Changelog 2018-03-22: Bows, armors, chainsaw and dummy NPCs

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • hmm try using the other NPC setting commands to change the skin colour etc. Does it work?

    try using spawnnpc male/female and see what happens.

    The default behaviour should use your character's skin colour and clothes, what does your character look like atm?

  • I am getting reports of items disappearing when trying to use the trade window. In particular saplings sprouts and grass have been reported to disappear during transaction.

    That's strange, basically we didn't touch the whole trading thing :huh: Is there a way to reproduce the issue? Or does it always happen when trading saplings or grass?

    I would love to see an NPC playing randomized sheet music haha

    Hehe, well, at least it would work to give the NPC some pre-made sheets from virtualpiano :D

    My NPC was blackened

    This seems to be a bug. I'm still checking out what's going on there, I guess there will be a hotfix very soon ;)

    That spawned npc gave me some real laughs with that animal breeding mod

    This made my day :thumbsup:

    This is the animal breeding plugin, very funny. I have some other funny incidents, I don't know if the pictures are not deleted.

    Hehe, sorry but I had to delete the picture (otherwise it could result in some misunderstandings) :D But this issue seems to be related to the "pitch black skin" issue 8|

  • My NPC was blackened :/

    let me guess.... something like ... male 1 1 1 1 1

    i did the same - the black NPC happens because the last 3 values are for an RGB colour code. Red51 explained it quite well on the first page (i had the same question as you) and also on the steam forum - helpsection

  • let me guess.... something like ... male 1 1 1 1 1

    i did the same - the black NPC happens because the last 3 values are for an RGB colour code. Red51 explained it quite well on the first page (i had the same question as you) and also on the steam forum - helpsection

    NPCs now disappeared :D:D

  • @red51

    Im not sure how the 3D marker for group members is supposed to work but i doubt it should start with a red circle on the screen (not on the player) that at some point remains in one spot and later gets children. i tried it for a few min and in the end i had 6 red circles scattered across the screen.

    actually i hoped that marker would show the position of team members on the map :)

  • Hehe, it sounds strange, but this is actually intended :D The setnpcskin command works like this:setnpcskin [gender (male/female)][haircut (id)][beard (id)][haircolor (rgb)][eyecolor (rgb)][skincolor (rgb)], for example setnpcskin female 2 -1 0xAA0000 0x11AAFF 0xCCCCCC.
    You just set a very dark skin color (black), and since there are no limitations (you could even give her blue or red skin color), you get this result ^^ However, the parameters are optional, so if you only want to change the gender, for example, you can simply type setnpcskin female

    I'm really not sure of what the perimeters are for coloration. The example you gave seems like hex code, not RGB code. If it were RGB it would be around something such as (setnpcskin female 2 -1 (130,15,0), (20,60, 50), (12, 29, 2). So with your example, are the characters "0x" followed by a hex code required to modify the color? When i was trying RGB, my dummies looked like the Blue Man Group if my end perimeter (3rd number) went passed 20. I'm a bit confused since hex usually starts with a "#" sign. The male, no beard hair style work just fine, but the color is the thing that is confusing me the most. ?(?(?(

  • Im not sure how the 3D marker for group members is supposed to work but i doubt it should start with a red circle on the screen (not on the player) that at some point remains in one spot and later gets children. i tried it for a few min and in the end i had 6 red circles scattered across the screen.

    The 3D marker is supposed to show the location of other group members, but for some reason it doesn't work in some cases 8| I will check out what's going on there!

    I'm really not sure of what the perimeters are for coloration

    It looks like there is an issue that the colors are not interpreted properly sometimes. I will fix this issue asap ;)

    since hex usually starts with a "#" sign

    Usually only html color codes start with a #, hex values usually have the 0x prefix (so it doesn't get confused with regular decimal numbers). Although I admit that it would be convenient if the command also accepts #
    Nevertheless, the best solution would be a handy gui :)

  • It looks like there is an issue that the colors are not interpreted properly sometimes. I will fix this issue asap ;)

    Usually only html color codes start with a #, hex values usually have the 0x prefix (so it doesn't get confused with regular decimal numbers). Although I admit that it would be convenient if the command also accepts #Nevertheless, the best solution would be a handy gui :)

    Thanks Red, much appreciated. Thank you kindly for this update!!!!

  • A hotfix is now available! It introduces a GUI which provides a more convenient way to edit NPCs (just type "editnpc" into console while looking at the particular NPC) and also fixes a few other issues. Server owners also have to update their servers.

    Hotfix 2018-03-25 (

    • [New] You can assign names to NPCs now
    • [New] Added GUI to change name and appearance of dummy NPCs (type "editnpc" into console)
    • [Change] Tweaked some sounds
    • [Change] NPCs should no longer fall through the ground (need feedback)
    • [Change] Updated aiming position of bows
    • [Change] Dummy NPCs no longer sleep during night
    • [Change] Steel hoe can now also be used to craft "farmland blocks"
    • [Bugfix] Fixed death animation of npcs getting stuck in endless loop
    • [Bugfix] Fixed flickering clothing and items
    • [Bugfix] Player no longer falls through ground if it's made out of construction elements and not fully loaded yet
    • [Bugfix] Fixed pain and death sounds of female dummy npc
    • [Bugfix] Fixed crash when debug console was active
  • Why, when you try to edit an dummy npc, do they all seem to take off walking to the east? They aren't even walking, they are sliding off to the east.

    If you change the skin while the NPC is walking, the animation resets until the NPC stops. We will fix this cosmetic issue with the next update ;) However, if you don't want the NPC to walk around (which happens randomly) while changing the appearance, I'd recommend to lock it first by typing "locknpc 1", and once you're ready, it can be "unlocked" by typing "locknpc 0"

  • Well I tried locking the NPC first and when I opened the edit window it turned and started walking east. It ran into another npc and stoped for a few then I unlocked it and it continued to walk east. Why are they walking east? and why are they walking away when I activate the edit window at all? and this always happens every time I activate the edit window.

  • I'd be surprised if you got this joke that it may require a Google search....

    "Look! The east is burning red!"


    Well, I'm loving how we have more control over these NPCs that I love how you can name them, configure them, and such. The GUI works nicely that I wish it was more of an item related spawning, yet this works. Maybe a plugin could be made survival wise, or something, but until then I do love the GUI in this. The old NPC I had before disappeared while the ones I spawned in recently stayed there. I'm clocking them to see how long they stay. I guess each NPC update shall reset them that it's best to simply leave them there for experimental purposes. I spawn the NPC in, I lock them in, then I customize them, and then just let them be. Their names registers them as players that you can see where they are that they give me a smile for when we gain actual NPC Companions. We're so close now!

    The only gripe I have now is that we can't change clothing appearances yet won't pester Red51 for that because there's a lot on his plate. It be nice though, and I guess it'll come with time so I'm just loosely mentioning that I'd love an outfit portion of the GUI, unless I'm somehow missing it.

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