Musical Entertainment

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  • Basically wanted to suggest something that may or may not already be on the list. Basically posting this in the context & example of Star Wars Galaxies use of entertainer & Cantina; Phantasy Star Online 2 use of instruments; Animal Crossing: New Leaf's DJ area at night.

    Basically wanting to suggest NPCs being able to learn music while also being able to perform for you when reading from sheet music. You'd be surprised how popular or fun composing music is in these sorts of games. Any game really. I'm recommending the following to also compress the space that Minecraft wasted with the music blocks into something that's more into paper, menus, and NPCs.

    1) NPC Musicians: It be sweet if we could teach musicans to play for us at a cantina when the players won't be able to. Just hand the NPC a sheet music they'll use as a request to then make them play for you. Would be overly handy to do this from a conductor NPC who controls the other NPC holding instruments to play a mini-concert to an orchestra. They would put on performances for us players. Compared to Minecraft, they would be a condensed form of music blocks.

    2) Sheet music: Basically using the book feature in this game by also allowing us to write down the instrument's key presses when timed for the NPCs to play it out themselves for us. This would spawn live concerts, cantina builds, and etc by also having those on servers hear other people's taste in music.

    Seeing the piano has me assuming that Red51 shall eventually expand on the instrument choices to add trumpets, violins, trumbones, drums & etc. I'm also wanting to eventually find myself building a "Sharatang Concert Hall" that I failed to do in Minecraft thanks to how blocky the music blocks would be. WIth how powerful Rising World is this would be a proper place to take advantage of in a vanilla manner. More so in a modded manner. Now suggesting this lightly with the main mood now gone. Still posting it for future inspiration.

  • Oh wow! You just gave me an idea for my town. A 'dive bar' with pool table and juke box (which plays all of my faves) and a raised stage with a rock band playing their own unique set. haa! (obviously the juke box would be off for the band. haa!)

  • Fixed a little tongue-twister of a typo for the NPC musicians. Should make sense now.

    Glad I gave you an idea. Hopefully we can both fiddle with both of our ideas to have our musical sides play out. Nice pool tables would be sweet + juke boxes and all that. I bet we're eventually going to reach this stage once we allow Rising World to mature to its completed state.


    I bet people are unaware that they really want this feature. I've seen people having fun in Star War Galaxie's Cantina just messing about while also seeing my comrades (net buddies) mess about with musical instruments that played a preset track in Phantasy Star Online 2. Same when hanging out in Animal Crossing: New Leaf in Club LOL (404) with DJ KK. The actual instruments you can purchase & collect in ACNL to start your own mini-band. People do want it, just seems they're more focused on wanting survival (biomes, water, & etc) which I completely understand & agree with. They want their survival features, yet subconsciously also desiring their musical side of things heh. Not now, but in the few months after these updates shall settle. What I'm also suggesting this because I've seen quite a number of people messing about with Minecraft's note blocks.

    Now imagine people fiddling around with these NPC musicans in the way they do with those music blocks. More so when they have the command of a conductor to play out musical pieces in a unified manner, yet playing their own piece heh. All this in a condensed space while making use of music sheets for them to play things out like juke box or music box. No need for chunks upon chunks of space. Rising World should happily allow this for both the musican & those that build & travel. Rising World is this powerful. :thumbsup:

  • WTF next a dancing clown to entertain us while we build lol sometimes i feel you to are just taking the piss or posting for the sake of posting, well at lest your posts crack me up sometimes lol

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website


    Edited once, last by yahgiggle ().

  • WTF next a dancing clown to entertain us while we build lol sometimes i feel you to are just taking the piss or posting for the sake of posting, well at lest your posts crack me up sometimes lol

    Why so rude? ^^

    This won't happen too soon anyway, so why not let them have their "dreams" :P

  • Yahgiggle, you just lost many respect points on those two postings. Quite rude. And I do mean this seriously when you read into this seriously. No wonder you're taking a piss and being rude if you're viewing it on a clowny note.

    If you're going to be rude then I suggest you take a wander around your downtown area of your town to make note of those playing instruments on the street. Those are the types I'm seeking to add into Rising World for "atmosphere" purposes, and to compete for Minecraft's 'note-block' purposes.

    Burn that thought of the clown and think more elegantly/classy along the lines of orchestras and the like. I seriously lost respect for you.…06/Chicago06Orchestra.jpg

    That's what I'm thinking of. More along these lines........

  • i don't have a problem with you guys coming up with ideas but when they sound silly im also not going to sit on the fence and keep my mouth closed, just in the same way you don't!!! keep yours closed when i comment on your comment lol at the end of the day its all fun and only a game don't take it so personal dont forget if your going to make a comment users have the right to speak up about your comments and you need to take the bad with the good and to me my respect for you goes up because you have the bulls to speak your mind ;-D as it should be and as everyone should do

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • I had a few days to read over your postings & I still can't find what's silly behind it. I simply see you being rude with me seeing this as something normal because I've been exposed to what I wanted in other games. Again, from Star Wars Galaxies (musicians) + Lord of The Rings MMO (Instruments) + Minecraft (musical blocks & discs), among others.

