The Future of Rising World

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Thanks! :)

    Will it be creative mode?

    Yes, there will be still a creative mode ;)

    You know after reading all the posts on here it got me to thinking about the Nintendo Wii

    Bringing the game to the Wii sounds interesting, but that wouldn't work due to the weak hardware of the Wii... :(

    The game started out on Unity as "Concept" and was later named Rising World when it left beta sometime after we made the switch over to Java which kind of confused me

    Oh, this seems to be a misunderstanding: we never switched the engine before, actually we were using Java from the very beginning (even back then when the game was called "Concept") ^^

  • if its going to be unity engine i probly will leave the game completly
    i hate all games made in unity
    unity is faulty
    as game tester iv ran in to a lot of probems working with games running in unity
    mainly unexplaneble errors crashes that arnt explanable
    and if you do it so you can switch to other game stasions forget it if your planning a year for it
    against that time the next gen of pc's and game consols will be comming
    and to keep this game uptodate with those and still running on all pc's of ppl that already bought it
    will mean you loss a lot of players either side or the game will never run as good as this on the pc's of older buyers
    or it will still look old for the players who have the newer machines
    so my feeling says you should push on with what your doing now and not suddenly trie to change the game to keep up with consoles
    also sales rates on games like this on consoles are kind of disapointing players want to do games like this on there pc
    cause it feels better to game like that then with a controller especially with games as expanded like this
    console players like it simple not 10 workbenches not 100 pages of items
    and thats part the charm of the game the loads and loads of items you can use to build with
    same as lot of players are atracted to thes game cause it dous not have real build fysics and they can really build waht they want
    example 7days t die every building you make you need to know all block integrity and weight they can carry and this and that
    and even if you trie to calculate all the things even then structures colapse on them self so you can never build real cool big showy things
    thats 1 of the reasons i left that game intergrity of blocks was to stupid hard to use and could never let my self really go in building
    thats also 1 of the big things i love about this game i can go crazy stupid with my buildings like the zeppelin in the sky i made
    you could never make stuff like that in a game with build fysics like in 7days to die or other examples the ships in games or ships you can find on the bleuprint forum would never work in 7days to die i tried enuogh there and this game i still feel like thers a lot more i can make
    and only limitasion is my imagination im afraid to lose that in the new version

  • @v48e12 There won't be any structural physics. You will be able to create crazy and impossible builds in the new version as in the old one. As red said they want to transport the same mechanics over to the new engine first.

    The reason why you may want to use a modern engine is because it implements all aspects of a game inside one complete solution. That implies graphics, animation, sound, textures, shader, physics.

    The game and its mechanics will be the same. The only differences will be the way higher level of graphic quality, overall performance (A performance you will never reach with Java) and the ease for Red to implement new things.

    Regarding consols. Hmm yeah maybe not that many people would play it on a console comparing to PC platforms. But there are console player out there playing such games like MC. So why not?

  • Red,
    Good luck with unity. I have played with unity for years , you should be able to convert the code rather rapidly. What I never understood is why you did not start with unity 3 years ago? Not sure how unity will cope with an infinite world, I guess we will see

    I Recently replaced my graphics card and reformatted my hard drive. I could never get RW to look right since so I took it off my PC . I Will wait for the new version to go into beta before reinstalling. I am sure it will be a while and good luck with it .

  • V48e12

    1. Ich denke red51 hat sich sehr im Detail mit den verschiedenen engines auseinander gesetzt.

    Mit dem aktuellen Code könnte niemand einsteigen und jiw wäre pleite bevor das Spiel fertig wäre oder das Potential genutzt hat, das es hat. Und das wäre ein echter Verlust.

    Unity ist ja nur die engine. Red51 beabsichtigt die wichtigen Teile selbst zu erstellen und nicht den asset Store zu bemühen. Und das unterscheidet rw von anderen Spielen. Bugs könnte red51 dann selbst beheben.

