Prospecting , and fishing. Also farming. ect.

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  • Hello all. Loving the game so far. Even doing a let's play on it already on my youtube channel. Just look for geminiz plays on youtube.

    I would absolutely love to see prospecting in a game like this. I am talking gold panning , and gemstones. Would be a great form of currency .

    Also i would love to see fishing and an extensive farming abilty. Where i can plant and harvest crops and flowers, and maybe even the ability to set up shops and sell these goods. . Not like minecraft, but the ability to make certain types of real fishing poles and dig up bait like worms, and even boats for when you go out on a lake or river.

    I know prospecting sounds boring , but with a little research i think it could be a great addition to a survival style game such as this.

    Hope these help and again loving the game even in it's early stage i am very impressed.

    P.S. i see your talking about monsters. I really hope it's not like mincraft and the million other games that have zombies and shit. Animals that can attack and NPC's that attack cool, but no more damn zombies lol. It's been done to death. I wanna get mauled by a bear or try to outrun a cheeta lol. Maybe even wander into a village wondering if the people are going to be friendly traders , or are they going to be a pissed off cannibalistic tribe that chases me with bows and arrows or guns and tries to cook my ass on a spit over a fire.

  • A short range prospecting system would be nice. You could check behind cave walls for ores. :)

    On the subject of Monsters, it does feel like zombies are the 'go-to' monster. I would like a few more fantasy creatures (goblins, ogres, Minotaur, Dune worms?) along with more normal dangers like bears, etc. :)

    Maybe have world generation options for spawn rates, so you could decide what would spawn, and at what rate, in the world. (Ores and Monsters?)

  • If I remember correctly, the devs want a zombie dog. But other than that, no zombies. I agree with you, no damn zombies. Currently in the game there are no bears, but the devs show screens of them so they are already in the game in some form. Other than that, I think they are leaning towards more fantasy type of monsters. Goblins and trolls kinda stuff. We shall see.

    Fishing is planned (have a look here at what is planned Would be great to dig for worms and use them to increase your chances of catching a fish.

    Prospecting for ores would be interesting. Add more depth to mining then just hack away at what's in front of you. It would promote exploring more. Also, the gold panning would be interesting IMO. I'm sure there will be gold in the game, at least for jewelery. If gold is used for currency, it should be another thing to learn how to do, make coins. If gold is valuable, would be interesting if there was an extra step in obtaining it... the panning. So prospect for gold and find a vein, mine the gold ore and you end up with say a pile of gravel with gold flakes, then you pan through the gravel to extract the gold, smelt it into gold bar and craft it up from there...

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • I hate zombies. I refuse to even look at any game with "zombie" in the title. So boring, so overdone. I'm not even wild about the planned "zombie dogs".

    Ores would be a welcome addition. Can't wait. Panning might be ok, once rivers and/or streams are added. Sifting through the dirt, sand, gravel, or stones along the banks seems like the hard way to do it though. I envision being able to craft a "sluice" or even some kind of gold-sorting machine. ( Water runs through it, and you put dirt, sand, or stones in one end, it sorts out the gold for you (if any) out the other. Gem stones aren't "heavy" like gold is, so sorting them out by using gravity wouldn't work. However, a finished (cut) gemstone could be crafted from the raw ore.

    As for a 'currency', I used to play a MC-like game that had a full economy. But the game has to control it, not a player. The balancing of all the items in the game (all items, both raw and crafted), both selling and purchase prices for each, is an absolute booger. In the end, when it's all said and done, the Barter System will always win out anyway. You can craft gold into "coins", but how much a coin is "worth" depends on the person you're trading with and what he perceives an item is worth (remember the ole law of supply and demand).
    And what's a coin worth if you're playing single-player? They're not worth anything... unless you can buy something... from a game-run shop... and we're right back to the economy thing again.

    Finally, fishing. Worms is a nice idea, but there's other lures besides worms. Natural baits are fine, but being able to craft a few artificial lures seems logical too if you didn't want to do some digging. (I don't think we need to complicate things by adding 'effectiveness' between baits).

  • I honestly wish they would change this zombie dog into say a dire wolf. Then there could be dire bear, dire wolverine, dire cougar etc.. if that was wanted. And no zombies period. The only close to a zombie I want to see is some form of undead monster.

    After reading your post there Geneo, I would have to agree. The whole currency thing is a bit tricky. For my last post, I was just excited for new features, didn't think it through haha. Even if there are NPC villages the barter system could be used so... I don't know. I agree though, the game should control the value of items and coin if currency is used. Then there's the question, are values set and don't change or do they dynamically change based on supply and demand? I'm torn on this whole idea really, because in the end this game is about mining/gathering and crafting/building... so if you want something, just go out and get the materials to make it etc.. But there should an ability to trade other than just dropping stuff on the ground.. anyways.

    Crafting artificial lures would be good. It might be interesting if different fish require different baits or lures to be found or crafted.

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • I support the "no zombie" suggestion. I, too, am tired of all the games using "zombies" as enemies. There is an infinite (with imagination) number of possible enemy types, yet we keep seeing games with 'zombie' enemies. You know what enemy stands out in a game like Minecraft, which has a zombie enemy? The Creeper! A creature with a total unique look and attack form.

