No Mans Sky

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • No man's Sky is the absolute king of procedural world generation. I have watched a lot of the streaming videos , and as soon as they squash a few of the Pc bugs, I'm going to buy it. They are going to add building in September. Only 18 quintillion unique planets to visit. We will never see them all.

    Star citizen will be the next. Gaming will never be the same.

    I love the idea of letting the computer generate the worlds. Even the programmers of No man's sky are amazed in what they see. Its a game changer.

  • Steam reviewers seem to have a different idea, though, as the programme oscillates between "Mixed" and "Mostly negative".

    The procedurally generated planets might be fine, I cannot tell without trying myself (and I'm not going to spend 60 € on a game with so bad reviews), but the fly scenes in the videos on Steam are ridiculous: going from ground level to out of the atmosphere in less than 3 seconds implies such an acceleration that anybody in the aircraft would be dead on the spot. Also the way they manoeuvre around planets seems to imply a total lack of gravity. This is not even sci-fi, it is simply techno-fantasy...

  • What intrigues me is that each procedural generated worlds is quite literally a planet and not a flat world like in Minecraft or Rising World.

    And yes, the Steam reviews seem brutal right now. I see lots of complaints about the game not running or running poorly. A friend of mine bought it and says while the performance is a bit rough right now, the game itself is rock solid. I might pick it up on a sale in the future because the last time I paid almost $60 for a game was when you still had to buy them in stores.

  • When you ask me: Total overhyped game. I preordered it and it looks very promising at the beginning, and in the first minutes you think that you will spent thousand hours in this game, but after a few hours it is getting very boring and repetive. It is not a bad game, but I am even not sure if it is even worth the money (60 € for a few hour gameplay with little replay value).

  • I am reading that the PC version is supposed to have extra features unavailable on the console version. Looks like they really jumped the gun. It probably would have been better to offer the game on Steam as early access and for less money. Glad the console launch happened without a hitch.

  • I am waiting to buy it , I have a graphics card that is less then a year old. Tre requirements are really high . I think they are going to fix it so lower end systems can run it . Most of what I have seen is the ps4 graphics and I do not have a ps4.

  • When you ask me: Total overhyped game.

    :rolleyes: I agree.

    Theres this one review that spoke volumes to me.
    Then watching a friend play OMG confirmed !
    It even rang a bell with whats lacking in Elite dangerous and still is btw.

    I kind of see how procedural generation would fail... a game the size of 2.5 GB (no mans sky) that is supposed to be about exploring new worlds has a limited amount of assets that gets recolored then rescaled and used over and over again. That to me is a boring way to keep generating something "new". Sure expansion packs could introduce more variation after release but the initial $60 release... c'mon it should of filled up an entire Blu-ray disc at least. (lets not get technical about what compression techniques they've used)

    High five on their marketting strategy tho. :thumbsup: Now we know where at least $30 from the total price goes to.

  • You are basing the size of the game on the compressed data steam downloads to your pc. No Mans sky is about 10 GB in size. The size you are seeing is the compresset installer . I still do not own the game yet. Too many pc issues.

  • i really liked the idea of this game at first, but after some thinking i decided not to buy it, to me flying from planet to planet could be fun, but each planet needs to look totally driffent, and you should be able to do everything you do on RW lol ok thats asking to much but come on whats the point if all you can do is only upgrade your ship and name planets, the chance's of ever meeting up with anyone are so low it most likely wont ever happen too, yep after playing RW all other games seem lame, Thanks @red51 for that oO

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • You are basing the size of the game on the compressed data

    Of course, it goes without saying. I probably should of added that i was talking about download size haha. :P OMG imagine the actual gane only being 2.5GB whuuuuuut ?????? 8o

    But no, just the download size was a great indication of how small this "diverse near limitless universe" can be compacted into.
    Looking at the game graphics wise and looking at the most prevailant thing a player would be doing in game (exploring). coming in at 2.5GB
    you'd start to wish they are using some damn good compression techniques or find out you're going to meet a whole lot of recolors and resizes over and over again.
    it sucks to find out that right after steam refund time limit the repeditiveness starts to show.

    After watching my friend grind his way to believing theres more, yep there was more... more of the same...

    Or i have a bias for RW hahaha dang it :rolleyes:@yahgiggle I'm with you on that !!!

  • this reminds me of somebody who left a negative review on steam about Rising world. He claimed the game was s***** because the file size was so small.

