for the server.

    From what I've read (so far) you need a steam account to run a steam server, and the account needs to be different to that of the one you play with otherwise you won't be able to play on your own server. The "server" steam account doesn't need to have any games associated with it though. It doesn't look like the steam server has that much of a footprint on hardware resources. Still reading but I thought I'd share what I understand so far. Please do correct me if I am mistaken! ( I often am :rolleyes: )

    Edit: it's an old article on hosting a counterstrike source server I'm reading. It does look like there is maybe limit on server slots too. I.e 32 players.

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