Changelog 2016-06-29: Fuel requirement for furnaces

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Umm.. can I have a link to the website, please? If it's I'm a real idiot. Now off to find where the bug tracker forum is :)

    You can post in client help or server help for bugs if you have one not listed, I don't know if there is a special bug tracker ... There is a bug tracker button on top <bug tracker> on but it's a dead link.
    As far as features: are the ones Red51 original manifest I don't think it's always updated. For example I think Biomes is at least in done phase, But you can see any of those things by simply playing the game what's in it. However, the list I think is just for people before purchasing so they can see what they want to buy. I already was convinced back when it first released on steam once I saw it was stable and the Developer was committed. I enjoyed this game so much. If you want the latest news or what he's working on we English speakers try to even translate German conversations lol. For what is in the works.

  • I hope your AI and mobs patrol in those dungeons your working on since I want to see people cry when they die

    Later there will be definitely some hostile mobs in dungeons ;) Unfortunately there are no monsters or new enemies with the first dungeon release (although it's a pity, since dungeons can only reveal their full potential when there are some challenges), since we have to rework the animal behaviour first (and we won't get that done in time for the dungeons release)...

    Is there a place in the forums I'm missing that has the planned updates for the game?

    The feature list (the link provided by @YakMe) is indeed a little bit outdated, it only contains the "major features" and it gives no clue when the particular features will be implemented exactly.
    The next "big update" will be dungeons, once they're in the game we will implement the new playermodels and items, then it's our intention to focus on more survival elements (rework recipes, add more challenges etc) :)

  • Later there will be definitely some hostile mobs in dungeons ;) Unfortunately there are no monsters or new enemies with the first dungeon release (although it's a pity, since dungeons can only reveal their full potential when there are some challenges), since we have to rework the animal behaviour first (and we won't get that done in time for the dungeons release)...

    The feature list (the link provided by @YakMe) is indeed a little bit outdated, it only contains the "major features" and it gives no clue when the particular features will be implemented exactly.
    The next "big update" will be dungeons, once they're in the game we will implement the new playermodels and items, then it's our intention to focus on more survival elements (rework recipes, add more challenges etc) :)

    Awesome! I'm very much looking forward to this. #HugsForRed Let the updates roll Woohoo! :)

  • That's fine if no mobs in dungeons on release. Since I know AI of mobs is always a challenge with pathing of mobs, character models, sounds, and AI behavior such as calling other mobs to help him like a group attack radius call to arms. Range/Melee attacks balancing of all along with blocking attacks that will be a big job. I will get to use those dungeon objects I hope as well. I am pretty sure some people will enjoy finding them and even setting up camp there. Of course until mobs update, lol. I look forward to seeing if the dungeon will have some damage objects like traps spikes, spider webs, quick sand, fire pits.

  • Usually it's zfoxfire that gets Red to squeal but I was honored to today lol. He has a list on his main website, but other stuff is a maybe..
    you can follow Red51 that's the best way. Also sometimes he reveals that on steam community.

    Yeah yeah yeah.. I'm gaining a reputation for being an insider. So be it. I found Red51 to be really approachable. Just realize that if he doesnt respond to you immediately then he might be busy. My primary motivation was to help with reducing some of the communication burden he has (something that's really helped this game stand out from a community perspective). If Red doesnt have to repeat himself then he can spend more time focusing on the development. Being approachable as he is can also backfire when he needs to get work done. So I feel bad sometimes about chatting with him as often as I do.

    Before the game hit Steam, when the game was called Concept, there was a bugtracking tool on the old website. I really wish we had something like that again that was community managed to help with tracking suggestions, approved suggestions, rejected suggestions, reported bugs, fixed bugs, changes in progress, implemented features. Kind of like a SCRUM board for those with any project management experience.

  • Yeah yeah yeah.. I'm gaining a reputation for being an insider. So be it. I found Red51 to be really approachable. Just realize that if he doesnt respond to you immediately then he might be busy. My primary motivation was to help with reducing some of the communication burden he has (something that's really helped this game stand out from a community perspective). If Red doesnt have to repeat himself then he can spend more time focusing on the development. Being approachable as he is can also backfire when he needs to get work done. So I feel bad sometimes about chatting with him as often as I do.

    Before the game hit Steam, when the game was called Concept, there was a bugtracking tool on the old website. I really wish we had something like that again that was community managed to help with tracking suggestions, approved suggestions, rejected suggestions, reported bugs, fixed bugs, changes in progress, implemented features. Kind of like a SCRUM board for those with any project management experience.

    yep and we really should help each other as much as possible

  • I just went on Freaks R Us the water is Clear, and i made a small pond in my single player world, the water is also clear, I'll inform red if it does it again.

    and my video card is AMD HD5670.

