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  • We on the forum are some what the building blocks on the forum

    we need to work together and stay together,
    i know I've said it before we can't let the forum fall we all need to stick together,

    the developers need us for help, suggestion and to be closer to there fans and players.

    I've seen many forums to games where the game wasn't bad but the community fell and took the game with it.

    so if you're upset talk it out but keep it inside the boundaries,

    everyone is different, everyone has an opinion, everyone has it's on ideas for the game but don't get to exited let others come with there ideas too.

    we all needs to get a voice and feel that our suggestions gets through.

    this forum have been together for a long time now so why let it fall now

    we all have different background,

    rich and poor

    black and white

    red and yellow

    there's no need to fight, we're all here for the game so just don't let it fall.

    if you have more to say write it on this thread and keep it together!!!

  • We need a smiley that holds a drink up in the air cause thats a big cheers to this thread. But for now i'll drop a double thumbs up :thumbsup:
    Although I havent seen many (actually any) insulting flame posts here before other than the one from yesterday (or the day after yesterday). This forum remains a good knowledge base with lots of imaginations melting into one spot. Especially the Forum gurus who got tons of suggestions and some even brining lots of knowledge about the game to the forum. (you guys know who you are lol! )

    Share what you like, or dont share. Its all good as long as there isnt any personal attacks which of course makes the whole community experience go down.
    Its a game after all, the real world has enough hate going around. =O

    :love: bloody hell i love RW it is my digital home. Nobody likes a home where theres hateful words thrown at people.

    Considering the amount of time i have spent on RW, I think its ovbious that i'd love to have a clean and honest community along with it.

    Thank you @joni909
    Another Forum guru :D

  • I don't have a clue as to what this is about, but from what I can guess it was enough to cause a stir. Just want to put my two cents in here: No one ever has to worry about me causing problems. I prefer a trouble free environment without any horseplay involved. A lot of us on here are adults and I expect we can all handle our problems on our own without having to cry admin like a bunch of children. Now there may be some kids that place this game and hop around the forums looking for tutorials or a simple problem to solve. That doesn't mean that if one person dislikes another that you bring the Hell Hounds to the forums with you. We should all know this saying very well: "If you can't say something nice then don't say nothing at all." It's wise advice that we all need to take, "don't bring your muddy boots in kick them off at the door" is another way of saying it. I do hope that whatever happened doesn't come back here again. :)

  • @Deirdre Umm I think you may of posted this in the wrong thread

    I agree this is very confusing. ?( wrong topic -> different subject. But nooo biggie!!!
    for the sake of clarity this screenshot is unrelated to my post asking about server IP over here Official-server-stats-list

    In this topic i'm just showing the playtime i have on my server.
    incase you are wondering about steam playtime this is my profile 4,587 hrs on record

    :thumbsup: In all honestly its kinda accurate to me the other playtime i spend testing on single player like a mad scientist secret lab 8o

    <3 Rising Worldd Fanatics yeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa WE'VE GOT IT ALL IN COMMON lol

  • Nice going on your playtime SilverSatin :-D have you done a review of the game on steam yet ? if not maybe you could :-D

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website


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