Upcoming: New networking, farming and more

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Hi folks,

    It won't be too long until the next update is available! Unfortunately it takes a little bit longer than expected though, and we are sorry for this delay, but ask you for your patience :)

    The next update will introduce - as announced - farming, giving you the ability to have a reliable source of food. For the beginning, we will concentrate on vegetable cultivation.

    Apart from that, the next update will bring an important and big change: We finally have reworked the networking code to get rid of all those sudden disconnects that happen to some people in multiplayer. It will also provide better performance, in multiplayer and especially in singleplayer.

    Additionally, new blockforms will be added, among others half blocks, a new stair, different new corner elements and more.

    By the way, we also started preparations for the first hostile animals, which will be introduced in the update after the next ;)

    Stay tuned, and thanks for your patience!

  • Good news , I do have 1 simple request for the next update, it is simple and should take about 5 minutes to code. Please Place a CONFIRM on the removal of a world. It would be greatly appreciated. I have accidently deleted worlds more then once .

  • Hello Red51 and Everyone else :thumbsup:
    I may be new on the forums but sure not to Rising World. I just wanted to take this moment and Personally thank You Red51 & the development team in creating such an awesome World :) I also want to thank all the youtubers that are posting building techniques and walk throughs. This is what got me to purchase Rising World in the first place and must say VERY HAPPY I DID. Really looking forward to veggie farming. And loving the sapling drops. Currently working on making dense forests :) T/c and will be dropping in often. Cheers :thumbup:

  • so when will the update be ?

    woulde be nice to know when we have to plan a donwtime fir the server update


  • Love the announcement system! Gotta get that out there...

    Thanks for the heads up on the next update. Hellz yes for new network code! Got my fingers crossed for just that! Farming is great too of course, more blocks etc.. Good stuff man! Looking forward to it!

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • He winked at us! We're all going to be eaten alive! lol.

    Nice list of changes. I had just noticed that half slabs were missing and now I hear he's adding them.
    It will be interesting to see how the veggies grow.

    Can I ask how big the team is? That tells us a lot about how fast the game will be able to grow.

  • He winked at us! We're all going to be eaten alive! lol.

    Nice list of changes. I had just noticed that half slabs were missing and now I hear he's adding them.
    It will be interesting to see how the veggies grow.

    Can I ask how big the team is? That tells us a lot about how fast the game will be able to grow.

    they are 3 atm i believe.

  • Sweet, good work guys,
    Any chance of having a back ground music in the futur, makes a big difference in the ambiance of the game! Something else then
    the goats, pig, & laughing cows!

    Even maybe night time crickets...

    We need something like this:

  • Hellz yes to crickets at night! And when different biomes are added, crickets in some, other creepy nights sounds from bugs etc in others. :D Like frogs in the swamp and/or wetlands. Player gets near and they shut up so it's creepy quiet suddenly. I've experienced this myself, it can make the hair on the back of your neck stand up!

    Edit: links don't work for me there killem. But I do like Einherjer. Thanks for sharing!

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

    Edited once, last by ZaCormyr ().

  • Sorry for the link Corey, guess it's the famous: your country don't accept the link you are trying to get" type of story.....
    Background & Ambiance music makes a big difference in a game, remember in Gloria Victis the music when you went
    under water was the most enjoy full moment ever! you could just stay under and swim for ever listening to that music!

  • I'm sure they will do more ambient music and give options for it (on/off). No E in my name! :P

    I don't think the vids don't work because I'm in Canada. Just says "an error occured, please try again later"... no, "this video is restricted in your country" or whatever it says. I used to get that while in Mexico. But rarely... rarely get that here in Canada.

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

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