Status Update: Vegetation and grass

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • I really understand you, trust me. Some players who fall in love with Rising World can't wait to play the demo, they play the Java version and torture the server owners and admins, the moderators)). Therefore, I will answer you the same as for the players.

    1. Take your time. Otherwise, there will be errors, lags (lags are incorrect, since C # net.core).

    The longer they run, the cleaner the code. + They are not machines. Developers need to relax and they have families too. Right?

    2. + these are serious guys, they said they would do what they planned, don't rush them. :)

    3. It doesn't matter how soon the demo comes out, when you like it anyway.

    + This is a decent, serious company that cares about users too.

    Everything has its time:) Excuse me for my bad english.

  • 1. We mean plumbing (watering plants).

    Oh ok, well, something like that is basically planned, but unfortunately I cannot share much details about that yet at this stage :|

    2. Do you plan in the future to configure the server for the collection, extraction of resources? (for example: the ability to increase or decrease the amount of wood extracted from one tree, the ability to increase or decrease the amount of ore extracted from one ore vein and other resources).

    This sounds like a good idea! We'll think about adding an option for server admins to change the "gather rate" ;)

    Not to seem impatient but super excited to try the tech demo, any eta? ;) Looks great!

    It's still on our radar, but unfortunately we don't have an ETA for that yet :( Currently we're working on objects (more precisely, handling for objects like furniture, doors etc) and vegetation also still needs some fine tuning - once that's done, we can release a first tech demo.

    Going stir-crazy during lockdown! Please, please, release a demo before we go completely bonkers!

    Hehe, we will try to get it ready ASAP :D We will post at least a new announcement very soon, hopefully this week, including a new video^^

  • Hi red51,

    A link for you

    Thanks for the link, but unfortunately most of these models aren't suitable for a game ;) When it comes to game specific models, it's important that models don't have too high poly counts and don't consist of too many submeshes. When adding new models, we also want to make sure that they more or less fit to the other models in the game or the graphics of the game in general ^^

    Nevertheless, we have quite a lot of different doors in preparation and hope to be able to share some screenshots soon.

    How about this hatch and garage door or colored front doors

    We have a garage door and a few hatches / trap doors in the works :D When it comes to colored doors, it will be possible to change the color of most objects btw (including doors) - there will be different colored doors though, but in most cases, it's sufficient to just craft a white door and paint it accordingly^^

  • Not sure if this is even possible ( and far as I know it isn't ) but it would be great if we could design our own doors in planks n beams and some how save that design into a working door? I do understand that i am asking too much with this but hay silly ideas sometimes turn into stupid ones :crazy::crazy::crazy:.

    One last thing is it still going to be possible to blueprint in game objects (like doors / trap doors) and use them in different ways ??

  • Not sure if this is even possible ( and far as I know it isn't ) but it would be great if we could design our own doors in planks n beams and some how save that design into a working door?

    This would be a cool feature, but unfortunately this won't be available for the time being :/ However, maybe this is something we could add in the long run.

    One last thing is it still going to be possible to blueprint in game objects (like doors / trap doors) and use them in different ways ??

    Yes, this will still be possible :)

  • It would be nice if we had a cuple sets of double doors. That way we could have them both open out or in, rather then turning 1 door around and setting the second door in the open position, like it were closed so that when you closed the door it swings to the open position. It is difficult to align the doors as it is and I believe you need blueprints to do it.

  • It would be nice if we had a cuple sets of double doors. That way we could have them both open out or in, rather then turning 1 door around and setting the second door in the open position, like it were closed so that when you closed the door it swings to the open position. It is difficult to align the doors as it is and I believe you need blueprints to do it.

    Creating proper double doors will be a lot easier in the new version ;) You will be able to flip / mirror the door while placing. So in order to create a double door, you would place a door, then just place another, mirrored door next to it. Good thing is both doors will open in the same direction in this case.

    In addition to that, the game will automatically detect opposite doors, so opening one door opens the other one right next to it as well:

  • Wow!! I just saw the doors on trello and just had to let you know how awesome this looks. Also it's nice to see the current health indicators still in place. I hope they don't change too much in the final version. The lighting from the metal fireplace in the tunnel look great as well and I love the shadows cast. The effect of that material layering you implemented really shows in the door animations. It's nice to see a little grass overgrown here and there along the edges of the path, very natural looking.

  • Thanks for the link, but unfortunately most of these models aren't suitable for a game ;) When it comes to game specific models, it's important that models don't have too high poly counts and don't consist of too many submeshes. When adding new models, we also want to make sure that they more or less fit to the other models in the game or the graphics of the game in general ^^

    Nevertheless, we have quite a lot of different doors in preparation and hope to be able to share some screenshots soon.

    We have a garage door and a few hatches / trap doors in the works :D When it comes to colored doors, it will be possible to change the color of most objects btw (including doors) - there will be different colored doors though, but in most cases, it's sufficient to just craft a white door and paint it accordingly^^

    Will there be more glass doors other than the one shown? Like more modern glass doors?

  • I've been wishing for self built doors for years. Knowing that working hlnges with self built doors are not possible, but great to hear that the idea of own doors is somewhere in mind. :love:

    Are garden doors or half height doors planned. You can blueprint doors and can set them lower, but then the door handle dissappears.

  • Creating proper double doors will be a lot easier in the new version ;) You will be able to flip / mirror the door while placing. So in order to create a double door, you would place a door, then just place another, mirrored door next to it. Good thing is both doors will open in the same direction in this case.

    In addition to that, the game will automatically detect opposite doors, so opening one door opens the other one right next to it as well:

    It's little things just like this that makes me so happy for things to come in the future :thumbup::thumbup:

  • Thank you so much for your feedback! :)

    Will there be more glass doors other than the one shown? Like more modern glass doors?

    Yes, more glass doors are in the works ;) But the door shown on Trello is the only door that's currently in the game. In fact 95% of work was spent on the actual object handling (sync between client and server, render them in a performant way, proper animation handling etc), only ~ 5% was actually spent on preparing the model :D Good thing is, the "object handling" part is mostly done now, this makes adding more objects quite easy now, however, before adding new models we'll first try to focus on getting the playable demo ready^^

    Are garden doors or half height doors planned

    Yes, proper doors and gates for this are planned. But apart from that, the new version also allows you to resize most objects, including doors ;)

    Will there be any Metal fire doors or Elevators in the game

    We did prepare a few metal doors, but they're not in the game yet. Once the playable demo is ready, we can focus on adding content (including more doors, objects in general, items etc) to the game ^^

    About elevators: They're planned, and we already did some preparations for this (for instance, unlike the old version, the new player handling already takes moving platforms into account). Unfortunately we don't have an ETA for that yet, there are still too many core-mechanics missing (building, npcs, vehicles, biomes, water, dungeons) that need to be done before we can focus on elevators :nerd:

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