[Script]Area Protection 3.0 NEW

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  • Ok guys i have once more updated this script

    now we can let area owners make there own areas inside the area they own, the area owner can also now add other player group besides just the Friend group

    New codes are
    /selectarea = select the area to protect this now works for non admins too
    /makemyarea areaname = the area name the Owner wants for his new area, note he must be inside his area for this to work and his area cannot overlap other areas this code auto adds the maker as the owner on making the area
    /addownertoarea Owner username = adding new owners to areas, so a Owner can add another user as a Owner and that owner has all the same rights, note its most likey best to add them as a Friend as Owners can remove there own areas oO maybe not good if they remove your area oO
    /removearea = now owners can remove there own area or areas inside there own area.
    /addshoppertoarea Shopper username = now a owner can add a user to a area he or she owns as a shopper, shoppers cant grief they can only take from chests
    /addlockouttoarea Lockout username = Owners can now ban a player who bugs them from there own area adding them as a Lockout it stops them from even been able to enter the area
    /addminertoarea Miner username = this can be used to make a mining area inside an area add the player as a Miner and thay cant grief buildings but they can dig the ground

    /showareas to visualize all existing areas
    /hideareas to hide all visualized areas
    /arealist lists all the areas defined
    /areatp2 will teleport you to the given area by name, make sure that you are flying when you use this!!!
    /areatp will teleport you to the given area by ID, make sure that you are flying when you use this!!!
    /showareainfo to show all members of an area with their groups
    /addplayertoarea to add a player to the provided group inside the area you currently are
    /removeplayerfromarea to unregister a player from the area you're standing in
    /selectarea to visualize all existing areas
    /createarea to save the area you have defined previously
    /removearea to delete the area you're currently inside
    /reloadgroups to reload all group propertyfiles
    /showareaplayerrights to show all members of an area with their rights
    /cleanuparea to remove all objects, constructions, vegetations and blocks from an area
    /fillarea to fill up an area with terrain or air

    Admin's can add all groups to any area they should add all players to an area as a Owner one owner per plot. Owners then can add the group Friend to his or her own area

    Admin = the Admin of all areas
    Guest = someone passing by
    Owner = the owner of the area the Admin has appointed
    Shopper = a group that can only take stuff from chests but do nothing else
    Lockup = allows you to lock a user to a area
    Lockout = allows you to lockout a user from going into a area
    Miner = a user that can only dig rock but cannot do anything else
    Friend = a user who is trusted they can build or do anything in a area you own Note: friends cannot add other friends to areas only the Owner can do this

    as with any script you use it at your own risk


    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website


    Edited 6 times, last by yahgiggle ().

  • You make a LUA Script, why?

    because lua still works and i want it to do more, and it maybe some time before the new API is up and running oO also it gives us the idea of what we want the new java protection to do

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • Thats cool thx. Sry for asking but im new to all this. Im setting up a ClanWar Server. (or trying to)

    Can i also set whole Group groups. ^^
    I.e. I have a Clan A and B

    Can i say Clan A (Group) is "shopper" in Clan Bs Basecamp (Area)? Or do i have to do this for every single player?

    Is it possible to add or remove the right to ATK (PVP) within Areas?

    Thx for your help

  • Not with this script you would need a whole new script to do something like this but you could use the permissions Groups for such things you could just add the Group Clan A and B to that and set what ever rights you like, how ever you will need to add them to that group one by one hit ~ or ` and type setplayergroup ClanA Username

    to make the ClanA Group goto your permissions/groups folder and copy a group then rename it to Group ClanA.permissions

    then open it and edit the permissions

    they look like this

    chatcolor: 0xFFFFFF
    chatnamecolor: 0xFFFFFF

    - *
    fly: true
    pvp: true
    enabled: true
    maxupload: 100
    dimension: 2048
    use: false
    create: false
    - *

    for the group areas you then could use the protection script to make them each a area and add them to that area as one of the pre defined groups maybe Friend would be best if you don't want them deleting the area or making new ones

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • so i will have to whait until there will be a new script (probably with the new api) to be able to set up roles for whole groups inside predefined areas. Its lika a combination of area protect and grouppermissions.