    2. Denk mal an minecraft picketedition. Ich würde es auch nicht auf Handy oder tablet spielen wollen aber es ist dennoch sehr erfolgreich

  • We definitely have Linux in mind :) Linux will be a main priority for the dedicated server, for example, so it's still fairly important for us. Although we're not 100% sure if we're still going to support OpenGL. The main API on Linux will be Vulkan, but that's not supported by old hardware, for example. Maybe we have to start a poll to get feedback about this (i.e. to find out how many Linux users would be affected if we really discard OpenGL).

    Thanks for going to keep us few on board :) I was really afraid for a moment here. …and Vulkan is fine for me as well - RW would benefit a lot from this since OpenGL is kinda limited when it comes to threads ;)

  • Will the world be limitless? open

    That's still planned ;)

    I refer to the topography that I have generated to form the town in various heights

    Hmm... unfortunately I still don't know exactly what you mean? =O

    if its going to be unity engine i probly will leave the game completly

    I'm sorry to hear that :( But the current Java version will still be available after the new version is released.

    unity is faulty

    I can't confirm that. Sure, there are bugs in Unity (just like in any other piece of software), but as far as I can tell they're actively working on fixing them.

    as game tester iv ran in to a lot of probems working with games running in unity mainly unexplaneble errors crashes that arnt explanable

    In most cases this is most likely the fault of the developer. There are so many Unity games out there which serve as a bad example in this regard, especially all the Asset Flips and low-effort trash games - they're the main reason why Unity has such a bad reputation.
    There are many great games out there which were made with Unity (e.g. Cities Skyline, Firewatch etc), and they don't seem to be that prone to crashes...

    forget it if your planning a year for it against that time the next gen of pc's and game consols will be comming

    If the next-gen consoles are ready in time, that's even better, since RW would really benefit from the better hardware. I don't see a reason why this has a negative impact on the game ?(

    will mean you loss a lot of players either side or the game will never run as good as this on the pc's of older buyers

    How do you know?^^ If a computer meets the current minimum requirements of the game, it can still run the new version of the game (although it would be necessary to disable certain graphics effects of course).
    Unity is often used for mobile gaming (which usually has much stricter hardware constraints), so the "overhead" of the engine can't be that bad.

    so my feeling says you should push on with what your doing now and not suddenly trie to change the game to keep up with consoles

    Since last October, I see no future in the PC market for everything between topsellers (big indies and AAA games) and very small games, unless your game gets suddenly hyped. I've talked to some other serious indie devs after the traffic change (some of them have smaller games, others have bigger games than RW). Some of them said they will no longer focus on game development due to this change (and some of them will only do it as a hobby from now on).

    The situation gets more difficult due to the introduction of Steam Direct in 2017, which opened the flood gates on Steam (and probably that's related to the visibility changes in October). There are now up to 60-90 new games released per day, most of them are hentai games, asset flips and shovelware. Sometimes the same game is released multiple times just with a different name. Some "developers" release several games per month.

    The PC will always be our main platform, but currently it's still dominated by Steam, and until this changes, we're facing the issues mentioned above. So if we want to survive, we can no longer rely on Steam as our only source of income.

    cause it feels better to game like that then with a controller especially with games as expanded like this

    I agree, personally I always prefer to play games on PC. I'm also convinced that a shooter plays much better with keyboard+mouse, but there are still so many people out there who prefer a gamepad (and there have been many requests for controller support in RW in the past).

    example 7days t die every building you make you need to know all block integrity and weight they can carry and this and that
    and even if you trie to calculate all the things even then structures colapse on them self so you can never build real cool big showy things

    Structural integrity isn't a "Unity feature", it's something the 7d2d devs have implemented. If it doesn't work properly, it's not related to the engine ^^

    What I never understood is why you did not start with unity 3 years ago?

    Well, that's a good question. On the one hand, 3 years ago, Unity still had too many limitations, especially when it came to a game like RW. It was still possible to make a game like this, but would have meant compromises in any case. On the other hand, there was basically no need to change the engine. There was so much work put in the Java version, and we had no intentions to bring the game to consoles at that time. Of course the point about "already too much work put in the Java version" is still valid today, or more precisely, it's even worse now, but we're more or less forced to this step (if we want to be able to support more platforms in the future).

