crystal caves

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  • This has my vote because randomly popping into a pocket of this immerses you. This usually causes me to check things out that I would spend more time checking it out, plotting a way to harvest it, or even to show it off. If one is able to harvest it then it should somehow relate to Red's quiet little fantasy biome place.

  • The way most crystal works is with a base of quartz as impurities are added you get the color change. Beryl is the source of Emeralds rubies and sapphires. If Rising world used the Temperature of hotter towards hell they could also use the various chemical changes that make up various crystals I think its citrine that starts as amethyst until heated both members of the quartz family would love to see the gems use things like near water, near metal etc to change what they are. Also in the surreal option you find the large spikes of stone that look similar to crystal clusters with a bit of tweaking I'm sure they could be produced on demand.

  • This is similar to my homeworld of Krypton

    Your welcome to see my fortress of solitude before I am married and it gets redecorated because the Mrs. wants to look like the Jone's house.

    To be honest thou down just before hitting hell the pink glowing stone is pretty damn cool already.

  • A fortress of solitude would be an awesome generated NPC structure in arctic biomes And yes, I like the glowy pink stuff too. It reminds me of that time I felt indigestion one day at the chemical lab so I reached for Pepto Bismo in the cabinet only that's not what it was. One of the scientist left an experimental sample in there. I drank a cup of that glowy pink goo and transformed into... Fabulous Radioactive Gay Man!!!

    Before it wore off, I cerainly looked better in tights than Christopher Reeve

  • A fortress of solitude would be an awesome generated NPC structure in arctic biomes And yes, I like the glowy pink stuff too. It reminds me of that time I felt indigestion one day at the chemical lab so I reached for Pepto Bismo in the cabinet only that's not what it was. One of the scientist left an experimental sample in there. I drank a cup of that glowy pink goo and transformed into... Fabulous Radioactive Gay Man!!!

    Before it wore off, I cerainly looked better in tights than Christopher Reeve

    I never thought of it as a snow biome but that would be cool as you said a giant ice fortress on surface randomly. I hated living in snow in Minecraft with Mods all my things get covered in snow lol.

    But I love to have a giant ice fort that be cool to have polar bears or fantasy mobs like yeti to clear out then you take it over.

  • Well, I mean in minecraft you'd get villages, temples and dungeons generate randomly. i don't see why some kind of ice pallace couldn't auto generate as well. I know the ice biomes in minecraft are pretty rare but I am pretty sure that even Minecraft doesn't have ice palaces. So I'm totally for doing a +1 on that game ;)

  • Well, I mean in minecraft you'd get villages, temples and dungeons generate randomly. i don't see why some kind of ice palace couldn't auto generate as well. I know the ice biomes in minecraft are pretty rare but I am pretty sure that even Minecraft doesn't have ice palaces. So I'm totally for doing a +1 on that game ;)

    Yeah it be unique and awesome if you had the blocks to do that or it auto-generated. I don't even think mods have those. I seen a bunch of other mods do things to deserts, grasslands, and adding new biomes but not that I ever remember anything to ice biomes.

    I haven't seen any yeti or bigfoots yet lol!
    Or fight the witch Elsa! I be down for killing a frozen witch lol.

    Do we have any Frozen fans, or Empire Strikes back!

  • How about dangers associated with the crystals? Perhaps one type of crystal could give of a radioactive/magical (whatever you like) effect, so you have to don protective gear to go mine it.

    If sickness gets added, maybe even exposure to the crystals could bring about long term (like a status effect that lasts a while basically) health complications, to give you something to think about before you go mining for them. So imagine getting lost in a cave with a gieger counter/detector in the darkness without a light and just hearing it start beeping the closer you got. That might add an element of environmental fear.

  • Well, there's already a illness setting in the game that is associated with any food you eat but it is not yet implemented. So when it is, for example, if you eat raw meat then you may get sick and lose health.

    I'd like to think that environment will also play effect too. hypo/hyper thermia has been discussed already in older threads. So diving in water in a snowy biome should impact your health. i'd imagine getting close to a radioactive crystal could work too. I suggested a while ago a fictional element called Element51 (in honor of our amazing developer) that glows red could cause sickness but also could be a energy source. Clothing/armor should protect from heat, cold, and radiation. I certainly hope we would need special clothing to descend into hell without burning up.

  • I just watched a bit of the video. Thanks for sharing that, it's really interesting. Yeah, maybe once temperature is in, geode caves can be really hot and difficult to move through without either drilling a hole to the surface to vent the heat, if that's ever a thing, or wearing a protective, air-conditioned suit of some sort.

    If there is special clothing to use when going into hell, it should totally be called the "Helldiver's Armour". A little half-reference to Halo there!

  • I really like the way that you think. If the name helldiver is not copyrighted by Microsoft then we should make a suit like that and I believe that it should look like the space suit from the movie Sunshine that was designed to withstand extreme heat. I would also like to put a symbol of a handbasket in the middle so I can say that I'm going to hell in a handbasket

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