Finally the long awaited ore update is available! For the beginning, it introduces iron, copper, silver, gold, aluminium, tungsten, cobalt and mithril. They can be found at different elevations, the easiest way is to explore caves, then you have the highest chance of finding some ores.
Once you have mined some ores, you can put them into the smelting furnace, which turns them into ingots (which are needed for crafting).
It will take a few minutes until your ingots are ready. Currently the furnace is able to run without fuel, but we will change that in the near future
At the moment you can unfortunately only use iron ingots for crafting, but it's our intention to rework most of the recipes. Expect another update very shortly!
Apart from that, we added several new Lua functions and also fixed a lot of bugs. See the full changelog below!
Stay tuned for the next update!
- [New] Ores, which can be mined (currently iron, coal, copper, silver, gold, aluminium, tungsten, cobalt, mithril)
- [New] New items: ironingot, copperingot, silveringot, goldingot, aluminiumingot, tungsteningot, cobaltingot, mithrilingot
- [New] Furnace is now useable, required to smelt ores
- [New] Added option for "borderless/undecorated window" (allowing a "fake" fullscreen mode)
- [New] New Lua object 'LuaDate', which converts a timestamp into an object holding the current year, month, day, hour, minute and second
- [New] New global Lua functions: 'getTimestamp()' and 'getDate()' (representing the current server time)
- [New] New Lua functions for server: 'isPlayerBanned(string playername)', 'saveAll()', 'shutdown()', 'getPlayerInformationFromDb(int playerDbID)'
- [New] New Lua functions for player: 'getIllegalStateActions()', 'resetIllegalStateActions()', raycast(vec3 origin, vec3 direction, float length, callbackfunction)
- [New] New Lua functions for world: 'getBlockData(int chunkx, int chunky, int chunkz, int blockx, int blocky, int blockz)' and 'getTerrainData(int chunkx, int chunky, int chunkz, int blockx, int blocky, int blockz)'
- [Change] Now you craft 6 woodblocks (instead of 4) from a single tree log
- [Change] Improved menu and gui textures (higher resolution)
- [Change] Updated several recipes
- [Change] Replaced "ironsheet" and "ironrods" by ironplate and ironrod
- [Change] Burned meat no longer despawns when you don't take it from the grill
- [Change] Improved "crack texture" when digging or breaking blocks
- [Change] Reduced visible distance for items (should slightly improve performance)
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue which prevented you from hiding corpses
- [Bugfix] Fixed GUI issues with 4K resolution
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue preventing you from using commands in singleplayer in some cases
- [Bugfix] Now you get dirt when digging "farmland"
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue causing "locked database" error
- [Bugfix] GUI now scales correctly when changing resolution
- [Bugfix] Fixed nullpointer exception when placing dirt or stone
- [Bugfix] Fixed automatic HIVE reconnect when losing connection
Bugfix 2015-05-27 (v0.5.7.1):
- [Change] Ores spawn much more frequently now when caves are disabled for your world
- [Change] Furnace no longer "consumes" your ores when crafting
- [Bugfix] Ores no longer spawn floating in the sky
- [Bugfix] Linux servers should work properly now
- [Bugfix] Grass masking should work now again (i.e. grass is no longer visible through objects etc, at least if it's enabled in the settings)
- [Bugfix] Game no longer freezes during conversion when no "customImages" subfolder is present in your world folder
- [Bugfix] Fixed inventory and chest issues (preventing you from storing items correctly)
- [Bugfix] Fixed old items not being deleted properly
- [Bugfix] Fixed issue preventing you from putting meat on fireplace grill
- [Bugfix] Fixed "locked" icon in serverbrowser, now it's only visible on password-protected servers
- [Bugfix] Fixed crash when crafting a ventcover (or even selecting it)
- [Bugfix] Fixed scale issues of loadingscreen on specific resolutions