Changelog 2017-04-20: Ingame map, dungeon, new content

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Well, that's a shame. It's a lesson learned that whether we like this we're on a test world that anything is bound to break. Even so, I like to consider this a main test world before we actually play on the real Rising World with that one world ocean with all those islands & island continents. Until then, we're at the mercy of dungeons not handling properly and etc, and that patience should be key. One should expect things to break with ease, yet I do love where Rising World is going.

    Good luck fixing the dungeon. I got irritated my dungeon was 'voided' that I simply grabbed dynamite to blow up a section I could work with. Just waking up the nearby sandstone to open up a bubble large enough to allow the re-restored chest area to be active again. Well, at least i have a functioning pyramid again. That's something.

    I'll be more cautious with dungeons while building around them, not on them. Nor to use them as base of operations.

  • I'll be more cautious with dungeons while building around them, not on them. Nor to use them as base of operations.

    There is no reason to be cautious with dungeons ;) Something like that will most likely not happen in the future again. However, even if you did not built anything in dungeons, even opening a door or opening a chest would have had the same result (since this already causes the particular chunk to be saved in the world database). So the only consequence would be to stay away from dungeons completely, but ofc this wouldn't be a solution.

  • I am probably just not finding where this info is located, but there are several new features that I can not find the details on how to implement:

    •[New] Custom journal ("server notes") now also supports images What is the syntax in the journal.xml file?

    •[New] Multiplayer servers can now put their logo on the loading screen (server_custom_logo) Syntax? File type/size restrictions? I assume in the

    •[New] Weather preset (sunny, default, unsettled) can be selected in the game settings (Singleplayer only), MP setting also available Syntax?

    •[Change] Increased visible distance of images (depending on their size), can be adjusted in config file Syntax/values?

    Maybe someone can point me to the right place for this info? :D

  • I am probably just not finding where this info is located, but there are several new features that I can not find the details on how to implement:

    Yeah there is no thread about these infos yet. It was described in the german section (since someone asked the same question), not sure if there was an english description somewhere as well ^^

    •[New] Custom journal ("server notes") now also supports images What is the syntax in the journal.xml file?

    Just put the image (jpg, png or gif) into the server directory and put a new <image> key into your journal.xml file, e.g.:

    <image name="myImage.png" width="256" height="256" page="left" posx="0.5" posy="0.75" pivot="center"/>

    •[New] Multiplayer servers can now put their logo on the loading screen (server_custom_logo) Syntax? File type/size restrictions? I assume in the

    Basically also just put the image (jpg, png or gif) into the server directory and put the image name next to server_custom_logo key in the file. Basically there is no size restriction, but it's highly recommendable to keep the image as small as possible (since the client has to download it when he connects to the server). Personally I'd recommend to not exceed 512x512 px ;)

    •[New] Weather preset (sunny, default, unsettled) can be selected in the game settings (Singleplayer only), MP setting also available Syntax?

    In the file it's the settings_weather_preset key. You can use "default" for default weather, "sunny" for good/sunny weather preset and "unsettled" for bad/unsettled weather preset.

    •[Change] Increased visible distance of images (depending on their size), can be adjusted in config file Syntax/values?

    This is only a clientside setting. You can change the game_customimage_visible_distance key in the file to adjust the visible distance. E.g. "1.0" is the default setting, "0.5" reduces the visible distance by half, "10.0" provides a ten times bigger visible distance etc. ;)

  • I've been using and loving the new map item. It's way more useful than I imagined it would be.

    The only problem I'm having now is when I play the game at work (it's okay - I own the business ;) ) the map I generated at home is not there. I get by if I use ftp to copy it over, but I was wondering if there is a plan to synchronize maps between client locations.

    I guess the server would have to get involved, but I'm not sure what other paths of communication might be available.

  • hmm steam file sync? not sure if it is even possible :/ but that is indeed a problem there for people using multiple computers to access the same game account.

  • It shouldn't be too hard to put the map under Steam's sync software but I would recommend making cloud sync optional (not automatic like it is now). I tend to create and destroy lots of worlds as tests and only have one world I want to retain. I also re-use names when creating temp worlds so I imagine I'm confusing the hell out of Steam. Not sure what the storage limitations are with Steam but the map information I've noticed can easily be 5 or 6 times greater in size than the game itself.

    And +7 on @Jon_Miner's suggestion of clickable hyperlinks in the Journal.

  • The only problem I'm having now is when I play the game at work (it's okay - I own the business ) the map I generated at home is not there. I get by if I use ftp to copy it over, but I was wondering if there is a plan to synchronize maps between client locations.

