About update announcements

  • Red ,
    We all appreciate and enjoy the updates when they are released, however , It is probably better just to post the updates when they are ready and not to announce them early (even on the same day ). I have noticed the last 4 times you did this that they were delayed for one reason or another. A lot of companies refrain from doing this. We can all understand that problems crop up. I would rather just see the notice that it was updated, then to sit here and expect something to come in only to have it delayed for one reason or another. That way no one is disappointed or gets excited expecting an update to come in at a specific time. Just a suggestion to alleviate frustrations if something goes wrong. When there is a single developer working on a product, it is probably just best to release when you are ready :)

  • [quote='Trillnar','https://forum.rising-world.net/index.php/Thread/3050-About-update-announcements/?postID=24260#post24260']It is probably better just to post the updates when they are ready and not to announce them early[/quote

    like that then it is more like a surprise
    if u turn on your pc .....ola there's an update yippy
    and "everybody" happy :P

  • It is probably better just to post the updates when they are ready and not to announce them early (even on the same day )

    Yes, I totally agree to that. Main reason for the announcements was the fact, that people explicitly asked for it in the past. Especially server admins (I can understand that) wanted to be aware of an upcoming update, so they can make sure that they're able to update their server in time. On the other hand, it's always a pity if the update gets delayed then...

    I have noticed the last 4 times you did this that they were delayed for one reason or another

    Hmm as far as I recall, the previous announcements were - at least more or less - appropriate. The last update announcement, for example, was pretty much identical to this one, with the exception, that the update was available at 7 pm GMT indeed. However, I guess it is no secret that some updates have been delayed in the past, so it's indeed better to reduce the amount of update-announcements ^^

  • Yes, I totally agree to that. Main reason for the announcements was the fact, that people explicitly asked for it in the past. Especially server admins (I can understand that) wanted to be aware of an upcoming update, so they can make sure that they're able to update their server in time. On the other hand, it's always a pity if the update gets delayed then...

    Hmm as far as I recall, the previous announcements were - at least more or less - appropriate. The last update announcement, for example, was pretty much identical to this one, with the exception, that the update was available at 7 pm GMT indeed. However, I guess it is no secret that some updates have been delayed in the past, so it's indeed better to reduce the amount of update-announcements ^^

    Such is life in developer land. I have a long time friend that wrote doom and so many other titles for the pc (Apogee Software ) I loved his release dates. They were always the same . "When it is ready " he never gave a date :)

    I am actually writing a game myself (for android and tablets in unity ) and I don't know if it will ever be ready LOL

  • I think the way red51 is doing things is just fine. People are going to get excited/disappointing for one reason or another. With the announcements popping as they are I know when to look forward to something, and I especially appreciate it when something gets delayed and I am told about it.

  • I think the way red51 is doing things is just fine. People are going to get excited/disappointing for one reason or another. With the announcements popping as they are I know when to look forward to something, and I especially appreciate it when something gets delayed and I am told about it.

    I agree with this, yet didn't want to provoke Trillnar. I'm fine with the way Red51 does things also. Yes, it's a bit irritating when you have things planned to have to wait in using them from delays, for those that do have the copy, so they can immediately start using the new features. It bugs me when I want to know what's been updated also so we can one way or another use them. But ya, I approve of the way Red51 does things for it keeps us in the loop.

    The anticipation can be mended by playing something or doing other things. Space Engineers is also doing similar to what Red51 is doing with planets so you have a 'same boat' moment. This is perfectly fine. Delays happens because silly bugs happens & such.

    (Edit: nightly typo fixing. Watching a Mario stream)

  • I like the updates regardless of the outcome. I manage 2 servers and it is nice to get the heads up. That way I know that an update is coming and when it is delayed. I can be ready to set some time aside to update the servers and have them online for the players. How upset do you think players would be if the server admin was not aware of an update and they had to wait longer to play on their server after the update is relased.
    Love it or hate it delays are part of the process weather it be developing a game or building a building. Delays happen . If you want to develop a quality product you can't release a half ass product and expect the end user to be satisfied with a sub par product. Red you are doing a great job and you are the one in control. Don't let the general consensus of the public make you sacrifice your standards. If it's not ready it's not ready. Thanks again for the update.

  • Well its a very good and promising game. People are VERY giddy about it. No one would give a rat's ass if this was otherwise =D

    High five on that one !!

    I like the heads-up too, really needed for those who run a server to make some time available to get their server up to date as soon as possible.
    Since an update on steam = automatic and when players log off and back in they get locked out when the server isn't updated.

    So yea i'd rather be "disappointed" knowing that we're avoiding major bugs than to have an outdated server up all day & all night with a bunch of offline messages on steam of players asking whats going on lol

  • I think the way red51 is doing things is just fine. People are going to get excited/disappointing for one reason or another. With the announcements popping as they are I know when to look forward to something, and I especially appreciate it when something gets delayed and I am told about it.

    I agree!

  • We all know what happens with forecasts. As @red51 already told, the server owners and admins need a bit more information about coming
    updates to restart the servers.
    Sure it's a bit dissapointing when there is a delay, but update is out. ^^

  • May I politely ask for a one or a few biome teasers if it isn't releasing soon? Just some teasers to keep the hype going? I'm genuinely curious now, more so after all the trolling rampages we had & such. We're heading into December soon with biomes still struggling and I can't pretend I'm not worried about biomes anymore.

  • May I politely ask for a one or a few biome teasers if it isn't releasing soon? Just some teasers to keep the hype going? I'm genuinely curious now, more so after all the trolling rampages we had & such. We're heading into December soon with biomes still struggling and I can't pretend I'm not worried about biomes anymore.

    I honestly feel the same.

  • May I politely ask for a one or a few biome teasers if it isn't releasing soon? Just some teasers to keep the hype going? I'm genuinely curious now, more so after all the trolling rampages we had & such. We're heading into December soon with biomes still struggling and I can't pretend I'm not worried about biomes anymore.

    This is a very good idea. People will have a better indication of progress and see why something is taking so long and what not. Also if red51 shows people what the problems he is having and why a certain thing isn't working properly (I.E Glitches, bugs, visual discrepancies) it will most certainly get people off his back alot more.

    I hope that this is something that is added to all future updates so we have a good progress indicator.

  • May I politely ask for a one or a few biome teasers if it isn't releasing soon?

    It won't take long until the biomes are ready, unfortuantely we don't want to post another preview of the the biomes, as we think that this is not a good idea (people want to the see the update itself, and might get upset by another "empty preview"). Probably there will be one or two more (important) updates prior the biomes release.

    Also if red51 shows people what the problems he is having and why a certain thing isn't working properly

    There was an explanation why the biomes were delayed. Posting screenshots about the issues does not always work, especially when it comes to technical problems.
    After the delay, some other things kept us busy, especially working on some technical changes (it would have been necessary after the biomes anyway) like the reduction of memory consumption, which was necessary since some people were unable to play the game anymore.
    Basically the latest features (signs, grass replanting etc) were just an addition, since we want to avoid to release boring "bugfix-only" updates.

  • Fair enough. I'm fine with the mention of two more (or a few) updates happening before the biome update, just that people REALLY want the biome updates. And I understand what you mean when you say people may get their hopes up, and such. I'm just glad I can wait it out till December or January so I'm one of the more patient ones, also having a Japanese game event (KanColle) to keep me occupied :P

  • fine with me we have to wait
    the longer we wait the better it gets
    i hope :D
    but i will wait till then to start an exploration
    now it's all the same
    don't really care about waiting if the work is done it's done

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