    Hopefully this wont be too much of a problem. Otherwise i dont see too bright future for what were setting up. Hmmm.

    Well we will see what future brings. Maybe some of you "scriptaholics" can visit us on our server once we set everything up. Maybe its easier to understand what im looking for. ^^

    Tabks a lot for your help anyway! You guys are great!

    Cheeers :thumbsup: COHIBA

  • Is there a way to resize an existing area?

    yep do removearea then remake it bigger lol been funny a side this is in fact the only way we can do it ATM but i guess the next updated protection will have a resize option

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • So to clarify on the last question brought about groups, it is currently not possible to assign permission groups to protected areas, only users?

    I really hope this gets improved in the next version because I'm becoming a bit more fine-tuned with permissions now and want to be able to assign groups to certain common areas and not have to assign individual users to each individual space.

  • also, i took a closer look into my disappearing areas and found that database entries are not writing when i create areas. now strangely enough there are gaps in the index of areas. i wonder if an incomplete write occurred. i'll study the script closer to see if anything pops out to me. i assume this is an error handling issue.

  • It would be cool to be able to toggle a whitelist and have only certain people be able to come in.

    So if this were implemented, a permission would have to be added that enables a group (ie. admin) to override whitelists. [overridewhitelist is a boolean variable]

    Of course this applies to everyone that isn't admin or people who don't have that special permission so they override a whitelist.

    Or if there were 3+ groups (Default, Admin, and some other group(s) higher or lower than admin) and if a higher privelaged group member sets a whitelist, only people with a higher number can override his/her whitelist
    [overridewhitelist is an integer variable]

    For example, if a server were to give donators a higher # for this permission, I was a donator, and I were to toggle on whitelist:
    People allowed:

    • Any player in a group which has overridewhitelist as a higher # than my group
    • People who are on the whitelist

    People denied:

    • People not on whitelist and have a lower # than my group

    Side Note: I did repeat myself. But I tend to over clarify because you never know when someone might read a post wrong and interpret it wrong. I've done it a few times.

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  • Hi guys could anyone let me know before i go ahead and try if its possible to add a "group" to a area and not just a player? ie /addguesttoarea (area name). or aim i over thinking it and just put in /createarea "areaname" and anyone can still access it?

    So what im going for is Ive build a player wall inside a building so anyone that comes into the server can enter the building / chest and place a sign on the wall.

    Thanks for a great community on here :thumbsup:

  • Just to make sure I am doing this right. ?( It seems the way I read it, that if I make someone an Admin for their area they can then added people to any area in the game? "It says Admin = the Admin of all areas" and then "Admin's can add all groups to any area". I wondering if this is different than "ADMINS' You appoint to help run the game or is this just Admin for their area.

  • just thought I should report something I noticed today, if you use a blueprint in an area you are NOT a member of the blocks appear but all other construction elements do not. Don't know if this is a bug introduced when the block rotation came into the game :/ Eitherway thought I should write it here in case you didn't know about it. Hope you find a way to fix this :)

  • Just to make sure I am doing this right. ?( It seems the way I read it, that if I make someone an Admin for their area they can then added people to any area in the game? "It says Admin = the Admin of all areas" and then "Admin's can add all groups to any area". I wondering if this is different than "ADMINS' You appoint to help run the game or is this just Admin for their area.

    no thats not right you need to make them a server admin to do that, as a server admin you should only ever add anyone to a area as a owner, then let that owner make new areas inside his/her area, the script auto adds the owner to any new area he makes he can then add his friends to that area or even add a trusted friend to a new area inside his area as a owner who can then make more areas also on there own area oO lol

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website


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