    I don't mind you and others commenting. I welcome it because people because can voice their thoughts. The problem is that I'm finding you to be overly aggressive when I consider this normal no matter how many times I run over your postings. I guess it's silly because of you don't have music in your blood like those Minecrafters and myself.

    Ya, no matter how many time I read it over I can't find it being silly. I mentioned it because it sounds normal to me. I simply see jealousy or something along those lines. Or maybe it's my wording while having music in my blood. I really do want some form of musical attention in this game to unwind after building. Something to break from the constant building or adventuring. You'd be surprised how normal this is to the more "hardcore" players.

  • I had a few days to read over your postings & I still can't find what's silly behind it. I simply see you being rude with me seeing this as something normal because I've been exposed to what I wanted in other games. Again, from Star Wars Galaxies (musicians) + Lord of The Rings MMO (Instruments) + Minecraft (musical blocks & discs), among others.

    I don't mind you and others commenting. I welcome it because people because can voice their thoughts. The problem is that I'm finding you to be overly aggressive when I consider this normal no matter how many times I run over your postings. I guess it's silly because of you don't have music in your blood like those Minecrafters and myself.

    Ya, no matter how many time I read it over I can't find it being silly. I mentioned it because it sounds normal to me. I simply see jealousy or something along those lines. Or maybe it's my wording while having music in my blood. I really do want some form of musical attention in this game to unwind after building. Something to break from the constant building or adventuring. You'd be surprised how normal this is to the more "hardcore" players.

    Npc being able to perform for you when reading from sheet music, maybe that's not silly to you but to me it is and that's why i voiced my opinion but just because i find this silly does not mean everyone will in fact i bet lots of people love this idea
    but i hate it and i dont want it so i want to say my part even if they end up adding it i want people to know that i think this idea is silly this is not anything to do with you i just dont want this idea in the game in the same way you may not want a clown to perform for you or maybe you do lol

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • I think music in game is a great idea. Things like piano or guitar would be great and as far as NPCs go that sounds awesome. Walking into a saloon with a guy playing piano sounds great. Games like these need a lot of variety or they get boring. I would love to see tons of features but to me playing an instrument sounds like hours of fun. Saying that's silly is like saying that building is silly because its a survival game. For the people that want to build a city, music would be an important part. I love history and I know that at least in America we have almost always had a piano player in the saloons. Even today when we enter stores there's music playing. I can understand why some people don't want any music though. I've played on some of their servers and I've noticed that they run the server a lot like the soviet union ran Russia, very strict. Music was forbidden for a while in the soviet union unless it was authorized by the government. Overall I think music is a great idea but just give the owners the power to turn of music then both us and the commies are satisfied.

  • Finally we can understand each other as to why you hate it. Took you a few posts to say such.

    Well, I'll also say it's perfectly normal suggestion because of a program called Fruityloops that you can make music with. Mixing Minecraft's noteblocks with Fruityloops in Rising World would give people something to do other than building & venting. Building constantly eventually goes from eustress to the typical bad stress. I'm just trying to 'simplify' it somehow with what I heard with how you play piano in the game. Might as well give it some use or else it's just high quality junk.

    I'm sure Germans prefer useful quality over shitty quality. And Sagsave had the right idea from when I was able to read it last time. Just relaxing after a nice ingame hard work. That's the kind of atmoshphere & suggestion I'm aiming for. Go Youtube 'Minecraft noteblocks' and you'll see how useful and practical it is. My suggestion also aiming to save space.

  • Maybe for starters just having a few more instruments to go along with the piano without the NPC music sheet stuff ?
    It would be interesting to have a band to practice/perform with on multiplayer lol :rolleyes: imagine that...

    Just some simple instruments so we can have some awesome multiplayer sessions like

    All the NPC music sheet stuff would be a nice addition to have much later, since i imagine would take a bit more programming effort to get into the game VS just having more instruments (drums etc..) manual play like the piano that's already in-game.

    disclaimer: just an opinion

  • Each to their own.

    Well...I guess this idea became complicated the more people tried to mold it to their own. Take a peak at the piano, then at a program called Fruityloops then merge the two for in-game side entertainment. If games like Minecraft can have them then that be sweet.

    Whatever happens, happens. I'm only trying to help with me feeling overly agitated over this topic & this topic alone. I now want to burn this topic to the ground.

  • I'm bumping this back up while ignoring the idiots above ^. After having played with the piano & enjoying how it's tuned, I'm back to requesting a way to write sheet music for the piano to auto-play. It would make use of what's written here:…ons/0/619573787282472780/ - While sharing it like blueprints.

