The script works still fine(in spite of not having been updated for a loong time )
but on the downside the now working melting furnaces are not protected.
Any people can take stuff out of the furnace..
Example script: AreaProtection
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ok when I try to add a player to the area I create using "/ addplayertoarea" it comes up unknown command. Any thoughts?
Never mind I downloaded the newer one and I do not have this issue. BUT..... Is there a way to add more "groups" in the list? Also is there a faster way than click, click,click forever to cover an area?
Never mind I downloaded the newer one and I do not have this issue. BUT..... Is there a way to add more "groups" in the list? Also is there a faster way than click, click,click forever to cover an area?
icon its /addplayertoarea Admin username note no space after / and admin needs to be Admin not admin then the username ;-D
So I found out Yahgiggle... So picky!!!What about covering the area faster, anything on that?Thanks!
I am having a bit of a questionable problem with Protection. After about 10 minutes after placing a block, no one not even the property owner can remove that block. Admin,Owner and Guest groups all have the same problem. Thanks for any help.
I am having a bit of a questionable problem with Protection. After about 10 minutes after placing a block, no one not even the property owner can remove that block. Admin,Owner and Guest groups all have the same problem. Thanks for any help.
i take it thats this is on (The Land of Confusion) server well maybe the name has caused this problem lol ill come on and see
Okay so I am a bit confused on the groups and what they are for and what they do.
unless you know how to code icon don't use the groups, they not needed anyway and are broken i have myself fixed them, but there will soon be new protection that will make this one useless so have not uploaded my fixed script for everyone to use there's no point
Important notice to all
Apparently the script does not protect objects from being picked up by an unauthorized player.
Players can pick up ( steal ) work benches within a protected area that they aren't included in.Is it correct to assume that this scripts development has been abandoned ?
Or is there still some hope for an updated version that is safe to use on a public server ? -
Players can pick up ( steal ) work benches within a protected area that they aren't included in.
You are right I was wondering about this issue, since I could not reproduce it on my local machine, but I already had a slightly different version of the AreaProtection script -.-
I've updated the AreaProtection script, players should be prevented from picking up objects in protected areas now. It also fixes a bug about groups. Thanks for letting us know about the issueAbout the AreaProtection script in general: If there are any other bugs, we will fix them, but probably we will not update the script anymore, especially since the upcoming Java API is going to replace the Lua API soon (we will create a completely new version of the AreaProtection script/plugin then).
Kann man zufällig bei diesen Script auch noch einfügen das "NUR" bestimmte Gruppen in einen Gebiet was machen dürfen?
Also nicht nur auf Spieler sondern auf Gruppen die rechte setzen meine ich
nein, bei der lua Version ist dieses nicht möglich.
I hope this hasn't been asked before.... I looked through all the pages and didn't see it asked, but I could have missed it.
What do the different colors mean? I've seen yellow and pink/magenta.... O.O
What do the different colors mean? I've seen yellow and pink/magenta.... O.O
Theres no difference, they are just random colors for each area just to make them more visible when all are in close proximity to eachother.I hope this solved the mystery for you
Hallo liebe Community,
Ich bin noch Anfänger in diesem Gebiet. Ich habe das Skript wie beschrieben auf unserem Server installiert, aber es treten zurzeit ein paar nervige Bugs auf. Einige Bereiche werden nicht richtig gespeichert. Nach automatischem Neustart des Servers verschwinden geclaimte Gebiete. Wenn ich diese erneut claime, sind sie am nächsten Tag nach dem Neustart wieder weg. Kann man dagegen was machen? Das ist wie gesagt nicht überall so ... es verschwinden aber immer dieselben Gebiete.
Woran kann das liegen, hat jemand eine Ahnung?Grüße, KINIK
Hattest du vielleicht ein ' oder " oder ; im Name des Bereichs? Weil Bereich Namen sollten die meiste Sonderzeichen nicht beinhalten.
Ahaaaaaa ... Das erklärt alles ... die, die verschwunden sind, hatten immer ein ' im Namen.
Vielen, vielen Dank, Minotaurus :))))Grüße, KINIK
Can only server Admins select and create areas?
yes only server admins can set up areas
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