Support of the game

  • I agree! But perhaps you’d have to pay to be able to upload the blueprint to use the service? If there is no pay-to-upload, literally anyone could do it and I’d think that’d be a problem…

    forget about all these pay-to-get stuff. its a backlash for Blizzard, for Bethesda and so many others. its not working! and it drives off people rather than drawing them into the game.

    A house with 4 blocks high to calculate it mathematical is 2 meters high. Many people are 2 m tall. Standard in Germany is near 2.4 m ceiling height, so use 5 blocks and it doesn't feel like the ceiling is falling on your head. ^^

    come on. I know that. Don´t make it so complicated. For someone who doesn´t feel like building a simple 4-sided house you don´t need to talk about real-life-details. A wall with 4 blocks height is sufficient for RW or just make it 5. It doesn´t matter.

  • from what ive heard the dev team is two people red and an assets guy i think. any type of sales system for real money would increase work load. i would think the best way to increase profits would be to get the game further along. that being said it would be cool if red wanted to set up a donations link or something.

  • from what ive heard the dev team is two people red and an assets guy i think. any type of sales system for real money would increase work load. i would think the best way to increase profits would be to get the game further along. that being said it would be cool if red wanted to set up a donations link or something.

    which is not so simple as it sounds. german law doesn´t recognize "donations" in this meaning. jiw is not working for humanity but to produce something and sell it. therefore "donation" is not the right term. and finance administration would be really investigate why a company gets money "for free" from people who already paid for the product. economic-wise it makes no sense.

    he would have to pay taxes anyways, therefore at the moment still the best solution is to buy additional copies of the game. ideally the standalone version. i know it feels "wrong" to buy keys knowing you won´t use them but if you want to support thats (at the moment) the best way.

  • which is not so simple as it sounds. german law doesn´t recognize "donations" in this meaning. jiw is not working for humanity but to produce something and sell it. therefore "donation" is not the right term. and finance administration would be really investigate why a company gets money "for free" from people who already paid for the product. economic-wise it makes no sense.

    he would have to pay taxes anyways, therefore at the moment still the best solution is to buy additional copies of the game. ideally the standalone version. i know it feels "wrong" to buy keys knowing you won´t use them but if you want to support thats (at the moment) the best way.

    i did not know this. it does make sense. maybe ill buy a few keys and offer them for prizes on the server or something

  • In my humble opinion, if you want to support the game; play the multiplayer game, make YouTube videos, watch YouTube videos on RW and thumb them up, tweet about the game, follow JIW games on twitter and Facebook, post up on social media, create a fansite.

    The game sells itself, but advertising is gold.

    Give a man a fish (buy an extra copy of the game) and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish (advertise) and he'll eat for the rest of his days. :crazy:

  • In my humble opinion, if you want to support the game; play the multiplayer game, make YouTube videos, watch YouTube videos on RW and thumb them up, tweet about the game, follow JIW games on twitter and Facebook, post up on social media, create a fansite.

    The game sells itself, but advertising is gold.

    Give a man a fish (buy an extra copy of the game) and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish (advertise) and he'll eat for the rest of his days. :crazy:

    As long the sea (market) is not overfished (too many games/clones) by big fishing companies (AAA companies) and as long as no one is pouring hazardous stuff (troll posts) into the water or sabotaging the nets (negative reviews, shitstorm, trolls).

    Id say that once Unity has a solid NPC AI its time for the community to spread the word and maybe also make bigger youtubers aware of this game. Right now its a great game for fans but doesn´t have much entertainmet to offer if you want to show it to others.

  • Depends on what you find entertaining surely? I certainly find RW, even in it's current state very entertaining - that's why I spend my free time on it. I could be spending my free time on anything else if I so wished. :P

    Of course i do as well. But if you are streaming you might enjoy the game for yourself but watching you building stuff for several hours or episodes isn´t that much interesting. At least not for long.

  • Some people are very interested in streaming. No matter what people have to show, it will be seen. Even if a person run around like an axe-murderer for hours, some find that very interesting.^^

  • Yes. I'm sure. Just not the majority. Anyways... Once there is more to show and unity is the main game I'll happily promote the game wherever i can. And suggest it as alternative to other games of this genre

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