  • Creeper- been there, done that.

    I look at RW as more 'realistic'. I just don't see 'fantasy' enemies, or needing a 'signature' mob. Believe me, RW is (will be) so far ahead of MC we won't need something like a "creeper" to set it apart. (Heck, everything sets it apart!)
    Bears, lions, tigers, leopards, wolves- there's plenty of mobs that can be dangerous to us. I'd hate to see it, but you can even go to large spiders, army ants, snakes, eagles or owls that attack, gorillas- there's all sorts of 'realistic' mobs we could add.

  • If I remember correctly, the devs want a zombie dog. But other than that, no zombies.

    A rabid dog would work well in all world types from fantasy to science fiction and rabies is in part the origin of the zombie mythos. I like the idea of no zombies they've been done to death. Pun intended. We have a mix of low technology and high technology items so that will test the design team when it comes to a back story. Bandits, raiders, slavers and invading troops of various technology levels would get my vote. With both low technology and high technology foes togel-able in a menu. In some contexts you can mix both low technology thugs and high technology raiders. With the game mechanics coming together well the challenge will be making the world make sense.

  • Finding ores is a challenge in a big procedural world. Minecraft has to add huge amounts of extra ore just to make it findable. One real world solution is Geobotanical prospecting. It has not been done in a computer game yet. Some plants only grow on mineral deposits, copper etc. Spawning a recognizable plant above a shallow ore deposits would make finding ore much easier. Many games have complex prospecting processes that are often just grind in others its just too obvious. Looking for a plant would be historically accurate, fun and realistic.

  • I'm sure if we have low and high tech weapons of some sort, then the monsters / enemies with have them also.

    Regarding ores, check this. I think plants or flora will be biome specific (with some overlap of course). We shall see if the location of plants will be more detailed then that.

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • - Prospecting: I wouldn't mind prospecting if you would get random chances to acquire random specs of ores to then hammer together at the table. Gather them all in your inventory to then combine them after fishing for them with a bowl or something in rivers. I'll happily relearn how to find ores just for this game, even if you can get specific ones only through panning.

    - Rabid Dogs: I'll except them only if they're a night-time animal that sprints away during dusk past the render distance. The devs can do what they want, but they'll be the creepers of the night from the looks of it. The Creeper+Witch combo in terrifying you.

    - Fishing: I'd love fishing but hoping it'll do it Minecraft, or Zelda (Ocarina style). Warcraft's fishing, ACNL, and such were a pain in the rear. I love how there's interest in wanting to frame animals as trophies so seems like there's a chance for fishes being hung as trophies. I'm sure it's confirmed.

    - Farming: I do this a lot in game so I'll find myself doing this in Rising World. I'll farm up corn, and whatever else needs to be farmed. Whatever Rising World will allow me to arm I'll do so. I'm hoping it'll allow me to do grow rice, bamboo, and stuff like that. Animals? Not so much, though I may from curiousity. Goat cheese? Bonus points if I can craft those stringy European goat cheese that I can't get here in Canada. Making Sushi also being a bonus heh.

  • When farming is implemented, I would like to see some of the animal behaviour changed so they will attempt to feed from my crops (not the carnivorous ones, obviously). This would mean I would be forced to create a decent fencing solution to protect the crops.

  • The addition of fishing, farming, and prospecting would add some interesting possibilities to the game. If a monetary system was ever implemented, prospecting for gold, silver, and gems would give way to increase ones wealth. Selling produce and fish from a cart or to a shop could be another source of income.

  • I would love to have a fishing system similar to reel fishing or the old Rapala series. The system would have reel life fish like bass and pike, there would be multiple types of bait like natural, lures and flies. For the polar regions have ice fishing, you would have jig sticks and tip-ups. After you catch the fish have a small mini game were you filet the fish. This would also add digging for bait and ice augers.

  • I would love to have a fishing system similar to reel fishing or the old Rapala series. The system would have reel life fish like bass and pike, there would be multiple types of bait like natural, lures and flies. For the polar regions have ice fishing, you would have jig sticks and tip-ups. After you catch the fish have a small mini game were you filet the fish. This would also add digging for bait and ice augers.

    I'm hoping the bodies of water have fish we can see (if the water is clear enough) and catch. So you cast your fishing rod with your lure and bait, and might even see a fish swim close enough to the bait and chomp down on it. This pulls on your fishing rod so you know to start reeling it in. Could even have bit of a tension system where you need to watch the rod, if it bends too much the line might break so you have to stop reeling it in before it does break. No not a minigame.. just a fishing gameplay mechanic.

    To cast, maybe just hold right click and release. The longer you hold, the farther it is cast (within limits of course). Maybe once the lure is in the water, you can use + and - to reel the fishing line out or in. Some simply enough stuff to make something like fishing fun.

    Plus if there are fish in the water we can see, it opens it up to have a spear fishing thing like in Stranded Deep.

    @Meltron I think we will see the most basic form of farming. Just so peeps don't get confused or expect too much etc.. ;)

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • I think we will see the most basic form of farming. Just so peeps don't get confused or expect too much etc..

    Sure thing that there won't be tractors :P But it is also logically, since red just can't start with such details and extents before he hasn't covered the most basic things like that plants simply grow etc.

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