    Is it a singleplayer or multiplayer world? In multiplayer it's our intention to move the map files to the server, so your "exploration status" of the map should be saved in any case.
    In singleplayer the only thing that would work is Steam cloud. But as @zfoxfire suspected, the Steam cloud has storage limitations, currently it is 1 GB per user. Usually this is fine, but in some cases it's already possible to hit this limitation (especially if you have large worlds, maybe in combination with lots of custom images etc). If the map was also synced, I'm afraid that lots of users will easily hit this limitation :/

    However, it is our intention to give more control over the sync. A way to determine which worlds should be synced or not, and also to have an overview of the remaining free cloud space.

    BTW... Is there a way to put a clickable hyperlink in the journal?

    I will put that on our list :)

  • A new hotfix ( is now available! Server admins have to update their servers accordingly.

    This update fixes some of the dungeon issues on old worlds, so the world needs to be converted again. Broken dungeons which occurred prior this hotfix should be fixed now, unless you modified (remove block, place block etc) the according chunk already. If you still encounter dungeon issues, please let us know.
    Thanks to the admins of the Artisan's Realm and Lost World servers for helping to solve the dungeon issues!

    This update also fixed the "returnchunk is null" error some people were experiencing (resulting in missing chunks). Furthermore the update changes the behavior of construction elements, fixed some smaller issues and introduces many new API related events (see separate changelog).

    Changelog ( 2017-04-28:

    • [New] Added some new variations of the paperpress
    • [Change] Plugin errors will be shown properly in chat now
    • [Change] Construction elements rotate smoothly now
    • [Change] System environment variables (preventing the game from allocating memory) will be discarded if set
    • [Bugfix] Fixed "returnchunk is still null" error on some old worlds
    • [Bugfix] Fixed broken dungeons on old worlds (does not affect chunk which have been modified in the meantime)
    • [Bugfix] Rotation of construction elements will be no longer overridden
    • [Bugfix] Shadows (SSAO) are no longer visible through manhole covers
  • Yeah unfortunately the standalone hasn't been updated yet since we had to fix a minor issue first. The standalone update will be ready within a few minutes ;)//Edit: The standalone should be updated now

  • Either I am drunk or something is very strange with the R CTRL in the construction system.


    1) I re-started the client and loaded a SP world without changing any construction setting, to have a starting situation as clean and predictable as possible
    2) Get a plank
    3) Rotate it in some way, for instance 6 x [ARROW DN] to have it horizontal
    4) Press [R CTRL] (or [NumPad 0], it is the same) to 'fix' it:

    Result: the plank rotates of some angle and only after that it fixes to the new position/rotation.

    Expected result: I expected that, by pressing [R CTRL], the plank fixes in its current position, without any additional rotation.

    Note: if, before pressing [R CTRL], the plank is rotated in some other way than the one described above, the additional rotation forced by [R CTRL] is different.

    Does anybody else can confirm this?

    In case, I hope to have given enough info to reproduce the issue.

  • Either I am drunk or something is very strange with the R CTRL in the construction system.


    Does anybody else can confirm this?

    I can confirm and possibly found a workaround:
    - rotate to desired angle, f.e. 6x [Arrow Dn]
    - and rotate one step more, in total 7x [Arrow Dn]
    - fix the element with [R Ctrl]

  • Yes. I am having the same rotation issue. I have made a short video of this and of a flickering problem with planks and with posters. This is after the latest hot fix. As of late April 28th. 6 pm MST (USA Mountain time).
    Video here:

    First part shows the flickering issue. This is planks applied over a block wall, and then posters also flicker whenever you move. Second part shows the control key rotation issue.

  • Yes. I am having the same rotation issue. I have made a short video of this and of a flickering problem with planks and with posters. This is after the latest hot fix. As of late April 28th. 6 pm MST (USA Mountain time).
    Video here:

    First part shows the flickering issue. This is planks applied over a block wall, and then posters also flicker whenever you move. Second part shows the control key rotation issue.

  • Thanks for the explanation @Miwarre and @Machete and thanks for the video @MommaT :) I will fix this rotation issue as soon as possible!
    Small question about the flickering issue @MommaT: Does it only occur since the latest hotfix? Or did it already occur in the past? One solution might be to enable the logarithmic_depthbuffer in the "" file in your game directory (just change the value to true), but unfortunately this has an impact on the framerate. The log. depthbuffer was enabled by default in the previous version, but has been disabled with version 0.8.2, since we're working on alternative ways to reduce flickering.
    I'd recommend to wait for the next hotfix (should be available within the next hour I guess), I'll do some further tweaks to the render sorting, maybe this already fixes the flickering issue ;)

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