Server Stats

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  • Our server stats page is now available:
    Deutsche Übersetzung

    The stats page provides various information about all public multiplayer servers (average player count, player history, online/offline status etc), and also features some general statistics (new players per month, player origin).

    Server admins are able to customize their server page by adding a description (which may include screenshots, for example). To do that, make sure you insert your username as "webadmin" in the file, then you're able to login to the stats page (with your ingame account credentials) and edit the server description. Please let us know if you have any questions about that.

    Note: You will find a file called "server_key" in your server directory. This file is required to assign your server stats correctly. So if you want to move to a new server, but keep the old stats, you have to copy this file as well. In case you lose the file, it can be redownloaded from the stats page (just login as webadmin).

  • Very nice tool :) Thank's for that, we are now able to present our server and goals. Good job !

    As this place shows almost everything, it would be genuis if each server have a "forum" on its page. but perhaps it's too offtopic with the stats site (but admins and players could talk about the servers and that could give useful informations for players interested in that server)

  • Well, I'm trying to log into that stats page and it won't let me. It's using the forum's login, yet it's not saying I logged in. I guess I'll try and figure it out later when I have a focused mind.

    I love this because it helps sort things out nicely. I'm a bit of a stats guy so it helps sort things out nicely. Thanks, Red51! If I could edit that page, I would. IP is listed so I guess I can't do much thankful I have a whitelisted server. It's nice you can edit the description.


    I find it amusing that it tells me who is online, and where they're at currently. THing is, I bet it'll be used even more so as a spying tool for those that have been spying on others in paranoia, or something. It's a nice stats page, yet let's see how well we treat it as time goes on. I hope people treat this with respect.

  • As this place shows almost everything, it would be genuis if each server have a "forum" on its page

    Basically that's a great idea, although I'm afraid that most forums might be pretty empty then... maybe we could add something like a shoutbox or a wall where people could leave a comment instead...

    I'm trying to log into that stats page and it won't let me. It's using the forum's login, yet it's not saying I logged in

    You have to use your website login (which isn't necessarily identical to your forum login) ;)

    I bet it'll be used even more so as a spying tool for those that have been spying on others in paranoia, or something

    Yeah, this may be true... well, if this feature only gets abused and if it causes more harm than good, we will remove it eventually.

    A problem; once i received the temp pw I'm unable to change it, it says "an error occurred" and that's it

    Oh, thanks for letting us know! This error should be fixed now :)

  • Ich finde die Stats Seite gut gelungen und auch wenn sie vor längerer Zeit schon angekündigt war, habe ich jetzt nicht so schnell mit dieser rerechnet.
    Ihr habt da eine weitere tolle Arbeit abgeliefert :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

  • Well, I tried that and it didn't like my email I chose. I can't create a new website account because it hates my email. Was wanting to test it out of curiousity, yet I can't even do that.

    Why does it hate your email? =O If the field turns red (when creating a new account), the mail address is probably already in use. But it's not necessary to create a new account, if you don't remember the login credentials of the old account, it's more preferable to recover the password ("forgot username or password"). If you used a wrong email during account creation, you can tell me your username and your email (via PM), so we can change it accordingly ;)

  • Alright, cool. I've got that sorted now thanks to your help. Just that it now lists me as a player, not Admin. That should be easily fixed on my end as well.



    Oh! This works nicely! I love this. I tried to keep my description nice and tidy that this works nicely. I love this!

    I also saw information about the player profile stuff that it has me curious what you're cooking for player profile related stuff. I bet it'll contain stats, achievements, and maybe even tie in with special clothing only contained by special events. Maybe. SImilar to how Minecraft has achievements it be sweet if it had account based achievements and such. Clothing, and etc. What you've done with the stats page was helpful that this may also be awesome player wise.

    I can't wait for the next update to release.

  • @red51 I noticed that a majority of the servers are running on Linux; I'd be interested to know a little more about the distributions they are on, like the information that's shown on Windows. For example, right now there are 103 Linux servers (general description) but we know that (lol!) one server is on Windows Vista?! I know it's a little tricky because different Linux OS will put the information in different files, but they should have lsb_release available that you can capture:

    lsb_release -d | cut -d':' -f2
  • @Steve: Basically it would be interesting to see the different distros, unfortunately it's a little bit tricky, since the lsb_release command would not work on all distros, and some distros are not lsb compliant... :/ Although I guess this only affects very few servers... We'll try to implement it for the next version, then we can see how many servers are actually affected. Depending on how many different distros are actually in use, we may add this information to the stats page ;)

  • @Steve: Basically it would be interesting to see the different distros, unfortunately it's a little bit tricky, since the lsb_release command would not work on all distros, and some distros are not lsb compliant... :/ Although I guess this only affects very few servers... We'll try to implement it for the next version, then we can see how many servers are actually affected. Depending on how many different distros are actually in use, we may add this information to the stats page ;)

    Thank you! Yes, there are hundreds (or more?!) of distributions, but the top ten or so dominates most of the desktop, and definitely server installs. lsb_release is tricky.. as with everything in the Linux world, people have all sorts of opinions about what/how/if something should be done or included. I don't think it has the support that the original team would have liked, but it is still a pretty good way to get the distribution of the machine it's run on. At the very least, it's supported by the major distributions. Looking at the Steam Hardware survey (n= ??) and the GamingOnLinux user survey (n=2308, July 2017) it looks like the vast majority of players are on either Debian or Arch ( <3:thumbsup: ) based systems... so it should be pretty simple to get that information.

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