Player activity

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-02)
  • Where're all the players? Most of times I only see a maximum of 5-7 players on the most populated server. Is the game too new to the big world?

  • Where're all the players? Most of times I only see a maximum of 5-7 players on the most populated server. Is the game too new to the big world?

    Most players are waiting for other stuff >> Water ect ect <<< or play single player ATM the best time to see everyone is on a big update day ;-D

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • theres also some big games like the division and hitman out now. Ive been on my ps4 playing the division most of the time, but when theres updates I get on to check them out. I imagine a lot of other people are like that to. This game is still in early access and has a lot more to add. building and exploring at this stage gets kinda dry after a while. after we get water ill be on more, maybe other people will to.

  • most people play singleplayer I think. on steamdb tells you there are more then 100 players playing rising world and there are also some standalone people so they must play singleplayer or just hang around in the mainmenu :D

  • Yeah, I'm all dried up on this game right now. I love it but the updates are some of the slowest ever. At least they are correct and work when they are released though, that's more than most games can say these days. Until water comes out, I'm on a break.

  • Alot of players like myself play single player. Why? Because alot of servers either allow you to do nothing on them or allow you to do to much. Also you can not count on them. Back in 2014-2015, For example I went to one server and they said your not allowed to use any blue prints. Next world they had a projects going on yet the zoning tools to pick an area the LUA script wasn't that good. Some people simply delete your areas your building on or they want to control what you build or where which is fine but at least put up signs or name server something that is happening there. Language differences. Other servers are PvP which I imagine few are interested in a Melee only PvP game with no boundaries. Also some servers had nice things but you feel like you don't want to build with them or around them since they created it. Then you end up playing with people which aren't really playing with you might as well play single player your world won't be deleted and your blueprints can be used freely.

  • Alot of players like myself play single player. Why? Because alot of servers either allow you to do nothing on them or allow you to do to much. Also you can not count on them. Back in 2014-2015, For example I went to one server and they said your not allowed to use any blue prints. Next world they had a projects going on yet the zoning tools to pick an area the LUA script wasn't that good. Some people simply delete your areas your building on or they want to control what you build or where which is fine but at least put up signs or name server something that is happening there. Language differences. Other servers are PvP which I imagine few are interested in a Melee only PvP game with no boundaries. Also some servers had nice things but you feel like you don't want to build with them or around them since they created it. Then you end up playing with people which aren't really playing with you might as well play single player your world won't be deleted and your blueprints can be used freely.

    Agreed.Plus,some people are irresponsible,they dont back up their data or they mess with the server too much,the world crushes and months of work is gone.Happened before 3 times.Singleplayer it is!!

  • Agreed.Plus,some people are irresponsible,they dont back up their data or they mess with the server too much,the world crushes and months of work is gone.Happened before 3 times.Singleplayer it is!!

    Yeah. But I also play multi-player sometimes just to see what people are up.
    I joined a server seen it has been running for a long time seems pretty decent
    I don't think it can take a lot of people as listed without an issue.
    Usually as the guy said about 7-10 are running on it. Once you go over that starts to lag.

    The LUA scripts somewhat have issues glitches in permission especially with an old bug with Smelter permissions, area protection glitches, falling through worlds with (TP, or walking), animal regeneration is so slow & invisible animals on respawn, invisible blocks in general. I maybe a bit outdated in my knowledge of what you can set in configuration file but I wish a few of these were able to be set in server configuration file.
    I already discussed this awhile ago Roofs, Doors, Automation, Tool Suggestions, NPCs, Servers, Brick Suggestions but

    Server Options for Config
    1. Turn up animal regeneration (at least on server I play on the animals take like 24 hrs to respawn even with low volume players you can't find animals within 1000s of blocks)
    2. I wish area protection was a part of the game (protecting your land claimed, expiration date of last login, self healing unclaimed land based on original seed.)
    3. Limit a bit of lag. I don't know if plants or number of entities is causing lag seems random try to reduce whatever is causing lag.

    If area protection was part of game perhaps that would reduce glitches, video optimization in general seems like one user can lag all the people which I am sure will be last thing devs do.

