Update 0.6.7: Posters, Signs and more Content

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Red,

    I would like to confirm that the fuel usage in a furnace (and a bread oven) while sleeping has been fixed with the last update.


    I've noticed that rain still falls through what should be solid matter, such as the ground into caves, and I mean deep into caves in the minus levels, and also under canopies. When I open the Debug screen, "Wet" remains at 100% when I'm underground and under the canopies while it rains, but if I go under a big tree (not an apple tree, it would seem), the "Wet" number slowly goes down to 0. When I loaded my outhouse blueprint from a few months ago and stepped in, I was also dry, which gives me hope for when I finally build my island house.

    Also, there are times the rain seems to only fall in a single chunk, and yet when outside of said wet chunk, "Wet" on the Debug screen still says 100 and doesn't decrease.

    Is there something in the code for animals, and I mean especially cows, bulls, and pigs, that draws them to go for a swim? I've yet to kill a single animal in the game, and I have three stacks of meat from animal suicides. I've yet to find a single rabbit, goat, or sheep dead in the water, and there are a lot of sheep in the area.

    I also noticed the cooking grill does not work. I left some meat on it for several days in a row, and the pieces remained raw. The drying rack does work well, though, but if you look at the meat hanging from both sides, the graphics don't look like the opposite side of the meat.

    And I saw a purple and white cow. When milking becomes possible, will I be able to get grape juice out of it? Heheh!

    On the Debug screen, between "Breath" and "Protection", it says "Insultation". Did you mean to type "Insulation"? I'm guessing it has something to do with a future clothing update?

    Also, on occasion, when I open a container's menu, access a workbench, or even press Escape to access the settings, the game screen freezes, but if I hit Escape again, I can hear the game, but the screen stays frozen. I usually switch to another desktop space (M1 Mac) and while it doesn't switch right away, once it does switch and I go back to the game, it's okay until it happens again later. At least there are no hostile animals or bandits around yet.


    How about a dedicated "container" for logs of wood? In some games, such as the Minecraft mod TerraFirmaCraft, there is a way to lay down a log that generates a container where you can add more logs to it. It looks like a cord of wood (or a wood pile to some). They're even stackable and can hold 16 logs (4 stacks of 4). Since you can set a limit for a stack of items in Rising World from 1 all the way up to 999, I could see a 16 log limit being doable. Maybe allow for several stacks in case you wish to mix wood types whose total could equal 16 or whatever number you would like it. Sure, a barrel and a chest can hold a lot more than that, but which would I want in my house next to a fireplace: a barrel, a chest, or a cord of wood? Especially if one day, fires need fuel.

    Fence gates would be a nice add-on. It could be less than half as tall as a regular door, and animals wouldn't be able to jump over it.

    I was thinking about the idea of a repository of graphics that people use for their posters and signs. A few years ago in the Java version, I would access textures dot com and design my own versions of graphics like construction signs, and use them in the game. I even had washroom signs for my outhouse. Heheh! A general repository for these graphics would be an interesting idea. I'm just not sure if the Steam Workshop would be the place for it. Especially if some people don't have the Steam version.

    That's it for now. Keep up the hard work, Red.

    Darwin Blackwolf

  • Hello RED, nice to greet you. I've tried the latest update and it's perfect! I've been waiting for it since the migration to Unity began and I can finally move forward in the project I'm doing.

    By the way, my girlfriend is very happy because since the JAVA version she always wanted the game to have more cooking options and all that, so the bread and cookies thing was a complete success, hopefully that item will expand in the game.

    I wanted to ask you something taking advantage of the occasion. I want to introduce (import) 3D objects (objects in .obj format and in the other format that the game supports) in my worlds, I read that it is possible since the PLUGIN update, but I don't know how to do it, could you help me? Or send me a link to a tutorial that already exists on the forum? I searched and found nothing. I also wanted to ask if the height of the clouds can be changed via commands or in settings, in my particular project I feel that they are at a very low height.

    I hope soon in new updates of biomes and others there will already be a large injection of many new trees, I miss the JAVA maple trees.

    This game is turning out beautiful, you have really made a work of art to create works of art, 10 out of 10!

  • I'm still banned on Steam because of Steam Support Censorship, unable to comment where I would desire to. I attempted to send another ticket, they gave me help which I can't do while banned. They basically told me to go "F*#@ myself". Morons. I'm still lurking on Steam, but I do see what people say. I'm still disappointed in some people in how they keep passing over certain information Red51 himself noted time and again, still confused on many topics and features.

    (This above image from Azur Lane sums up my reaction to Steam Support's nonsense, and some Rising World's weird drama.)

