Update 0.8: Seasons and more

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • Loving all of these updates Red and im so glad that the game is slowy getting better and not forgotten, i was just wondering would it be possible to have the update notes shown on the title screen somewhere so we can see whats been updated? maybe a window that we could scroll through.

    Happy new year to everyone here on RisingWorld Forum

  • Thanks a lot for your feedback! :) Happy New Year to everyone! :thumbup:

    Loving all of these updates Red and im so glad that the game is slowy getting better and not forgotten, i was just wondering would it be possible to have the update notes shown on the title screen somewhere so we can see whats been updated? maybe a window that we could scroll through.

    That would be a good addition, I'll put this on our list ;) In the meantime, there is a pinned topic in the Steam forums containing all changelogs of the latest update including the hotfixes (maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a similar topic here in our forums^^): https://steamcommunity.com/app…ons/0/620700960407155814/

  • Thanks a lot for your feedback! :) Happy New Year to everyone! :thumbup:

    That would be a good addition, I'll put this on our list ;) In the meantime, there is a pinned topic in the Steam forums containing all changelogs of the latest update including the hotfixes (maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a similar topic here in our forums^^): https://steamcommunity.com/app…ons/0/620700960407155814/

    I personally love the idea of the changelogs being posted here as well as on steam, steam can be cranky at times.


    Semi unrelated question, is there a way to see how many times our blueprints have been downloaded on here that I'm just missing?? If I look at someone else's blueprints it'll show how many times it's been downloaded, but doesn't for if I do the same from my own and I know some have definitely been downloaded. If there isn't, is that something that could possibly be added? It would be really helpful info to know.

  • I have noticed an issue in the logs since the hot fix. it may have been there before and i didn't notice. anytime a player enters and area the logs reads Unknown permission value type: System.Single. permissions still seem to be handled correctly.

  • Semi unrelated question, is there a way to see how many times our blueprints have been downloaded on here that I'm just missing?? If I look at someone else's blueprints it'll show how many times it's been downloaded, but doesn't for if I do the same from my own and I know some have definitely been downloaded. If there isn't, is that something that could possibly be added? It would be really helpful info to know.

    If you add an attachment to a post, the forum will show how often it had been downloaded. But if you insert the attachment into the post by clicking on "Insert into message", there is AFAIK no way to see how often it had been downloaded. Not sure if there is a way to expose this stat :thinking:

    So to keep track of downloads, just upload the attachments, but don't insert them into the post (they will then be displayed at the bottom of your post) :)

    I have noticed an issue in the logs since the hot fix. it may have been there before and i didn't notice. anytime a player enters and area the logs reads Unknown permission value type: System.Single. permissions still seem to be handled correctly.

    Hmm... yes this seems to be indeed a bug =O Thanks for letting me know, I will fix this with the next update!

  • If you add an attachment to a post, the forum will show how often it had been downloaded. But if you insert the attachment into the post by clicking on "Insert into message", there is AFAIK no way to see how often it had been downloaded. Not sure if there is a way to expose this stat :thinking:

    So to keep track of downloads, just upload the attachments, but don't insert them into the post (they will then be displayed at the bottom of your post) :)

    Well shoot, I've always been doing the insert into message thinking we needed to. Anyways thanks for the reply.

  • Ah, i have elevator mod and escalator mod and autodoors mods on my server. The odd thing is it started after the update before it was fine.

  • When i do the command it get this

  • An Easter Egg in the game?

    Also, what does the grindstone repair? None of my iron tools will repair, only sharpen.

    You need to hold a tool that is about to break to the grindstone and hit the right mouse button. instructions for that appear on the lower left corner of your HUD. I also needed some time to figure that out.

    Weird thing is that you can "sharpen" the sledge hammer as well.:crazy:

  • You need to hold a tool that is about to break to the grindstone and hit the right mouse button. instructions for that appear on the lower left corner of your HUD. I also needed some time to figure that out.