    Its clearboth Day and Night

  • I just went on Freaks R Us the water is Clear, and i made a small pond in my single player world, the water is also clear, I'll inform red if it does it again.

    and my video card is AMD HD5670.

    Its clearboth Day and Night

    My PC has an AMD Radeon HD 8670D with a quad core AMD A10-6700 with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics and 8 Gigs of ram. The only problems I ever have is lag and it's aggravating. I'm willing to bet there's a massive memory leak in the game because most games give me 60-70 fps

  • Finally I can get rid of all my coal :D :D

    Arcane, I alway get around 90-100 fps. Can be something with your hardware, the 8670D is an integrated gpu, maybe thats the culprit?

    "I wish I had a dollar for every time I spent a dollar, because then, I'd have all my money back" :P

  • Finally I can get rid of all my coal :D :D

    Arcane, I alway get around 90-100 fps. Can be something with your hardware, the 8670D is an integrated gpu, maybe thats the culprit?

    sorry to bust your bubble but i got a nvidia GTX 750 and i sometimes get dropped down to 5fps and the highest is get is 60fps so i think there are memory leaks in the client and server because sometimes the cpu and ram on my server hits max then comes back down to normal.

  • Kind of late because I've been busy experimenting last night then building my canal & starting work on my 'Canadian Tower' today. Spammed it all on Steam gallery just now. But ya, I'm loving the new big furnace being able to smelt more ores this time around. That, and finally fueling it to keep it running. Lumber being a good 5 value & coal being a good 40 value that you can smelt happily. Finally a nice use for the coal & lumber. Being able to also re-fill the canteens is a nice sweet touch. Don't have to worry about being thirsty that much longer.

    Opening the fuel hatch has a nice vibe & immersive feel to it that I love it. It however has me wondering what's stopping people from just jumping onto that from the get-go. They could skip the small furnace, primitive types, to just get to the big one.

    Also, can't wait for the cooking update either because I want to populate my 'kitchen' area of my Niska HQ with a good oven, or something. Just a nice fridge, oven, & any accessories for cooking, eating, and such. ANy restaurant type interior decoration. Feeling flat right now.


    Also loving the conversation about the rails for minecarts & trains. 2 blocks wide for minecarts & 4 for trains is neat. My pathways are already 5 wide so I could see 4 wide being a nice touch for steam, diesel, electric and the like. Can't wait to see how you treat trains, and if the tracks shall follow the terrain or not. If it'll mold itself to each bump & curve of the terrain, or if they'll behave more like planks.

  • I am very curious about the rail tracks/terrain placement as well.Being a voxel game,it would make sense if tracks would follow every bump and hill but from the other hand,I think they will look peculiar.Rails of War mod for minecraft had a good concept about uphill/downhill tracks and such.That would make them pretty realistic while could smoothly go up and down.15,30,45 degree slopes would be great in my opinion.With placement,it would automatically add a neutral color slope under the tracks and can be painted with the available paint tool textures(dirt,gravel etc).Just imagining how can it possibly be.I dont know how Red thought about it but I am pretty sure he will create them the best way possible.
    I can imagine a flatbed car loaded with crates,barrels rolling down the hill.A livestock car loaded with animals for translocation,If we could lure them in with wheat or a carrot or something.It will be just sick!!
    Like ArcticuKitsu mentioned" 2 blocks wide for minecarts & 4 for trains will be neat".Thats exactly what I imagined as well.Hopefully the trains will have a realistic size compared to the player.Also,minecarts will look awesome and with 2 block width,it will be a good size too.

  • I am very curious about the rail tracks/terrain placement as well.Being a voxel game,it would make sense if tracks would follow every bump and hill but from the other hand,I think they will look peculiar.Rails of War mod for minecraft had a good concept about uphill/downhill tracks and such.That would make them pretty realistic while could smoothly go up and down.15,30,45 degree slopes would be great in my opinion.With placement,it would automatically add a neutral color slope under the tracks and can be painted with the available paint tool textures(dirt,gravel etc).Just imagining how can it possibly be.I dont know how Red thought about it but I am pretty sure he will create them the best way possible.
    I can imagine a flatbed car loaded with crates,barrels rolling down the hill.A livestock car loaded with animals for translocation,If we could lure them in with wheat or a carrot or something.It will be just sick!!
    Like ArcticuKitsu mentioned" 2 blocks wide for minecarts & 4 for trains will be neat".Thats exactly what I imagined as well.Hopefully the trains will have a realistic size compared to the player.Also,minecarts will look awesome and with 2 block width,it will be a good size too.

