A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Was ready to tear someone apart for not being patient, yet this works.

    I'm disappointed I couldn't play during my three days off straight (something that is rare), yet I guess dungeons are just that complex now. Maybe what we even suggested is being added into the game so that's pushing it back further. Well, guess I'll be playing it next week, the week after, or whatever. Thing is, I now have a KanColle event coming up so I guess Red51 can push it back further for 2-3 weeks while making sure to sneak some player animations & customization teasers now because I'll have no time to play Rising World. Up another dungeon teaser with information, and such :whistling:

    /me seriously, yet jokingly half-jokes.

  • I just returned for 1 day and...NO UPDATE!!!
    i'm so sad....

    The next update should be soon but this wont be the dungeons that wont happen till the end of this month or next, i know waiting can be hard but trust me the wait is always worth it. ;)

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • nice, what is the content of update so?

    The next update will be part of the new java API Plugin, this will let users code better plugins with far more control, it will enhance the game over time as users code for it, but it wont be such a big deal for everyone else sorry, not till the plugins start been released anyway :-D

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • In all seriousness an update would be nice . . . Dungeons was coming out "soon" on the 27'th of last month . . . and what "soon" means in this context is as clear as mud. lol

    Does soon mean sometime that week (already passed)? Sometime that month (already passed). Within the next thirty days (the 27th of this month?). A few months from now? I have no clue.

    That said I understand that things get held up. You think you'll have an update out "soon" and then you find a bug, or people start making suggestions and change all of your priorities as you try to improve the update. It happens. It's all right. I've got a ton of other games I'm playing. But it would be "nice" to know a bit more. Not required; bu definitely nice.

  • In all seriousness you're not going to speed up anything by complaining about it. They don't give dates anymore, if they don't get ready in time, people are going nuts. "soon" means: it's done when it's done
    If it's still a few months from now they usually say "in a few months", if it's just a few days, they say "in a few days". "soon" is somewhere in between.

    "I wish I had a dollar for every time I spent a dollar, because then, I'd have all my money back" :P

  • In all seriousness you're not going to speed up anything by complaining about it. They don't give dates anymore, if they don't get ready in time, people are going nuts. "soon" means: it's done when it's done
    If it's still a few months from now they usually say "in a few months", if it's just a few days, they say "in a few days". "soon" is somewhere in between.

    yes soon is soon lol sometimes one bug can take days to fix other times they take only seconds, its never as simple as some might think, but the dev's need to have some sort of time frame to work with so you just pick a date and hope to make it, often you don't but hey you need to do this or nothing will ever get done. better to aim than not aim at all right?.

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • In all seriousness an update would be nice . . . Dungeons was coming out "soon" on the 27'th of last month . . . and what "soon" means in this context is as clear as mud. lol

    Does soon mean sometime that week (already passed)? Sometime that month (already passed). Within the next thirty days (the 27th of this month?). A few months from now? I have no clue.

    That said I understand that things get held up. You think you'll have an update out "soon" and then you find a bug, or people start making suggestions and change all of your priorities as you try to improve the update. It happens. It's all right. I've got a ton of other games I'm playing. But it would be "nice" to know a bit more. Not required; bu definitely nice.

    Yup it certainly would be nice but you have to realize there is only so much a three person team (with only one of them actually writing code). In the past Red51 has made some promises about dates and got burned when delays came up. I myself and many others here are in here for the long haul. It is what it is. Wanting something to be true will not make it happen. Perhaps when the game is in beta there will be less re-designing of old systems or implementing massive new core systems. Maybe in beta we can get closer approximations or fixed release cycles but not now. It helps me to remember that there is a human being writing all the code and he wants the same thing we do and while we are just sitting here waiting for a new update, he is stressing each day to get through the mound of work he knows needs to be done to get the next update ready. Coding is not easy and games are harder to write than other applications.

  • Quote

    "Soon! How soon is soon? And what "soon" means in this context is as clear as mud."

    Hold your horses. Soon is when Red51 can get all the update features working because every time they release it's either floating ores, worlds not allowing terrain generation, or even some meshing issue somewhere. The less of these issues, the better. Don't want our worlds breaking, even if we're not supposed to get attached to them.

