gleiches szenario bei mir

[Script]World edit complete now with /we fill water and we fill saltwater
- English
- yahgiggle
- Closed
It would be awesome if there was a way to reset as just before the update. Than whait until world edit is fixed..
It would be awesome if there was a way to reset as just before the update. Than whait until world edit is fixed..
you have backups oO
red51 has now fixed the bug yay
Mit dem neuen Fix sollte World Edit wieder gehen. Danke
Die zerstörten Teile werden sich wohl nicht wieder in den ursprünglichen Zustand zurückverwandeln lassen.
Es handelt sich ja um keinen Konvertierungsfehler, wo die Welt wieder hergestellt werden kann,
sondern um gelöschte Teile. Gehe ich mal stark davon aus, dass es so ist.
Am besten immer eine Sicherung anlegen. -
Hi again. My world got struck with the terrain bug very bad. It's literally raining animals and I was wondering if your world edit can help stitch the world a lot easier. I've posted my video in my LP series I've been keeping alive on here & YouTube. Can you please take a look and let me know if your world edit can help or if you recommend me starting over. What your looking at is 3 months worth of highway construction in real time. So if I was to start over I would bag & tag the homes in my Journal and take 3 months away from recording. Please help me out with this.
Hi again. My world got struck with the terrain bug very bad. It's literally raining animals and I was wondering if your world edit can help stitch the world a lot easier. I've posted my video in my LP series I've been keeping alive on here & YouTube. Can you please take a look and let me know if your world edit can help or if you recommend me starting over. What your looking at is 3 months worth of highway construction in real time. So if I was to start over I would bag & tag the homes in my Journal and take 3 months away from recording. Please help me out with this.
sorry to let you down but ive never found a way to solve this problem even world edit cant fix this its happend to me 3 times now oO but i guess if you blueprint your buildings you can place them back in a new world and use world edit to build new roads. or you could just keep patching up as your doing ATM oO
hey guys a heads up you have the plant ids wrong in your initial post. I tried spawning fruits and vegetables with /we plant 32..41 -r=30 -c=50% and got trees instead XD (willow, birch, and spruce to be exact)
This is the latest list for plants . Maybe this list could help.
German translatation, but I think this doesn't really matter. -
Would it be possible to put something in the permissions file to allow a person to run this script? I see under commands I can allow a some command and deny them others.
Would it be possible to put something in the permissions file to allow a person to run this script? I see under commands I can allow a some command and deny them others.
Yes, I would love a server that allows me to fill my swimming pool with water even if it doesn't allow me to do other things using the script.
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