So why is no one playing?

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  • I have been going to my one server no one there, I check other servers no one there or if they are there they do not reply so I think they are placeholders so people think someone is on the server. So my question is is no one playing till the update or what?

  • well its tough for a server to be completely active all day , at this point. when the update happens you will see an explosion of activity. FreaksRUS is active most of the tie with atleast 1 person on , even last week we had like 10 people on at once. i just recommend you find a server you like, when the update comes, old players will flood back.

  • is is no one playing till the update or what?

    I ordinarily play daily on a German server, but I prefer to take a look and a sightseeing
    on other servers and talk with people there.
    I think we separate the 2 forums English and German too much, at the beginning everyone
    is talking with everyone here in forum.

    If someone wants to take a look or wants to talk with other people fascinated by
    Rising World I would like to give you a inspirating and enjoying journey on our server, to
    see others building and get new inspiration. :D
    (DE) =HS= Hssenstrolche

  • In germany is sunday, so the user give more his family times to play with children or so ;D

    But I think the most ppl waiting to the big update, after them play more ppl rw ;D

  • Yep this is common when updates happen we tend to get a flood of users that lasts for up to a week then it dies back down till the next update i would say once the games in beta we will see a more constant flow of users as meany users don't like to buy a game that's in Alpha so they are waiting.

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • Also timezone is a major factor right now with the little ( but growing) amount of players the game has.

    Also the amount of servers online are more than the total number of actual daily players, basically it's causing a saturation in the number of players per server, spreading the amount even thinner.

    I'd imagine if there were only 5 servers we'd see more players on one of these servers regardless of timezone.

    Then there's also a slight language barrier for multiplayer that is keeping some players a bit more offline.
    Try translating in Russian, the game doesn't support their alphabetic characters so they log off.

    Unless anybody here can point me to a translator that will translate Russian in western alphabet but still be accurate. ( Thanks in advance ) :thumbsup:

  • What's been mentioned above....

    1) Updates: Waiting for more "long-term" features to make playing hours on end possible.
    2) Distractions: Seems like a great portion of gamers are easily distracted by other games so they tend to get easily blown around by the wind. I've known some to have short attention spans that they easily trolled, limiting their gaming time (Not implying, just saying) :/
    3) Time-zones: Can never get around this one. Always neat when your buddies come on, just troublesome when time is the issue.

    Games like these are best played with others, and with long-term features so hoping to see RW get to the activity I once seen on my Minecraft side.

  • Because the game is not developing fast enough and the given dates for updates are not really happening. Plain and simple.

    This is not Red's fault he is doing what he can but the developing team is just too way too small for a project of this magnitude.

    Servers are empty. Sagsave and other blind fanboys can go look at them and see for themselves.

  • Servers aren't empty as if nobody plays, you just have sort on "playercount"
    then the populated servers are on top of the list.

    There's always some folks playing somewhere you just need to use the lobby right.
    and favorite the ones with the most players on

    (Rising Citys x2 ip address and ip ... ( 13 visitors in the last 24 / hours )

    (GER)" Deutschland Spielt Rising World | TS3 | Aktive Admins ( 41 visitors in the last 24/hours )

    Freaks R US!! USA.. Active Admins(no PVP)Build Farm ... ( 59 visitors in the last 24 / hours )

    "[DE] Das Dorf - Powered by" ( 11 visitors in the last 24 / hours )

  • and favorite the ones with the most players on

    You forgot
    (DE)=HS=Hessenstrolche with 24 visitors last 24hours
    One of the most frequented servers, but not on the top list because of IP changes.

    But its not relevant how many people are playing on a server. You can play with only 2 players
    or with 10. More important is to have joy and to be aware that this is a game in alpha version.
    I also do not have a new idea everyday, but it is one of the best games I have ever played and it is first in start phase. :D

  • More important is to have joy and to be aware that this is a game in alpha version.

    Hi five !! :thumbup: I totally agree to the importance of having fun regardless of the amount of players online.
    It's only Alpha but there's already so much the game has to offer in terms of allowing everyone to create awesome stuff. And each screenshot being a massive stab into the guts of hardcore minecrafters lol

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