Our server stats page is now available:https://stats.rising-world.net
Deutsche Übersetzung
The stats page provides various information about all public multiplayer servers (average player count, player history, online/offline status etc), and also features some general statistics (new players per month, player origin).
Server admins are able to customize their server page by adding a description (which may include screenshots, for example). To do that, make sure you insert your username as "webadmin" in the server.properties file, then you're able to login to the stats page (with your ingame account credentials) and edit the server description. Please let us know if you have any questions about that.
Note: You will find a file called "server_key" in your server directory. This file is required to assign your server stats correctly. So if you want to move to a new server, but keep the old stats, you have to copy this file as well. In case you lose the file, it can be redownloaded from the stats page (just login as webadmin).