Thank you! I don't have the server file in my folder, though it is a dedicated server. Also...where can I find my UID?
it is a file found in your Steam folder. On my computer it is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorldDedicatedServer\ Maybe you could do a file search on that.
Did you try the command line in game command makeadmin?
I am assuming you are a Steam user. If you are then your UID is the same as your SteamID. You can find this in your account details. Use pulldown top right under your name for Account Details in Steam. It will be the long digit number under you named marked SteamID.
You likely can read your own by going on the server open the command line with the tilde then type logs. This will open a file called player log file. about a page and a half a page down you should see your name and your UID just above it.
In a blind leading the blind pinch; you could come on my Server Angriff's Lair then I could read it from the database.