??? Why was my post taken town I work hard on putting that together

Why you deleted my Hemp post?
- JCDriven
- Closed
I ASSUME that it might not have been clear enough that this was a SUGGESTION for use of the INGAME hemp. If I remember correctly, this post was in the suggestion folder, thus being at the correct place.
Sometimes I got the impression that you made advertisement for your own company, where you produce industrial hemp. But then I always recalled to my mind that it is in the suggestion folder. Might have been that someone else has not realized this so clearly.
But this is an assumption only, the try of an explanation, until the one who removed it can give a statement.
Actually I didn't delete this post, but a few people reported it. It wasn't clear if this was really a suggestion or just an advertisement - there wasn't a concrete reference to the game, instead it provided general information about hemp and also contained a lot of links to external sites (mostly companies which are offering hemp-related products or services).
I've restored the topic for now, but maybe you could point out how these various aspects could be used in the game exactly
And please remove the links to external commercial homepages.
Actually I didn't delete this post, but a few people reported it. It wasn't clear if this was really a suggestion or just an advertisement - there wasn't a concrete reference to the game, instead it provided general information about hemp and also contained a lot of links to external sites (mostly companies which are offering hemp-related products or services).
I've restored the topic for now, but maybe you could point out how these various aspects could be used in the game exactly
And please remove the links to external commercial homepages.
I will remove the links sorry i do not know these company just to source from. Sorry for the mix up
I will remove the links sorry i do not know these company just to source from. Sorry for the mix up
The post is spam, it realy has nothing to do with this game, also its in violation of the copyright laws, it has images stolen from the net.
so linking to images from external websites is illegal?
Yes it is, also the user has spammed hemp all over the internet just type his username with the word hemp into google and you will see, i don't take removing posts lightly i did my homework on this user and have good reason to remove his post, Red51 has been so busy with the update he has no time to look up info on every user who posts on the forum.
I think this guy is lost, i been on the internet for over 20 years and can't
believe he thinks posting one forum and having my link to my Facebook page in my banner is spam, i have been a mod and owned my own forum for psp and had 100,000 users so i would nothing to do with this game if am going to be abused by one of your admins. Your game wont make it if this is the road your going down. I LIKE YOU HAD HEMP IN THE GAME AND WANTED TO SEE IF YOU LIKE ANYONE PRODUCTS I SHOWED TO ADD ON THE GAME BUT W/E I WILL JUST Make my own game peace out and find JESUS!!!
I think this guy is lost, i been on the internet for over 20 years and can't believe he thinks posting one forum and having my link to my Facebook page in my banner is spam, i have been a mod and owned my own forum for psp and had 100,000 users so i would nothing to do with this game if am going to be abused by one of your admins. Your game wont make it if this is the road your going down. I LIKE YOU HAD HEMP IN THE GAME AND WANTED TO SEE IF YOU LIKE ANYONE PRODUCTS I SHOWED TO ADD ON THE GAME BUT W/E I WILL JUST Make my own game peace out and find JESUS!!!
Then you should work on your wording, your post had no reference to the game at its current state or even the words "I would like to see this in the game" or "how about you add this to the game" or "here is an idea for a new item/object" or any other paraphrasing of the above to suggest you wanted the items added to the game. Further to that you had 10s of external links to various commercial hemp product producing/selling websites, that is called advertising in my language. If you want to post a suggestion for the game then post only images or links to non-commercial websites and write it up properly to reflect a suggesting manner and not an advertising one.
I think this guy is lost, i been on the internet for over 20 years and can't
believe he thinks posting one forum and having my link to my Facebook page in my banner is spam, i have been a mod and owned my own forum for psp and had 100,000 users so i would nothing to do with this game if am going to be abused by one of your admins. Your game wont make it if this is the road your going down. I LIKE YOU HAD HEMP IN THE GAME AND WANTED TO SEE IF YOU LIKE ANYONE PRODUCTS I SHOWED TO ADD ON THE GAME BUT W/E I WILL JUST Make my own game peace out and find JESUS!!!
@JCDriven yes i know all about you and the things you did at a young age oO i looked into you and also found 100s of pages with the same type of spam that you made on other sites, also please remove your spam links from your profile and Signature.
Then you should work on your wording, your post had no reference to the game at its current state or even the words "I would like to see this in the game" or "how about you add this to the game" or "here is an idea for a new item/object" or any other paraphrasing of the above to suggest you wanted the items added to the game. Further to that you had 10s of external links to various commercial hemp product producing/selling websites, that is called advertising in my language. If you want to post a suggestion for the game then post only images or links to non-commercial websites and write it up properly to reflect a suggesting manner and not an advertising one.
Wow this is going way to far -
I'm with Yahgiggle & Minotorious on this because that does look like spam to me, and others. It was simply going on about hemp, not Rising World in any form. Keep posts simple and interesting like a skirt so we can dissect it easily for easy reading. How do you imagine various hemp objects to be used in Rising World? Make a list.......
Also, throwing a fit on Facebook doesn't help. It only makes things worse...... I've put myself in the same position that it only makes you appear like a villain, and it's not a good place to be.
JCDriven, look. I know that you likely feel you've done nothing wrong, and that sometimes users disagree with the actions of moderators, but... come on, let's be real here. You were claiming you have no ties to the company when, like, your username is the name of the company, and your facebook is the facebook of the company, and the post was nothing about suggestions and entirely about the company... which shares your username. Expecting people to believe you have no ties to it is, well, actually legit insulting.
Now, your reaction makes me think the company is yours (why else complain like that about a game in a company's facebook), and I'm sure you put a lot of effort in advertising and whatnot. But to advertise using deception (like saying you're not affiliated to the company), running afoul of rules (advertising isn't allowed here), and then badmouthing people because you were caught on that... well... it's going to backfire on you and your company. That kind of behaviour says a lot about the company, and the message you're sending is that your company is deceptive and not professional. So... maybe you should just admit to your mistake, rather than continue to raise problems and call attention to the poor behaviour you're advertising. Just friendly advice.
is this not a childs game as well? I would think it banned on any game supporting the impression of drug use
in any form or format..... -
I guess this thread should just be locked up now that the hemp issue has been resolved. Maybe possibly for a long while now. The hemp guy has been banned for falsely advertising with little to no connections to Rising World itself. Also throwing lies & slander off-site to assume we've done him wrong, or similar.
Matter has been resolved by Red51, Yahgiggle, & gang.
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