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  • To the person who stole all my product on WF...

    (insert worst explicative you can think of here)!

    You ruined the whole game for me. Best hope we don't meet IRL. I'm dangerous to people like you IRL.

    Edited once, last by red51: Removed insults ().

  • I understand you're upset, but this has to do with a privately run server not with the game itself and this is definitely not the appropriate place to be putting this.

    After 65 years of receiving every manner of abuse you can think of to the point of being completely totally permanently disabled, i've lost the boundaries of what is and isn't appropriate any more, nor do i really care. thanks for your feedback. have it removed - i really don't care anymore. I'm just saying, i won't be fucked with.

  • Of course I won't simply ban you or remove your post, but I've updated your post and removed some inappropriate words (they really don't belong here) ;)

    I can fully understand being upset if someone steals or destroys the buildings you have been working on... but what did the person do exactly? Did he post it in our forums? Or did he place them on the server, too? Maybe the server admin could help you about that.

    IDK how permissions are set up on the server, but it's possible for the server to prevent other players from blueprinting creations of other users (so players can only create blueprints of their own creations). I'd really recommend to contact the server admin :)

  • I think the server name, just from Benji's abbreviation is called Wild frontiers. It belongs to a player called twowildandcrazy. I have known and played with twowildandcrazy for many years. I'm in regular contact with him through steam, discord and the game itself. He is also a rising site member.

    I only just started playing on wild frontiers server last night (for only a couple of hours) And it is a new server of a previous server that existed before. And there were many people who had items stolen from chests, saddles and horses were also stolen, I don't think any damage was done to player builds because of the land claim protection. But...yes there was many players affected by someone stealing. It is also a PvE server. Just know that the admin team are aware and were trying to resolve issues last night. And I'm sure will be trying to put more things in place to prevent this kind of thing from happening again.

    Benji I understand your grievances and I would be feeling the exact same way. I'm not established yet on the server, so I had nothing for anyone to steal nor am I established enough to help you replace what was stolen.

    I'm sure though that if you spoke to twowildandcrazy (The server owner and Admin). He may be able to replace what was stolen for you. Hope this helps.

  • Adding to my previous post, I forgot to mention that there are lockable chests now! I've not actually used them yet myself and I'm unsure of how they work just yet. But ill figure that out soon enough and this maybe an idea for yourself Benji and other players who unaware of this, that this might be another good prevention method for protecting your most valuable items in the future.

    Again, I hope this helps :)

  • Of course I won't simply ban you or remove your post, but I've updated your post and removed some inappropriate words (they really don't belong here) ;)

    I can fully understand being upset if someone steals or destroys the buildings you have been working on... but what did the person do exactly? Did he post it in our forums? Or did he place them on the server, too? Maybe the server admin could help you about that.

    IDK how permissions are set up on the server, but it's possible for the server to prevent other players from blueprinting creations of other users (so players can only create blueprints of their own creations). I'd really recommend to contact the server admin :)

    Thank you Red.

    Full Story

    I took a couple days off the game on Wild's Frontiers. A friend IRL was taken to the ER recently and is dying.

    I came back on. I have a nice little house I built, and in it i have a cabinet of chests. That cabinet was robbed of all my manufactured and smelted materials, ore, sheets, wires, glass, lumber, etc. I also had chest of tools, including several mining drills I had built because they wear out after each mining trip. Outside I had three sailboats and a RHiB. The RHiB is gone, all the chests in the sailboats are empty, and one of them was actually taken from the boat completely. Plus two to three and one half stacks of each type of ore except iron, and a stack of coal.

    I had spent over 160 hours the past two weeks gathering and collecting these items. Fortunately I had my saddle bags with frozen chest rewards in my backpack, for what it's worth anymore.

    They missed the chest with skins and fibers that needed to be tanned and spun, or they just left it as unprocessed mats. And they did not go to the cabinet in the loft to get the sulfur and ammo and extra repeaters i'd found.

    From "Saving my life" to " I am dangerous in real life".

    Bro, I don't know if I should cry for you or be angry because of your abusive behavior. Now I'll keep my mouth shut.


    My post was directed at one single person. Unless you are the one who robbed me, there was nothing directed at you.

    As to calling ME abusive, I have been accused of being abusive for reacting with negative behaviors to abusive behaviors, including violence, against me. I have been threatened with jail when my ex-wife (while still married) beat the shit out of me, and I simply grabbed her arm, tossed her onto the king sized bed, and slapped her ass with a single spank to calm her down. I had bruises and cuts, and she had a tiny Chinese feminine body.

    I categorically reject the term and concept of abuse or reactive abuse in response to abuse. The victim is NEVER the abuser! Only some pansy assed pussy abuser who could not stand up to whatever he or she was dishing out (probably a she - women abusers of men are the worst).

    IMHO - I don't mean to offend you directly, but to only set your mind straight so you can cry for me instead of being angry.


    I do not tolerate abuse, and when i see it or experience it as the victim, you can bet, be in on some Rising World public server, or on the streets of Escondido, California, if ANYONE aubses me or someone else, you can bet, I will step in and take whatever action, up to and including killing a perp, to stop it. I have lived with more than my share. I may be old, i may be disabled, i may be using a cane, but rest assured, I will not tolerate violence ANYWHERE!

    If you cannot accept that from me, then fuckin' hate me.

    I don't care.

    This is all I have to say on the topic, and if I rejoin the game, this is what you can expect.

    I am a peaceful guy. My friends say I am the most mellow person they have ever me.

    Until I am fucked with.

    All that said - I really don't think I'm coming back. I joined to escape the bullshit of IRL. This has become no better. it only proves what I've believed for the past ten years .... I cannot trust anyone. Ever!

    This is probably why I will never really have close friends again.

  • Never been on the Wild Frontiers server but as a Rising World server owner myself I do recommend that you join a server that uses a plugin called WorldProtection which basically allows you to protect your area so that people cannot build on your land, cannot destroy your buildings, cannot pick your crops , cannot cut down your trees and cannot steal your items while you are away.....

    The issue you have happens with other games too but with Rising World there is a solution when you join a server with that plugin installed.

    Now "Live " : RunAndHideGamer's Modded Rising World Multiplayer Server : Rise Of The Nightwalkers.

    You are stranded on one of the many islands in the Pacific surrounded by wild animals and savage barbarians.

    You start in the middle of tall dry grass surrounded by a huge number of trees.

    An Important Safety Tip - Get some weapons as early as possible. =O =O =O :wat: :wat: :wat: :verysad: :verysad: :verysad:

  • Never been on the Wild Frontiers server but as a Rising World server owner myself I do recommend that you join a server that uses a plugin called WorldProtection which basically allows you to protect your area so that people cannot build on your land, cannot destroy your buildings, cannot pick your crops , cannot cut down your trees and cannot steal your items while you are away.....

    The issue you have happens with other games too but with Rising World there is a solution when you join a server with that plugin installed.

    dont need a plugin installed. RW has a built in world protection. this issue arises from bad permissions file setup.

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