    Go read the comments on SCS Software's blog about both 'American Truck Sim', as well as 'European Truck Sim 2' with how impatient people are while not knowing how official game making works. Have to have the game polished up so much that it wouldn't hurt anybody, and bugs/glitches still pass through the filter.

    Go look at Minecraft, Terraria, Starbound, American Truck SImulator, Euro Truck SImulator, Rimworld, & even No Man's Sky for how updates are announced, then released when they're ready. You need to make all that content, code it, polish it, and then release it after everything fits the standards set. Red51 is only one, and he has two more working on this site/forum & another on music. Even freelancers for character animation stuff. He has a lot more to deal with than the other games I mentioned so I'm cutting him some slack, yet I'm no saint either with how I kept forcing his hand on features. I do feel guilty, yet at same time you can't create something out of nothing. It needs to be made for us to enjoy, yet those here & on SCS Software's blog just don't understand that.

    Seriously. Go take a peak at SCS Software's blog to read the comments to show you how impatient people are, even getting all high & mighty when you don't give them what they want, or tell them what they want to hear. I got moderated once for trying to defend SCS Sofware. People are stupidly impatient. :rolleyes:

    I have KanColle, I have No Man's Sky, and I have Rising World to play. It's all fun, whenever I do have time to play. I can wait.

  • Oh God... No Mans Sky is a perfect example of what happens when the developers fail to meet the hype or deliver on time. PS4 fans are happy but they released something mediocre for the PC. I remember how shitty ARK ran on my PC when I bought it a year ago. I tried it again a month ago and I am actually getting a great framerate on high settings. FINALLY!! But Ark was an early access title from the beginning. NMS was suppsed to be finished and I hear there are still some extra PC version only features promised but not yet ready.... anyways the reviews on Steam are really horrible.

    It looks like they decided to make it for console but did not spend enough time getting it ready for PC. I am reading reviews by people with high end machines barely getting 30 fps. I really don't even feel the graphics are that great. Judging from the videos I've seen, Rising World has nicer looking ground and grass textures. And this game is supposed to be $60??? I am going to keep an eye on it but it seems No Mans Sky should have beeen released as a short early accesss title for PC or atleast sold for less.

    The past year and to the end of this one we have or will see some pretty massive updates... biomes, new sound system, static water that actually looks beautiful, dungeon generation, new customizable character models and human NPCs, rideable animals, boats, and trains...

    Anytime you rip out a major component of software and replace it with something else, you essentially break the build and can spend days just getting the damn thing to run again. Then after it runs, you may look at it and decide it doesn't look that great so you spend more time tweaking it and improving it, leading you to possibly break it a few more times as you make your desired modifications. Then when it finally seems ok then you gotta polish it which is something Red51 takes a lot of care about which may be frustrating to some, myself included. Oh... then you want to avoid creating technical debt. Whenever you shortcut something you end up creating a problem to fix in the future as a tradeoff for a short term fix. Look at some of the limitations of blueprints due to the block system in Rising World. Any short-sighted decision (and I certainly mean no offence towards Red--the technical debt seems quite minimal in Rising World), can cause limitations in other systems you want to do in the future. To properly fix technical debt you have to go back to the core of the fault and redesign it. Then you have to make sure every other component depending on it works again. The point is that when designing a game as ambitious as Rising World you have to be really careful that whatever you do will not be something you regret designing later on.

    In the end however each update has looked awesome and happened with a minimal number of bugs (although the floating ores was rather hillarious from what I've seen)! He could probably push many of these updates out quicker but they wouldn't be as polished. Perhaps there is a strategy of finishing each component upfront thus makes less work to do later.

    And Windbourrne, please don't take my rants as a personal attack. I've seen you complain in the past about updates and I guess as a consumer that is your perogative. However, my experience and viewpoint is of a programmer. I manage a few hundred servers, pipelines for the applications that the real developers in my company write, and also write various scripts to automate and manage the work I do. That's simple in complexity than game design. One can easily switch to Unity and simply buy assets and plug them into your game (look how quickly StarsOne came about. Its all Unity asset store stuff) but Rising Worlds is hand crafted from the ground up (although I suspect that thete is a story about bald guy face came from somewhere--creepy thing) so I have a lot of respect for people who stand up and decide to make something more ambitious and versatile than Minecraft was ever expected to be, and to do that alone.