  • 2. I wish area protection was a part of the game

    I fully agree!
    it would improve upon a big part of client and server performance and it would fully protect everything within the world instead of leaving out the workbenches and smelters.

    And most important it would make sure players cant place a blueprint into the area of another player ( destroying their house ) which is why we only enable it at player request while we're there watching.

    not to mention maybe even prevent blueprint theft (server visitors who come to copy stuff and go.)

  • I fully agree!
    it would improve upon a big part of client and server performance and it would fully protect everything within the world instead of leaving out the workbenches and smelters.

    And most important it would make sure players cant place a blueprint into the area of another player ( destroying their house ) which is why we only enable it at player request while we're there watching.

    not to mention maybe even prevent blueprint theft (server visitors who come to copy stuff and go.)

    That is a great idea "SilverSatin" I also agree with you so much, in fact if it was part of game on server side you could inverse blue print areas only allow you to use blueprints in your protected areas / capture or used then you wouldn't had what we had in 2014-2015 where people just posting solid blocks all over the place. Or in their own protected areas when they raged quit, so server admins just ban blueprints all together. The server I am on just bans all blue prints except with half dozen admins. So I can not use blueprints at all so I can not even capture my own work on the server and put into my single games. I have a lot of work there I like to save locally. Of course blueprints allow bypassing of gathering resources right now if that was added no looser would just paste in 1024x1024x1024 bricks but I think that was partly because blueprints didn't have a price, Now you have to find rare gold to make a blueprint which is difficult for them. Something SJW and trolls hate is work, so if they have work hard for blueprints most would just give up trying to grief the servers.

    "SilverSatin" can I use your suggestion in my suggestions topic, I really think that's a good idea.
    Roofs, Doors, Automation, Tool Suggestions, NPCs, Servers, Brick Suggestions

    I always wanted blueprints in minecraft had to use glitchy mods or hack the game to get your builds.

  • And most important it would make sure players cant place a blueprint into the area of another player ( destroying their house ) which is why we only enable it at player request while we're there watching.

    That is a great idea "SilverSatin" I also agree with you so much, in fact if it was part of game on server side you could inverse blue print areas only allow you to use blueprints in your protected areas / capture or used then you wouldn't had what we had in 2014-2015 where people just posting solid blocks all over the place. Or in their own protected areas when they raged quit, so server admins just ban blueprints all together. The server I am on just bans all blue prints except with half dozen admins. So I can not use blueprints at all so I can not even capture my own work on the server and put into my single games. I have a lot of work there I like to save locally. Of course blueprints allow bypassing of gathering resources right now if that was added no looser would just paste in 1024x1024x1024 bricks but I think that was partly because blueprints didn't have a price, Now you have to find rare gold to make a blueprint which is difficult for them. Something SJW and trolls hate is work, so if they have work hard for blueprints most would just give up trying to grief the servers.

    I've already told Red, it is not possible to allow players to save their own buildings, because with allowing blueprints they are allowed to copy other players buildings. If there are protected areas or not makes no difference. So server admins have to blueprint players work for them. This is very annoying and means more work. Game needs some revision, whether areaprotection or something else, I don't care, but needs to be added asap.

  • @Deirdre yea that issue has been discussed in the past I was there too: link

    We're all saying the same things but in different ways.

    On our server we allow players to use blueprints but only at request. (default = off)
    so we can watch what they are copy-blueprinting ( their own property)
    and we know where they are pasting-blueprinting ( not destroying another players home )

    In this topic I was talking about pasting a building into another building ( merging/clipping ) basically destroying player homes with a blueprint by careless players. The biggest issue being that it cannot be undone and there's no protection against it.

    Game needs some revision, whether areaprotection or something else,

    Is what we're all saying

  • Yeah I am on SilverSatin's server as RedTon, he is admin there I know he's a nice guy and would help people out like me. I understand why the servers are like that since a player can steal others work + paste a blue print in areas not zoned for them destroying others work. I also think we are all saying similar things just in different ways.

    Blueprints permissions a few settings with a few choices

    1. Save -Allow / Forbid / or Restrictive based on Block Protection
    2. Use - Allow / Forbid / or Restrictive based on Block Protection
    3. External Clients Blueprints - Allow / Forbid <-- If you don't want players to use their local blueprints.

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