    I could never get RW to look right since so I took it off my PC

    Oh, I'm sorry to hear that! What do you mean exactly with "it doesn't look right"? Are there any graphics issues?

    ooh this sounds like it will mean the end of java API?

    Not necessarily, there will be a new API in the new version and we're still thinking about using Java for the API language. But even if we choose a different language, we will try to keep Java plugins still compatible (we had something similar in the works for Lua - basically a Java Plugin which served as a wrapper between Lua scripts and the Java API - we just discarded it due to the traffic changes on Steam) ;)

    how will the new system handle terrain copied in the new blueprints we make now?

    That's difficult to say, but we try to make it look almost identical (although there will be some small differences, e.g. due to the new textures of the new version etc)

  • I believe most Linux players have Vulkan-enabled hardware. If not, a video card upgrade is quite cheap. In any case, Any computer that do not support Vulkan will probably die out by the time this game releases with the new engine, so having both OpenGL and Vulkan is a waste of time IMO.

  • I understand that some people have some concerns about the Unity Engine but look at how astounding Subnautica & Subnautica: Below Zero turned out by Unknown Worlds. Eventually they were able to work the engine into a beautiful masterpiece they call the 'Spark Engine.' Now imagine Rising World in that same High Definition using similar resources but on a grander scale? The engines are the same and @red51 can change things as he sees fit to make the game in his own image... yeah that came out a bit weird but you get my point. Unity is the best engine in the market for games like Rising World, Subnautica or even Minecraft if Mojang could pull their act together. The reason I love Rising World is not just the simplicity but the natural surroundings. If a game doesn't feel right I don't play much of it. Rising World on the other hand is like the one favorite that you could never let go of. I have a video going up later today at 12PM EST where in that video I go in depth about this, apart from that I won't be here much longer. Just wanted to lend my voice here and hopes that the entire community could please, please give Red51 a chance here please? With Rising World in Unity I could tell you from experience from Betrayer, Subnautica and many other games I've played in Unity we won't be disappointed. If your PC can't run Unity you could always downgrade, there's a tutorial in the video for that as well. Have to go catch my ride talk later, bye everyone.

  • These Preview Images look amazing! :thumbsup:

    The thing with steam is very sad to hear. Wouldn't be Patreon an option to support the development of your Game?

    A few sneak peak blogs/pictures over the next few months would be nice (It is always nice to get updated and to know whats going on)! :)

    Anyways: Good luck and I am looking forward to play the new Version!

  • Also Planet Explorers which had similar terraformed mineable terrain was Unity.

    Their biggest problem was that jet flight, rail and fast cars was part of the story, the tile based terrain generators cannot keep up. Best limit to slow travel and not get too high up (you can already see the tile borders on mountain spires)

  • loved this game since i bought it. its my go to game when i get stressed from playing other heavy/pvp games. its so calming and peaceful. i love sitting in my mountain chalet watching the sunrise/sunset...and listening to the music(which on most games i turn off)... i cant wait to see what is in store for us with the change. just one request? more blocks? lol

    love this game Red51. love love love it!

  • Thanks a lot for your feedback :)

    Red51, Will there be a new Rising Word to support Russian language?

    Well, when it comes to multiple language support, we will stick to our current approach (i.e. not adding new languages before the game is at least in Beta or when it leaves Early Access). The problem would be to maintain the languages if a new update arrives (since we cannot maintain the other languages ourselves). But the new version will at least have support for cyrillic characters, and we want to make sure that the language files can be easily replaced, so maybe someone will create a community translation (as a mod) :)

    Wouldn't be Patreon an option to support the development of your Game?

    We were thinking about Patreon, basically that's an option, but I'm still not sure about that...

    A few sneak peak blogs/pictures over the next few months would be nice (It is always nice to get updated and to know whats going on)!

    That's definitely our intention ;)

    just one request? more blocks? lol

    Hehe, more block shapes are planned ^^ We're also going to rework all textures, this is necessary since we change to PBR

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