Update 0.4.5: Blueprints and chests

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-02)
  • I just was wondering is it possible to make blueprints to behave like blocks when it comes to scaling them ?:thinking: for example at the moment when you scale them the size changes at all axes X Y Z the same what I would love to see is to have possibility to change each axes individually ( like if I want my wall panels to be X 4 Y 5 Z 0.1 scale but original size is X 5 Y 5 Z 1) would it be possible to do so maybe in a next update ;)

  • I just was wondering is it possible to make blueprints to behave like blocks when it comes to scaling them ?:thinking: for example at the moment when you scale them the size changes at all axes X Y Z the same what I would love to see is to have possibility to change each axes individually ( like if I want my wall panels to be X 4 Y 5 Z 0.1 scale but original size is X 5 Y 5 Z 1) would it be possible to do so maybe in a next update ;)

    Well, unfortunately that would lead to some technical limitations: If a construction element is not aligned straight to the blueprint (e.g. a block placed diagonally), it would be distorted when resizing the blueprint. I've attached an image that illustrates the problem. Our current implementation cannot generate distorted construction elements, it can only resize elements along their local axes. Maybe we will change that in the future, but for now, blueprints can only be resized proportionally :hushed:

  • Hm, could it be possible to change only one axis, save the blueprint and then change the other axis? Only an idea. ^^

    It would still be the same situation unfortunately. Once there is a single element in the blueprint which is not axis-aligned (e.g. an element placed diagonally), it would be distorted when resizing the blueprint. I've prepared another image to illustrate that:

  • RIP. Minecraft's Realm for the Bedrock edition just terminated itself a few weeks ago on me so I basically just forced it to be fully canceled so it wouldn't bill me needlessly. Another stain on Mojang and Minecraft's image when it could have been so much more; So much better than it is being treated. Rising World now has my full attention when it comes to building games so I can say "screw Minecraft". Realms didn't want me to be there preventing my roommate and myself in having fun. I backed it up and just moved onto other games that want to have fun.

    What I actually wanted to note that I don't want pressure Red51, I am however highly eager to see his world generation update. What kind of water, biomes, items, and "maybe" boats, or whatever. Overly simple stuff. I don't want to pressure Red51, just that I can't wait to get back to finally restoring my lost structures into a world that shall finally stay.

    Was playing a lewd game called 'Wars and Roses' being a FPS type visual novel game in other aspects finding an interesting element in it, something other games tend to lack. The way the AI was coded caught my attention with when you die the AI would actually wake up by finishing the fight for you. 99% of games just don't do this forcing you to restart. It would be awesome if Rising World learned from this in some way by having any AI attached to you revive you, keeping you alive, or protecting you in various ways without needlessly respawning. I would enjoy seeing any potential AI companions partner up with you following you around to then either A) Fight, or B) Help you back to base, treat you, or whatever needs to be done. It may be too much to code, it's just something that caught my attention in another game which I hope Rising World can add all the "best" elements into it. It's however up to Red51 whatever he wants to do.

    People may see this as a "ramble", I'm just making note of this hoping it'll help Rising World in some shape, form, or manner. Minecraft betrayed me so I'm now just drifting again while still keeping a close eye on Rising World. Good luck, Red51 & team. I'll openly admit I've lost my mind trying to regain it while also waiting on the next Rising World update.

  • How the water will work?

    That is pretty great.

    Thanks :) Water will basically work in a way that it will be possible to drain a pond or lake, for example. Although flowing water will also be absorbed by the ground over distance (this is mostly done for performance reasons). You can find a few more information about water on our Trello board: https://trello.com/c/VkDL58fU/163-water

    Or do you refer to something else? ^^

  • Thanks :) Water will basically work in a way that it will be possible to drain a pond or lake, for example. Although flowing water will also be absorbed by the ground over distance (this is mostly done for performance reasons). You can find a few more information about water on our Trello board: https://trello.com/c/VkDL58fU/163-water

    Or do you refer to something else? ^^

    Yeah that's cool will we be able to pump it back up hill ? Lol

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

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