    I also support my own idea of having NPCs act as entertainers to autoplay music, even if people can't appreciate its value. They just don't see how it is after you build so much in this world. View that PSO2 video I linked above for ideas...........

    Again, treat this like you would with soundblocks in Minecraft.........

  • Going to bump this up because Rising World has this fun potential of allowing us to play with instruments within the game, something that I'm going to echo again a few more times the more I stumble across fun things. I'm still strongly wishing for the ability to have paper turn into sheet music so you can then put notes on them to probably even hand to NPCs to play instruments for you. Or maybe you, the player, to play it automatically until NPCs can do them so you can relax on any rough day.

    Yahgiggle, I still hate you for that clown picture you shared that I want to strangle you for that. Don't mock people. Time has passed, yet I still hate you for that clown picture.

    Stumbled across a German 1914 piano-Violin hybrid that would be interesting. Phonoliszt Violina

    and then some Trumpet sheet music for when we get the Trumpet. IF we get the Trumpet, I'd love to add the lettering on a sheet music to be able to play that in the game. Not just the trumpet either, but any other instrument.

    Yeah, I love Rising World for the high potential and customization.

  • whoa this topic goes wwaay back lol

    I find out I have a different perspective on it. I overestimated the complexity of it before now I know for sure music sheets wouldnt be as hard as i first thought. However my older perspective of real people trying to create music with different instruments is harder since music is all about timing and the internet is all about latency the two naturally dont mix

    So I'll roll back on that and say music sheets would definitly be doable and having NPC's play them would be an even more awesome way to get some music going.

    @ArcticuKitsu How do you see it implemented in the game or more specific: how would a player create the music sheet (instrument selection, timing etc...) ?

    At the moment I might wrongfully ssume that the idea would be that players would grab a music sheet hit a key and a dialog box would open where they'd pick instrument, set timings and use the mouse to set the notes...
    basically doing everything in a GUI.

    If I did kind of catch on to your idea, is there any way it could be more interactive I mean, more in-the-world and less inside a GUI box ? Because one of the most beautiful appeal in Rising World is the way we're interacting with objects within the game world its real, instead of opening dialog boxes to interact. as an example we fill actual coal into the furnace unlike other games where you'd open up a GUI to do that.

    so for composing a music sheet.. any idea how to have that as interactive as possible with minimal dialog boxes ? of course for fine tuning a GUI would be needed but I just wanna explore your idea some more :rolleyes: after all Music makes the world go round - Hamilton Brothers

    And Rising World is the kind of world that should go round :thumbsup:

  • The idea is loose because Red51 may end up thinking of a better idea on how to tackle this. He may ignore my idea all together with how 'ambitious' everything is on every front.

    I was thinking you could grab a piece of paper, grab a pen to then select boxes (similar to Excel/spreadsheet) to then add in notes to then have it play out in that keyboard manner. The way you activate notes on the keyboard would be the notes you use on the sheet music. Any space would be a silent note that won't be played, yet it would play in a normal speed. If Red51 wants to go further he could set a temp speed on the sheet music we could go by to slow the music down, and maybe have sections where tempos can be changed on the fly. It's all up to what's possible, and what can be made possible.

    An alternative way would be to use actual musical scale, something Red51 would have to dig deeper, for deeper musical control by using actual musical notes to translate back into the instrument to hit those specific notes. Not the keyboard pressed notes, but the actual notes you find in a musical sheet music that goes deeper so talented musical people could share their talent to others. The f sharps, and triple notes, among others. The more complex related stuff could be an addition so people with musical keyboards could go fancy, recording that into sheet music notes, not the excel/spreadsheet box idea above.

    Both ways could then be saved as special sheet music blueprints that we could then up onto Steam workshops (or save into a specific folder) where it behaves similar to a blueprint & poster manner to be transferable from one world to the next. It would be saved into a folder for the game to then register it, and so it's saved from constant world hops.


    - Bonus:

    We would place a sheet music stand anywhere (ideally in a cafe/pub/relaxing area) where it's empty. We would have to place sheet music on it, similar to the crusher with stone, so it would then trigger our character to play music when we interact with that music stand. We would play music from the sheet music placed automatically, and similar with NPCs so they can play. To have them play in a group we would have to somehow notify the game we want a group playing on cue, maybe that conductors stick & podium in the vacinity.

    Yeah, there's many ways you could also do it, just that this way seems to fit the 'Risin World way', type thing.

  • @ ArcticuKitsu Yahgiggy does have that effect on people (it is is life works I believe ^^ )
    What I like about the idea ArcticuKitsu is it would give people something to do between updates.
    I love this game I love playing but a times it gets a bit and going off on a sideline would be great.


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