    Why the confusion on Rising World? Red51 had a JAVA roadmap noting he desired to have us "progress throughout the ages", yet people can't seem to comprehend that. Can't comprehend simple progression and 'placeholder' logic. They note things like 'IKEA', or some weird nonsense. Everything is a placeholder, and Red51 clearly said this on numerous occasions. it's baffling to me as to why people can't comprehend something as simple as "age progression".

    1) Red51 is still making the game.

    2) Everything is a place holder. (Not everything is final)

    3) We're allegedly supposed to progress from Caveman>Medieval era>Modern>2000 Modern

    (Maybe not double modern [1900 into 2000's], though it be interesting to do it as such).

    4) Everything is supposed to tech up in the way you would in games like 'Rise of Nations', or even 'Civilization' games.

    Why the rubber duckies? You're allowed Eastereggs and some fun. That's why Anime and Asian games (Japanese, and now Chinese) games do so well. They know how to have fun. Such as riding a Moose in Nier: Automata, even though it's difficult.

    People need to stop being debbie downers while also needing to learn how to have fun.

    Yes, you can stupidly make your way to the "end game", it's however stupid noting that when Rising World is an open-world game still being rebuilt from the ground up.

    "Don't mind Arcticu, he's being cranky".

    Gee, I wonder why. Not allowed to have fun anymore. Everything always has to be my fault, yet people keep failing to look at common information. Red51 himself clearly stated many times he desired to have the game progress from one age to the next. I mean, look at this follow-up response.

    1) Bronze and Bronze tools is something he genuinely desires to take into consideration, yet is on the wary side.

    2) Red51 would have given us bronze (like in Java), yet fears we may have rioted because we're always so mouthy.

    (I would have stockpiled on copper and tin knowing it would have gained uses in the future. I'm doing that with iron for future railway projects.)

    3) Red51 desires proper progression via tools and recipes, even if we keep complaining while the game is in Early Access/being remade into Unity.

    3.1) Allegedly the more you use a certain tool the more you'll be able to unlock a future tool, item, or similar?

    4) All the recipes have been reworked, even put into its own unlocking conditions to be progressed with. Won't be available in this coming update, more in the later updates.

    5) Branches shall spawn more frequently in the wild, though will still be somewhat difficult. Primitive axe being debated on being removed from player (re)spawning.

    6) Ore spawn rates shall be eventually reduced once caves are a thing (as noted previously).

    7) Gems are on Red51's to-do list. He'll also implement them once Merchants become a thing.

    8) Adding diamonds to drill recipies is on his to-do list.

    8.1) People are mixed on more complicated recipies while equally loving the realistic complexities. It's a double edged sword.


    In short:

    Search up 'Rise of Nations', or even 'Civilization' games in how you tech up there. You start off as a caveman type person, then you progress into Medieval, Colonial, 1920-40 tech, and then into various stages of modern tech. Red51 may simplify this into a few stages, though he also desired to allow us to lock ourselves into Medieval Era, and even into Modern era technology. Maybe even a sub-era.

    Bronze, bronze tools, and tin are a thing, Red51 is however wary. He should add them in regardless, whenever he's able to. The more he gives into the rioting mob the more they'll feel like they can get away with doing harm to his game.

    I'm sure people shall ignore this, especially seeing as how it's coming from me because everything always has to be my fault in this community. *sighs*

  • Part 2 to the above because it be messy to edit it into the above.


    A compromise would be to leave gold spawning along rivers, or certain sub-biomes connected to land and water. Done! (Red51 willing).

    Fantasy? Magic?

    Red51 themselves desired to have a fantasy biome, it however was lost to time in the 2014-2015 timeframe. Can't source it anymore, he however desired it. He'll get the final say, though the proper way to do it is the following.

    1) Have it be hidden away, like the Mushroom biome once was for Minecraft. It's now a more common thing to which you can view #4.

    2) Have a dungeon lead you to a fantasy biome, as noted by Red51.

    3) Obtain fantasy items only from said dungeons & biome, as noted by Red51.

    4) Have the fantasy biome also be a parallel universe/realm, as noted by 'Twilight Forest' mod for Minecraft.

    For Magic itself:

    1) Have basic magic applied to the Plugin API to have us inject it into our game or not.

    1.2) Have basic magic available via 'Mod.io' to help seed the potentials for more potentials. (Have other mini-mods and examples hosted there to give people ideas. Even the allegedly hated 'zombie mod'.)

    2) Magic should be basic for simplicity sake. Fire, water, earth, healing, and flying. Simple stuff, not complex RPG stuff. Beginner-level magic.

    2.1) More complex spells should be left for modding/API stuff.

    Everything other than this would needlessly complicate things for Red51. Suggesting otherwise would ruin the flow of things, and those who work on games know to keep things as tidy as possible.

