Update 0.4.5: Blueprints and chests

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Looks like random, I can get it in a world with small amount of lights and constructions, but when amount of light and constructions are large it become more noticeable. On previous version same world didn't give any such lag spikes

    Not sure what could cause this... If you run into these lag spikes again (especially if it's happening more frequently), could you maybe send us a report? So we can check at least if there is maybe an error occurring in the background ;)

  • Thanks for your great work red51 , cant wait for the world update!

    Soon we will get to have same level of playability in the new version as in java version, cant wait for that! My coop team is waiting, keep up the great work, thank you!

  • What did the command prompt claim exactly? Was it a message like "No more undo steps to perform"?

    If that happens again, a report would also be very helpful :) But as sharkbitefischer mentioned, you can also use the F7 removal tools in creative mode to easily get rid of large amounts of construction elements.

    Probably that. If at all possible, as noted previously, is it at all possible to simply prompt up a window with a menu of what blueprints to remove? Please? I'll try again with the F7 removal tool. I tried cycling through those options, nothing wanted to work on me at a whim. Probably because it was a whim. I'll try again tonight.

  • Yes, as mentioned, that's definitely planned :)

    Oh? Did I miss something?

    Yes, that's definitely planned ;)

    Yup, I missed your last quote.... I'm losing my mind. :wacko:

    I wish I saw this sooner so I wouldn't sound stupid. But yeah, I appreciate this and thanks a lot :thumbup:

    Sorry for skipping your last quote. I'm genuinely losing my mind. I'm however happy you're planning it. Thanks :thumbup:

  • Not sure what could cause this... If you run into these lag spikes again (especially if it's happening more frequently), could you maybe send us a report? So we can check at least if there is maybe an error occurring in the background

    Additional info about this FPS lag - I loaded same world and don't get any lags, so these lags appeared after I placed 3 heavy blueprints on this map with transformations. Probably this is somehow related to blueprint placing in the world.

    Another small lag that I found - during screenshot FPS can be decreased from 60 to 15

  • I wish I saw this sooner so I wouldn't sound stupid. But yeah, I appreciate this and thanks a lot :thumbup:

    Sorry for skipping your last quote. I'm genuinely losing my mind. I'm however happy you're planning it. Thanks

    Hehe, no problem, I was actually referring to a general "undo" history (not specifically referring to blueprints, but ofc they would be covered by that), so it wasn't that clear :D But such an undo-history (where you can see and select the individual undo steps) is on our to-do list :)

    Additional info about this FPS lag - I loaded same world and don't get any lags, so these lags appeared after I placed 3 heavy blueprints on this map with transformations. Probably this is somehow related to blueprint placing in the world.

    Hmm... does that mean you only got this lag spike once right after placing the blueprints? Or do you still keep running into this fps issue on that map (e.g. every time you reload the world)?

    Do the blueprints contain lots of objects (furniture, doors etc) or lights?

  • Hmm... does that mean you only got this lag spike once right after placing the blueprints? Or do you still keep running into this fps issue on that map (e.g. every time you reload the world)?

    Do the blueprints contain lots of objects (furniture, doors etc) or lights?

    Lag spike will present in map when after you placed blueprint and until world will be closed, after world/game reload it will disappear. My test blueprint contain a lot of lights and construction elements. Lag was noticed first time when I placed it scaled (with scale 0.1)

  • I could imagine that this is related to the lights :thinking: Or more precisely, the shadow caching. Do you still experience this lag spike if you disable shadows?

    Placing blueprint without shadows - impact present, but it is small (50-60 FPS)

    Placing blueprint with shadows - 10-13 FPS, on the next world launch 50-60 FPS

    Also looks like if game loads "heavy" world with many elements in it - music in main menu can lag a bit

  • paulevs Thanks for the info! I believe it could be the shadow caching... I can sometimes reproduce it when working with lots of lights, while on the other hand, lots of construction elements are typically not a big issue at all, unless we're talking about insane amounts of building parts (e.g. a lot more than 1,000,000).

    How many construction elements does your building consist of? Do you mind sending me the blueprint via PM?

  • Hello to all. Vertical grid error. Because of it, sticking does not work even if we narrow the block. (Can't edit blueprint vertically)

    Thanks for the screenshot! There are indeed issues with the grid when it comes to blueprints: The problem is that blueprints basically behave like objects (e.g. furniture) when the grid is enabled, i.e. the blueprint is centered - but as a result, they don't fit to existing construction elements (which were placed while the grid was active). We will fix that with the next update :)

  • Game not responding when pressing alt+tab. Windows 10 x64 + nvidia 1070 with latest drivers.

    Does that mean the game is not responding while it's not focused, or does it mean you cannot return to the game after pressing alt+tab? There are a few things you may try to solve this issue: One thing you could do is change the display mode in the graphics settings. If it's set to fullscreen, you could set it to "Fullscreen Windowed", for example. If that doesn't work, another thing you could try is to go to the game directory (into the "_New Version" subfolder), open the config.properties file with a text editor and add this line to the bottom: Game_RunInBackground=True, then save the file and run the game again.

    If that still does not work, maybe you could send us a report. To do that, just run the game again (after you ran into the "not responding" issue), then open the console (by pressing ~ or `) and type "report". Maybe add a note that you're referring to this issue (e.g. "not responding issue after alt+tab"), then send the report. That would help us to take a closer look at this issue :)

  • Another small update ( is now available btw, which changes the grid handling for blueprints and also introduces various other QoL changes and fixes ;) This time it's also necessary to update multiplayer servers.

    Changelog 2022-02-11 (

    • [New] Added button to open the blueprint menu in creative mode at any time (see "Blueprints" in controls settings)
    • [New] Blueprint boundary is now visualized while placing a blueprint (can be disabled in game settings)
    • [New] Game now remembers the collapsed state of individual crafting and blueprint categories after a game restart
    • [New] All crafting categories can now be expanded/collapsed at once (rightlick on header)
    • [New] Console command "commands" now prints more information about all available commands (use page up/down to scroll)
    • [Change] Increased max number of construction elements you can place in a row from 32 to 128
    • [Change] The "max count" button in crafting menu now takes your resources in inventory into account
    • [Change] The item tooltip in inventory now also contains the material name for blocks
    • [Change] Blueprint snapping to grid now works more properly
    • [Change] Blueprint table now shows blueprint creation date depending on local time zone
    • [Change] Changes to blueprint collision or rotation mode (when placing) are now saved persistently
    • [Change] Greatly increased max range for area-based creative mode tools (e.g. removal tool)
    • [Change] Blueprint permissions now also show up in the permissions menu
    • [Change] Updated orientation of certain textures on window frames
    • [Bugfix] Fixed issues with crafting count (in certain cases only a single item could be crafted at once)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong rotation values in blueprint context menu
    • [Bugfix] Fixed missing localization for certain messages
    • [Bugfix] Triangle planks of Java blueprints are now converted correctly
    • [Bugfix] Lights in blueprints now keep their light color and brightness settings
    • [Bugfix] Fixed rare error when using animated objects (chests, trash cans etc)

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