    End of rant. I have much work to do myself...

  • Hello All,

    I hear a lot of frustration and mood swings in this thread... I thought to myself "why" do I get frustrated at something? Most of the time it is because it is out of my hands and I cannot do anything about it... I look around and see again, the amount of people on the Server's have dropped. I would guess they are waiting for the update, and frustrated they cannot play because nothing new in game per se.

    Well I offer something NEW 8o8o I have a test server that I wipe about every other day if I am testing something. But since nothing is new I decided to turn it into a free for all server... You heard right!!! If you ever want to see what those terran tools were about or such go to and EVERY player has every right under the sun and a couple in the moon :P (well expect sever control duh ;) )

    NOW WARNING nothing stays nothing keeps but while you are waiting you can create destroy and even do PVP if you want but I do not see how much fun that will be with just an axe and pick but eh

    SO come one come all or do not even take the time to see but your lost!!!


  • In all seriousness you're not going to speed up anything by complaining about it. They don't give dates anymore, if they don't get ready in time, people are going nuts. "soon" means: it's done when it's done
    If it's still a few months from now they usually say "in a few months", if it's just a few days, they say "in a few days". "soon" is somewhere in between.

    I've been playing with libGDX lately, I see why it takes so much time to develop games.

  • Hold your horses. Soon is when Red51 can get all the update features working because every time they release it's either floating ores, worlds not allowing terrain generation, or even some meshing issue somewhere. The less of these issues, the better. Don't want our worlds breaking, even if we're not supposed to get attached to them.

    Go read the comments on SCS Software's blog about both 'American Truck Sim', as well as 'European Truck Sim 2' with how impatient people are while not knowing how official game making works. Have to have the game polished up so much that it wouldn't hurt anybody, and bugs/glitches still pass through the filter.

    You really need to not make assumptions. I know how this works. I've been the lone developer, and part of the team of two . . . I've went through bringing in other people, letting them go . . . and tearing a game completely apart. My own game has been in closed beta, we've released multiple versions, we've even been ripped back into alpha . . . all over what amounts to nearly a decade of work now.

    During that time I got married, I had a son, my father died of terminal brain and lung cancer, and I was diagnosed with BOTH medium functioning autism and panic syndrome. My partner on the project is supposed to be out this weekend and people are thrilled to see updates again . . . but I can take plenty of time off because I'm not taking money for the project and the testers are all fanatics.

    You could say I'm speaking from a LOT of experience.

    The internet makes us all anonymous. Assuming I don't have game development experience is insane. An update on the post isn't required, but it would be a good idea. I've had to pause development for over a year to deal with multiple family tragedies. People understood because when I used vague terms I came back and gave updates. I came back just to let people know I hadn't forgotten them. Terms like "soon" aren't professional but sometimes we use them because we don't know the exact numbers; or because there AREN'T any numbers. An update on "soon" can be something as simple as a one line post on the original article saying you know it's been a few weeks but things are progressing . . . or even that you are working on some tough bug.

    I gave an "update" on a minecraft mod pack this week. Two lets players are playing and they messaged me directly asking why I've been away from Curse this past month. So I gave them a short paragraph talking about my life and some of the other projects I'm involved with. It wasn't required, but it didn't really take any time and they appreciated it. I'm not the best at communication (autism), but I've learned that a very little effort goes a long way in these situations.

    You are very active . . . but this comment doesn't show you in your best light. :)

  • Windbournne,
    I am glad that you agree that sometimes "soon " is the only answer you can give. I also am happy that you agree that a small effort goes a long way. I feel that Red51 excells in efforts to communicate with and support the community. His efforts in that regard do compensate for slow development blues.

    I am confused however what you are really complaining about if you are a developer yourself and understand development setbacks and how personal life complicates things.

