[Plugin] Animal Breed Master - Viehzuchtmeister V0.81.1

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • @ArcticuKitsu
    I just learned that I don't have to keep eye contact. Once an animal starts to follow me, i can turn around and walk slowly and he will keep following as long as I don't get too far ahead. Still, a rope would be an awesome addition. i'll pester Red51 to make one even if it doesn't do much of anything (much like the rolling pin currently) ;-p

    Nice, yup. I love how the animals speak to you. 'Yum yum!' heh.

    Animals that you tamed should run at you at full speed. That, or pick up the chicken and walk it home.

  • I am incredibly impressed with this plugin! Great work! I also have this problem, it started after naming my 6th animal.

    "If all the world was apple pie, And all the sea were ink. And all the trees were bread and cheese, What would we have to drink?" ?(

  • I'm highly impressed with it also. I just ran a chicken a long distance after taming it from a 20 min run from one settlement to the next. I love the cute 'yum! Yum!' messages, among the other nice touches. How it notifies you with fireworks soundeffects that a baby has been born.

    So, the feedback right now being the following

    1) Fix the naming system. it tends to glitch out, yet I did rename both my chickens. I had to refresh the plugin.
    2) Chickens need to be able to eat from corn cobs. Tweak the food system to be more varied so each can enjoy their food types. I swear chickens can eat corn cobs. With the way watermelons & pumpkins are they're quite difficult that I tried getting Red51 to make watermelons & pumpkins produce seeds on their own also.
    3) Notify us when an animal is carrying a newborn. I eventually saw one of my chickens was pregnant that I'm now waiting.
    4) Should have a way for baby pigs age up to be adult pigs.

    So far so good, yet those are the tweaks I suggest. I'm now getting the hang of it. :thumbup:

  • 1) Fix the naming system. it tends to glitch out, yet I did rename both my chickens. I had to refresh the plugin.
    2) Chickens need to be able to eat from corn cobs. Tweak the food system to be more varied so each can enjoy their food types. I swear chickens can eat corn cobs. With the way watermelons & pumpkins are they're quite difficult that I tried getting Red51 to make watermelons & pumpkins produce seeds on their own also.
    3) Notify us when an animal is carrying a newborn. I eventually saw one of my chickens was pregnant that I'm now waiting.
    4) Should have a way for baby pigs age up to be adult pigs.

    So far so good, yet those are the tweaks I suggest. I'm now getting the hang of it. :thumbup:

    Thank you for the feedback!

    • This is really strange! I can't reproduce this glitch. If you click somewhere else on the screen, does the box disappear then or does it stick forever?
      I wonder why you do not have the cursor focus in the input field, can you post a screenshot maybe?
      I will investigate!
    • It was my intention to keep the food system simple. I can define one action per item. In the case of corncob it is already taken for feeding pigs. :)
      But yes, I will think about it!
    • It's included in the next update (in about 1-2 hours). :)
    • As far as I know, aging and growing of npcs is not implemented yet in the game. This would be great to watch tiny, cute babies growing up! ^^

  • @ArcticuKitsu You could cut watermelons and pumpkins with a sickle. After a while you'll duplicate many seeds. The only way atm or you are using F6, but I think you know this method. ;)
    Red told in another thread, that it would not be intended to let mini pigs grow up. I totally agree, I like to keep the minis. :D

    The food tigers prefer is well thought. ^^ My 1st sheep refuses to eat corn. After a while I noticed that the sheep wanted to be fed with sugur beet. I rarely laughed so much. :D

  • Yeah, the naming thing is a bit buggy that around the text there's a red boarder that denies you from hitting enter. YOu can type all the names you want, yet nothing will happen. I had to exit out into the menu and back. When that happened I couldn't name the chicken, even hover time & again every few moments. It refused.

    For the corn cob thing again is there a way to give duplicates? I think they took watermelon seeds & pumpkin seeds, yet only managed to give them water melon seeds. Corn is also a seed food that they eat dry corn cobs. I'm starting to overflow with corn in my chest that I'd love to bread chicken with them. Not sure how simplified or complicated you made it in coding, just that watermelons & pumpkins are a difficult food type to grow that I suggested Red51 would be able to get seeds, and just seeds out of food items leaving both food & seeds alone hmm...

    @ArcticuKitsu You could cut watermelons and pumpkins with a sickle. After a while you'll duplicate many seeds. The only way atm or you are using F6, but I think you know this method.
    Red told in another thread, that it would not be intended to let mini pigs grow up. I totally agree, I like to keep the minis.

    I've been cutting watermelons in their grown state feeding the chickens seeds. It's frustrating with the way replanting & feeding chickens go with that.

    About the mini pig "aww". Well, it was a thought to allow the mini pig to happen as a baby growing up that you could swamp entities after awhile. Just a thought.

  • About the mini pig "aww". Well, it was a thought to allow the mini pig to happen as a baby growing up that you could swamp entities after awhile. Just a thought.

    Sure. :) I thought these mini pigs are the only animals who would never grow up.
    I would prefer to keep all pets in the baby status. Pet-Dreamland. :D

  • Update auf V0.11:

    • du erhälst nun eine Benachrichtigung, wenn ein Tier trächtig geworden ist
    • das Tier wird nun rennen, wenn es zu weit weg ist
    • Chilischote zum Füttern der Hühner hinzugefügt 8o (workaround)

    Updated to V0.11:

    • now you will be notified if an animal is pregnant
    • animal will run to you now, if it is too far away
    • added chili pepper for feeding chickens 8o (workaround)

    Yeah, the naming thing is a bit buggy that around the text there's a red boarder that denies you from hitting enter. YOu can type all the names you want, yet nothing will happen. I had to exit out into the menu and back. When that happened I couldn't name the chicken, even hover time & again every few moments. It refused.

    This is really weired! It sounds like that something interferes with the input mechanics.
    Did you try to exit the game and start over? Or, can you possibly restart your server?

    I really have no clue yet, why this happens. ?(

  • So es läuft auf unserem Testserver so erstmal gut, Fehler konnte ich nicht finden.
    Habe es aber erstmal jetzt nur allein getestet, mit einer Kuh.
    Wenn die Kuh mir folgen soll, funktioniert das eigendlich ganz gut, man darf sich nur nicht so weit von ihr weg bewegen
    manchmal kam aber auch einfach der Text, das sie mir nicht mehr folgt, obwohl ich direkt daneben stand.

    Trotzdem, ein tolles Plug-in - auf so etwas haben viele Spieler/in gewartet.

  • ^^ The German in the chatbot in that pic cracked me up! A cow speaking German! What will they think of next!

    added chili pepper for feeding chickens (workaround)

    Wow, no mercy for those poor chickens' digestive tracts! ^^

    "If all the world was apple pie, And all the sea were ink. And all the trees were bread and cheese, What would we have to drink?" ?(

  • 1000 posts last night! Yay!

    Alright, I'll try updating the plugin now, even restarting the server. We'll see what it does. For this I want to now ask Red51 to allow us to pop corn cobs into popcorn, or at least dry the corn into dried corn on the campfire so we can then have another item for the chickens. Chili peppers is rough for them, but I will use it. Red51, can you do that? Just retexture the corn cob into cooked & burned corn? :whistling:


    Edit: I'll tell you how it goes later as I really don't have the time now. I moved all the chili peppers to my chicken farm surprised with how much I was able to harvest with 4 planted. I've enough to last me a long while that I also have to grow my farm accordingly now.

    I guess we can keep the corn cobs for the pigs that I'll have to make a pig farm for bacon and such. That's a project for later though. Sometimes next week.......

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