    Weird thing is that you can "sharpen" the sledge hammer as well.:crazy:

    I did exactly that with my pick and it says in the lower left hold right to repair. When you hold right it says "This is already sharpened" and will not repair. Does it on all tools. The sledge hammer just says this tool cannot be sharpened and still will not repair. To replicate. Craft a new pick, immediately sharpen it to gain more dmg. Use until it is almost broken. I even tried repairing it before it broke (when the warning comes up) and it just states the tool is already sharpened.

  • I did exactly that with my pick and it says in the lower left hold right to repair. When you hold right it says "This is already sharpened" and will not repair. Does it on all tools. The sledge hammer just says this tool cannot be sharpened and still will not repair. To replicate. Craft a new pick, immediately sharpen it to gain more dmg. Use until it is almost broken. I even tried repairing it before it broke (when the warning comes up) and it just states the tool is already sharpened.

    I had that too but it works now. Check the info on the lower left corner of your screen when you aim the tool at the grinder

  • When i do the command it get this

    Oh, sorry, my bad :hushed: You have to provide a value, too, so the actual command is setoption stopnans true :saint:

    An Easter Egg in the game?

    Hehe, yeah, it's a very rare cow variant :lol: :saint:

    Also, what does the grindstone repair? None of my iron tools will repair, only sharpen.

    Are the tools already "broken", i.e the item condition if you hover them in inventory shows "broken"? In this case they're unfortunately too damage, so you can no longer repair or sharpen them :silenced:

    We're still not sure about whether or not to keep this though... maybe we will remove this limitation.

  • I've tried both "broken" and in a used state "weak". The bottom left tooltip only shows the "Repair" option once it is broken. If not to the broken state/status it doesn't say anything but when you try to repair it just states the tool is already sharpened. When I get home I will send a few screenshots or maybe even a video to show you the outcome. I really love the durability feature, it makes the game more realistic and hope you keep it :) or make an option to turn off durability.
    Also, that is so awesome on the Easter Egg! I absolutely love it when devs throw in random rare things like that. I knew it wasn't a GPU issue and was very hesitant on killing the cow but did to see if it dropped some rainbow hide :P Loving the game, you have been doing great man! I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  • This game just keeps getting better! Thank you for all the hard work and dedication to this game. I have enjoyed this game for many years! I have a few questions and a suggestion.

    1. Will you make it so you can open a Map, Compass, or Clock while riding a horse or boat? I have to exit and open one of those three objects to be able to view them. It could be user error... but I don't know.
    2. Will you make a marker on your map for a horse that has a saddle on it? It would be great to be able to name the horse and have a marker so that if exploring some tunnel, I can remember where my horse is.
    3. When will there be other suits of clothes?
    4. Thought - what if you added a Trading ship that would come by on x day of Spring, Summer, and Fall? Maybe not winter because travel is dangerous. However, the trader could have different blueprints or some unique items or food, etc. We would then need to use gold or other materials to trade to purchase the goods. You could even make it so there would be a very very very high price for a ride back to civilization on the ship. This would end your map/game but give a sense of accomplishment of getting off of the islands.

    5. I recently picked up a barrel that had things in it. It caused the items in the barrel to be lost for good... that was a sad moment because I lost all of my aluminum. It makes sense to empty before picking up. But maybe you could add an error or something that says that the barrel or chests must be empty before moving.

    6. I love love love the primitive spear. So MUCH FUN. If I could throw it from horse back... that would be even better. But this is not Mount and Blade... But I do have a hope to do some hunting from my stead.

    Thank you again!

  • 5. I recently picked up a barrel that had things in it. It caused the items in the barrel to be lost for good... that was a sad moment because I lost all of my aluminum. It makes sense to empty before picking up. But maybe you could add an error or something that says that the barrel or chests must be empty before moving

    set SpawnChestItemsOnDestroy to true

  • In welcher Datei? in server.properties konnte ich das so nicht Finden.


    In which file? in server.properties I couldn't Find the way.


    # If true, chests will spawn all their content as world items if a player breaks them. May have performance implications


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