    The new API specs were just published and Red has been actively helping the modders here to begin transitioning to it. New player models combined with lots of new object models and replacements for old ones have been in development since earlier this year. Water, models, dungeons, and the new API have been developed pretty much in parallel for a while. I'm sure you can understand how that can complicate things especially when only one person writes the code. So yeah, "soon" or "it gets there when it gets there" is about the best you can expect officially cause as I said before, he has gotten burned in the past for making deadlines that fell through.

    ArcticKitsu is explaining similar frustration as he deals with people on other game forums that do nothing but complain and badmouth when updates are slow. We have a good community here. Most of here accept "soon". Dungeons will be ready soon. The new API is going to be integrated first however. Btw, i hope youve had a chance to look at the api yorself. If you are a modder then we would appreciate any feedback you have in that regards.

  • Hmm....

    Well, I'm glad you put that all on the table, yet I find it a bit odd to do so. I am however finding it nice and informative on that formal level that I can see where you're coming from, your experiences, and such, as well as zfoxfire mentioning how I'm frustrated by being crapped on in various other gaming forums that I feel the most at peace on this forum. I still however find it frustrating when I still stumble across "stupid people" (excluding you & those on here) that fail to take into account that content needs to be made, not forced out. Just as you said, yet not really, that people "assume" that content can be made on a whim that everything is apparently crafted with magic. Something they see on World of Warcraft, or something similar.

    Feel bad that you had to suffer that much, yet that being worded feels misplaced, yet shall take it in formal understanding. I can't code, and I respect those that can, so I shall also respect you formally on that level. Same with Red51, as well as zfoxfire whom can code in in various manners.

    As for the "soon" for Rising World I see via the announcement bubbles on the forums. Those, and steam updates are enough for me, and I know we'll get some monthly update. Seeing the API Plugin was enough for a monthly update that I can wait a tiny bit longer for Dungeons knowing that Red51 is busy cracking is rear end trying to get these updates out to us. More so with me pushing him, as well as others, yet still respecting him with what he has to deal with. From what I'm used to dealing with game developers & modders that this is actually something done through passion that it's even amazing what we're getting from Red51, let alone those at SCS Software that I can't help but be "a fanboy", as I was exampled many times. I"m however patiently waiting & itching to play with the dungeon updates, as well as the player animations & models. Should be in the next month or so, which is all fine.

    Something you forgot to mention, or probably haven't experienced/overlooked (maybe via illness you noted) is how much stress people can give you. Something more than coding that you just hide away from all that I tend to bring up through retail experience, yet also seeing on gaming forums, and the locked threads Red51 has to experience in a larger area that he also had to close all those hostile threads. It's even a little miracle we're even getting Rising World updates in the quality we're getting. I have respect for Red51 having to deal with my fair share, and I guess you have your own respect in some manner also through experience. Same with SCS Software with Euro Truck SIm 2 & American Truck Sim 2 with how they carefully put out content on their end. People harassing them worse than parents with whining tantruming kids in swarms. On the other side I'm not proud that I was cameo'd in a video in a dark light in one of Vortac's videos that it's demoralizing, yet shaking that off as trivial now because it's just one out of the many videos to be made in Rising World within the community. The good with the bad, and with more Rising World fun to be had.

    I guess I really am not in a good light because I have my own share of stupid people to deal with, retail work, some games not working (refusing to run;less games to play), finding myself in arguments with people (yet mended most of them; On various gaming forums), & just various issues popping in & out. Not really an excuse, yet I guess I can also mention how Japanese games such as KanColle can sap you of your mental energy by how brutal & punishing they can be [The RNG is horrid that you have to "thread the needle" constantly] while playing the latest event going on during summer that I'm not really 100% mentally. Both mentally & physically from various sceneries. It all builds up, and I admit I'm not 100% when I'm constantly finding myself in some negative situation. I guess it's not as yours over time, yet that's my crap on the table.

    [Also been said I've been looking for a pity party, yet that's the last thing I want. I guess the same would go for you as that would seem insulting. I guess we're just frustrated with the way things are going. Not looking for any in this post, I say as someone brought that up in another community.]

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