    I imagine Red doesn't want to reply to the' train comments because he is not actively working on it just yet. But I imagine the tracks will be similar to blocks placements of tracks not voxel or object. I imagine something like the way the half block on top of blocks works now. I think you prefer a grid system over voxel if your going to have logic of looking for the next the path of the train track. Who knows, he may even have (4x4) or (2x2) or bigger group block placements in group format for tracks to avoid invalid turns. I am glad Red commented on the Train it was a nice teaser for us. And allows people to try to plan a little more in advance

    In-response to Red's response about the mill question. Since he wants to go straight to electricity skipping for now old tech. However that doesn't exclude modern versions of wind/water generators, he could go directly to DC motors ... As every person who's played with electricity knows if you spin any electric motor DC/AC it creates electricity.

    If he wanted he could just have a block based DC motor which has ability to change hookups on the axle. For a water generator place a DC motor down next to a stream then adjust the axle putting on the water propellers <Hydro Generator> ... If you want a wind generator in the sky you build off ground place a DC motor at the top of structure then put on wind propeller. <Wind Generator> To complete the system run electrical wires from either DC motor back to the battery banks or machines.

    However that's a discussion for next year, I just wanted to give a response.

  • I am very curious about the rail tracks/terrain placement as well.Being a voxel game,it would make sense if tracks would follow every bump and hill but from the other hand,I think they will look peculiar.Rails of War mod for minecraft had a good concept about uphill/downhill tracks and such.That would make them pretty realistic while could smoothly go up and down.15,30,45 degree slopes would be great in my opinion.With placement,it would automatically add a neutral color slope under the tracks and can be painted with the available paint tool textures(dirt,gravel etc).Just imagining how can it possibly be.I dont know how Red thought about it but I am pretty sure he will create them the best way possible.
    I can imagine a flatbed car loaded with crates,barrels rolling down the hill.A livestock car loaded with animals for translocation,If we could lure them in with wheat or a carrot or something.It will be just sick!!
    Like ArcticuKitsu mentioned" 2 blocks wide for minecarts & 4 for trains will be neat".Thats exactly what I imagined as well.Hopefully the trains will have a realistic size compared to the player.Also,minecarts will look awesome and with 2 block width,it will be a good size too.

    Constant curiousity that it hurts & pains Red51 he can't discuss this with us because the moment he did would be the moment we would be whining like the trolls about water. He doesn't want to promise anything, more so when I keep logs of what he said on this forum :P

    Two wide for Minecarts is indeed nice that it makes things highly smooth. 1x1 is tiny, yet 2x2 is nice and wide [tunnels] for minecarts. We would be making wider tunnels & ways to go, though. That, and 4 wide is again reasonable. I'm constantly wondering if Red51 shall give us all those train cargo cars, or if he'll give us some generic ones to dump everything in; If he'll lock some to a certain type. Liquid storage cars shall be a big thing to add for the drinking water, oil, and fruit/veggie guices (apple & orange juice).

    There's so much fun to be had with train side of things :). But first, Horses & boats!

  • sorry to bust your bubble but i got a nvidia GTX 750 and i sometimes get dropped down to 5fps and the highest is get is 60fps so i think there are memory leaks in the client and server because sometimes the cpu and ram on my server hits max then comes back down to normal.

    I get asked often about what's wrong with my computer and in all honesty I don't have a clue. Even the geek squad was scratching their heads trying to figure out what was causing it. I walked out of there without having to pay so much as a penny. From what I've been told I should be able to get anywhere from 100 to 150 fps in most of my games and that includes Rising World. Sure I can make a crash log report but it won't do jack squat besides tell you my computer information, hardware and how the game is performing. The best advice I was given was to tell the developers of Ark: Survival Evolved and Rising World that they have a massive memory leak in the game somewhere. That's from the Geek Squad at Best Buy and if that's what they have to say as a diagnosis then that's the issue.

  • Ya, Rising World is still new so it hasn't gotten around to doing performance polishing. That is something I'd expect Red51 to do much later when everything has been added into the game. It's something Red51 wants to do, yet is troublesome when you're constantly adding in new code and features into the game that we'll have to wait until 'post-beta' (when games to gold) type thing. That, or he might find something even in mid to late beta that any performance issues could be fixed then, unless sooner if a real problem.

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