    I later suggested to Red that he convert all the texture files to BMP and the music and sounds to WAV and maybe add an uncompressed 1080p intro video for the sake of artificially inflating the game size

    The point is that file size is irrelevant. If everything is procedurally generated then the file size will naturally be tiny. Just check out those 64k demos for PC computer

  • Uh oh no, leave out the compression techniques. since there are so many factors that affect installer size all the way down to the final installation size (quality, compression ratio, fileformats, encryption format, data types etc etc etc etc etc etc)

    leave out those factors and look at it from an asset collection perspective.

    If the game looked like a 2D Super Mario then a flat installed base at a little over 10GB would be freaken amazing.
    expect a lot of content. :D
    if the game looked like GTA V then a flat installed base at a little over 10GB would be worrysome. expect a techdemo :(

    Its just a very quick indicator. Not accurate but nobody is saying it is a way to accurately judge.

    Content junkies like myself do it all the time. when we think about content we think about mass.
    For us, bigger is better. again leave out the compression factors (quality, formats etc etc) thats already calculated into those expectations.

    And procedurally generation on assets isnt exactly "fresh content" when all thats being done is rescaling and flipping through textures.

  • Cant compare it to Rising world it is not sold as a finished space exploration game at $60 where you land on full planets each having their own set of diverse fauna and flora.

    on RW i expect to see the same kind of trees the same kind of animals the same kind of flowers and objects because i am after all traveling on the same kind of planet so diversity is to be taken with a grain of salt.
    also in terms of graphics and audio, (especially audio) i would expect the animals in RW to sound the same. VS animals from different planets.

    I know looking at file size to "sort of" figure out the amount of content is just as bad as judging a persons health by looking at BMI. There's too many factors. But still a lot of folks do it because it is a very quick way to have a slight clue of what to expect. like licking your finger to 'sort of' figure out where the wind is coming from and worry about accuracy later. haha :D


    theres a storm on Reddit about promises that never got delivered. But all in all if you dont go in with the same expectations that got hyped about its a fun game to get at a steam sale. :thumbup:

  • I wanted to give this game a chance, and even loved where it's going, yet it's even depressing & disappointing me also. I tried giving it a chance, even defending it, yet it failed me. I can't run the game with the '(0xc000007b)' error. I tried all the drivers update, and everything it suggested, yet nothing. The game itself needs to scan for this stuff now that I'm stuck outside looking in seeing all the flaws mentioned in people's let's plays & such.

    The problem with the game being both the studio's fault and the loud gamers. Both sides are at fault, one for lying & the other for over-hyping it to the point we'd reach this point. It's amazing how people only make note of what I made note of after damage has been done, yet I'm always the ignorant one around here. ||

    But yeah, I still have the game in hopes I can at least play test it, yet for $60 Canadian I can't play it, nor can I experience base building stuff they have planned. Wanting to play it, yet there's just so much crap that I'm having more fun playing Starbound, a game which goes far deeper than No man's Sky while doing the same thing. Even Empyrion is far superior to No Man's Sky. Both Starbound & Empyrion.

  • I purchased no mans sky last week.I was excited like nuts.1 week later? All upgrades have been reached,inventory slots are maxed out and now I do the same thing over and over.Just visiting planets in which there are about 25-30 types and have been blended with different colors.Same thing with animals and body parts.It got boring very fast.I like space exploration ,thats why I got it but..., nothing will easily replace RW.You can play this game until you get old,with the same excitement unless you get tired of your own creativity and imagination.I know it wont happen to me!! I love RW!

  • I purchased no mans sky last week.I was excited like nuts.1 week later? All upgrades have been reached,inventory slots are maxed out and now I do the same thing over and over.Just visiting planets in which there are about 25-30 types and have been blended with different colors.Same thing with animals and body parts.It got boring very fast.I like space exploration ,thats why I got it but..., nothing will easily replace RW.You can play this game until you get old,with the same excitement unless you get tired of your own creativity and imagination.I know it wont happen to me!! I love RW!

    They plan to add "building" to No mans sky and I do not know why unless they add full multiplayer to it as it does not make sense. I still have not purchased the game due to the PC bugs.

    As far as rising world goes. ALL procedural generation does the same thing INCLUDING rising worlds. It always produces rows of mountains, and a mostly grass covered surface. Rising worlds biomes , although pretty lack rocks, volcanoes, geysers and waterfalls and more detail. No mans sky and astral terra produce much more varied terrain and detail then rising world.

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