    For the note on Aircraft, and computers, should make note of the following.

    - Aircraft: Twin Otter, Helicopter, balloons, and airships. Anything other would ruin the game.

    - Submarines: Bubble and singular occupancy types (view Subnautica's 'Seamoth' as an example).

    - Computers: This can go more wild, thankfully.

    As for modding/API Plugin itself - Rising World Modding Kit:

    - Have a proper modding kit to allow for importing of 3D Entities.

    - Apply standard Rising World (or custom) animations onto those entities via the modding kit.

    - Import various models (Humanoids, furniture, food, etc) via this same tool. (Can edit values both inside and outside of the tool to give various objects and materials various values.

    - If allowed, even go further by importing vehicles by giving them vehicle-related values. (Example would be importing a tug-boat. Give it values of that of a tug-boat, and where the player would be positioned, if allowed to have various "attachments"[Customizations], etc).

    (Via VRChat's Unity SDK, Tower Unite's NPC & object importers, Valheim's & Craftopia's VRoid injection.)

    (Side-note: The more wary one is of NOT adding an 'Rising World Modding tool kit' would further hurt Rising World's chances of long-term survival. Being able to have a RW Modding Kit would boost the longevity and creativity in ways that has kept VRChat, Craftopia, and maybe even Tower Unite alive till now. The more hesitent and reluctant one is would only show Rising World is destined to perish. I'm not speaking of arrogance, but out of respect and high-concern over Rising World's healthy. Making serious note of having a RW Modding Kit would go a long way in both customization and keeping Rising World alive. Sure, rely on API, Mod.IO, but you still need a helpful user-friendly RW Modding kit to further bridge the gap. The more one resists the more harm it does to Rising World. Choose wisely.)

    An expansion would be interesting, though Red51 desired against it. Maybe he'll vote in favour of it for later for more complex "future-modern" stuff. Who knows. Maybe inject fantasy & Magic into that as well for further funding of the game. If you want magic then pay an additional $5-15, though people obviously wouldn't support multiplayer servers. They would rather wield pitch-forks and fire blaming everything on the "weaker" person, alleging "antagonizing" insults, etc.

    Everything is up for Red51, though what I listed would help Rising World, as experienced and learned in other indie and modding scenes.

  • Rising World is delayed till January 2024.


    The Update isn't fully ready yet, but I still hope to get it ready within the next few days. If that doesn't work, it will be ready early January. I'm sorry for the long wait, but at least the update will contain more content than originally planned. ;)

    I finally have an answer (if indirectly), but at least we now are aware of the situation. Just a few more days, or weeks, until Rising World shall update with not one, not two, but three times the initial content. I mean, Red51 himself had to delay it so many times so we're getting more than we initially planned for. Nice! This is more than stupid Mojang (tied with evil Microsoft) does with Minecraft. All the more respect to Red51, and less so to Minecraft/Mojang/Microsoft (MC's Modding scene deserves respect).

    This is why I love Rising World.

    Genuine "Good Luck" and "best wishes" to Red51.

    I'm sorry, but I've also been heavily itching for trains. I hope that doesn't derail anything on Red51's side. He'll still do everything he desires, but that itch is so bad I need to play-test Minecraft via 'Minecraft Create' mod to have fun with Rising World styled trains. See you when you update the game. People also noted I'm a burden so I guess I'll be quiet for the next few days (until the update releases, or when I see something of interest). You also need to focus on the update (after the festivities, of course) so good luck and smooth sailing on that front. :monocle:

  • Nothing. Steam doing its usual database updates, graphic updates, etc.

    You'll know if Rising World had an update when an announcement-banner was visible prior, and up to an update. Red51 still appears to be busy with Rising World so it'll be a long while longer.


    I'm used to space engineers making updates even before the announcement and with the absence of a changelog when it comes to hotfixes, so I thought this update was normal and came to ask here.

  • I'm used to space engineers making updates even before the announcement and with the absence of a changelog when it comes to hotfixes, so I thought this update was normal and came to ask here.

    Unfortunately there was indeed no update, sorry for the confusion :/ Steam sometimes downloads some meta data or other shared files which is out of our control...

    Everytime we release an update, we also update this post at the same time (it always contains the changelog of the last update and all related hotfixes): https://steamcommunity.com/app…ons/0/620700960407155814/

    If it's a main/regular update, we also post an announcement at the same time. If it's just a hotfix, we usually don't post a separate announcement for it, instead we create a new post under the existing announcement :)

  • Should be an release this month and and we should be at javastate then

    nope. This month yes but not at the same level of Java. Still some features (smaller ones though) will be missing. According to Reds last info the overnext patch will update the Unity version to be en par (and in fact beyond) with Java.

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