Upcoming: New player models

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • When you run it has to really feel like running. Not sure how you view 2-3x speed, yet something that's simply 'twice as fast' as the running speed we currently have that's more like fast walking. It's
    making me curse with how slow it is.

    Well, once the player models are fully working we have to adjust the run speed anyway :D I'm sure we will find an appropriate run speed in the medium run.

    And I love that we now will no longer look like crash test dummies

    Hehe, that's true :D

    Question: it appears that there is a miners helmet with mounted light on one model? Is that a working lamp? (silly question, I'm sure it is, but gotta ask).

    Yes, it's a working lamp. It will be a replacement for the current "L" debug light (which will be hopefully removed soon [although it will still be available in creative mode]), so you don't have to hold a lamp in your hands anymore ;)

    Question: will we have any magic casters in game, or we it be strictly true to RL? I don't really expect it, just curious. Medieval areas had their soothsayers and such, while not true magic casters they had their 'auras'. And kings had their advisers.

    Well, I'm not sure if there will be magic casters in the game... monsters are planned for the hell and dungeons, maybe there might be some magical stuff or magic casters then. Can't say for sure ^^

    Can i still play as the chubby bald guy? you know, for nostalgias sake?

    Hehe, unfortunately that's not possible^^ Maybe we re-rig the old character when we have a lot of spare time, just for fun, but right now we have no plans for that. But maybe there will be other ways to pay homage to the bald guy :D

    Not sure if you're focusing too heavily on hair styles or not, but for when you do here's some hair styles you could look into for added customization for the female side

    Actually we were more focusing on different clothes than on hair styles ;) There won't be so many different hair styles in the initial release, but more hair styles (and more clothes) will be dded in the future.
    We also have to find a convenient way to add new hair styles etc. to the game via the API.

    I requested a new stone statue instead. I hope he follows through

    That's definitely coming ^^

    will we have the option to wear various forms of glasses?

    Oh yes, there will be at least a few glasses. Once the player models are available, we are open for suggestions about new clothes, hair styles, glasses, hats, suits etc (especially glasses and hats don't need rigging, so they're easy to create).

  • Actually we were more focusing on different clothes than on hair styles There won't be so many different hair styles in the initial release, but more hair styles (and more clothes) will be dded in the future.
    We also have to find a convenient way to add new hair styles etc. to the game via the API.

    Aww. I hope we can have the option to API/Mod in more hairtypes similar to how we can insert plugins with ease. I hope you can treat further player model accessories & customization similar to how we deal with plugins. That's how I remember one +18 Illusion game dealing with character customization that you could import the eye types as .pngs that it may be interesting to see how people treat such.

    But I'm also happy to hear that you'll be focusing on more clothing types because that'll really change things up in customization & variety. All sorts of stuff would be possible. I really do want to crank out clothing in my world, as well as being able to display them openly as if what I had was a shop (or shall be a shop) because they also tend to make nice visual appearances on all fronts.

    I find clothing to be similar to Euro Truck Sim 2 & America Truck Sim's take on paint jobs. They're simple, people curse & throw childish tantrums when they don't get other features, yet you're able to keep adding lovely customization options to the game.

    Oh yes, there will be at least a few glasses. Once the player models are available, we are open for suggestions about new clothes, hair styles, glasses, hats, suits etc (especially glasses and hats don't need rigging, so they're easy to create).

    Sweet! Looking forward to seeing what hats & glasses types we get. Wondering if we'll get aviation related accessories because one of my buddies played Minecraft using aviation related skins. The old timey aviation goggles, hats, scarves, and such. For me, I'd be happy (as a hat) to have both a baseball cap (for myself) as well as some fox ears (anime style & in various colours) for the NPC side of things.


    Looking forward to seeing what these current player models are capable of because it'll allow me to gauge the power of what they'll be able to do later. There's however been a little 'complaint' about the fingers being too widely spaced that you may want to tweak the hand to have less finger space. I guess nobody wanted to mention that openly because it feels rude, or something. Thought I'd put it out there just in case. It might have been shadows, or it might be the spacing itself.

    There's also another comment making note of how 'masculine' the female body appears that I hope we'll have a body slider, or something, to choose from various types. Masculine, feminine, and the whole range inbetween. People would want to see all sorts of body type sizes for their characters, something I'd love further customization options for both myself & NPCs.

    But nice, shall be sweet to see more clothing types, hat types, and even glasses types. I'd request for a Canada Day shirt, yet that's too late this year. I guess we can still have them, but it be after. I have lots of requests, yet you're a busy guy. I'd feel guilty spamming you with clothing types. It's tempting though. :rolleyes:

  • Now I only want to know: in august the survival mod will be implemented?

    The player models will serve as a foundation for several survival features, however, the player models update itself does not really improve the survival gameplay. But once the player models update is ready, we will mainly focus on adding survival features :)

    Would you think about adding a bayonet rifle? ww1 style

    Actually we did prepare a repeating rifle (w/o bayonet), although I don't think it will be ready in the initial release (but most likely in the future) ;)

    And a katana

    It's in the works ^^

    I hope we can have the option to API/Mod in more hairtypes similar to how we can insert plugins with ease

    It's our intention to make the API capable of importing new clothes (and hairstyles), unfortunately I can't say for sure when this will be available.

    Wondering if we'll get aviation related accessories because one of my buddies played Minecraft using aviation related skins

    There will be indeed some aviation and seafaring related clothes ^^

    as well as some fox ears (anime style & in various colours) for the NPC side of things

    As mentioned, adding new hats doesn't require much effort, so even things like that can be added easily ;)

    There's however been a little 'complaint' about the fingers being too widely spaced that you may want to tweak the hand to have less finger space

    Which image are you referring to exactly? If it's the 4th image: the black spots between the fingers are nothing but shadows

  • Yay!~ Glad the Katana is in the works. A repeating rifle sounds awesome also. I do hope the bullets on those come in bunches because it be silly if they didn't. Crafting bullets in packs by making the bullet storage box, the bullet casing, gunpowder, and then the ammo itself to then have a bunch of 6, 12, or 20, or whichever. A nice stack of them. Minecraft gives you 16 arrows per crafting. Hope there's something along those lines.

    It's our intention to make the API capable of importing new clothes (and hairstyles), unfortunately I can't say for sure when this will be available.

    Nice! Looking forward to that. Curious to see what we, the community, shall be able to import into the game. No rush.

    There will be indeed some aviation and seafaring related clothes

    Sweet! Would love to sport some aviation gear, as well as seafaring gear. You did mention pirate clothing, yet curious if we may get some generic military naval wear of some sort............. There I go again needing to wait for it to actually release. Thanks for the aviation & seafaring related clothing. Curious to see what that's about :D

    As mentioned, adding new hats doesn't require much effort, so even things like that can be added easily

    Sweet! Looking forward to seeing it added in whatever form it's added in. Really wanting to have it in the game.

    Which image are you referring to exactly? If it's the 4th image: the black spots between the fingers are nothing but shadows

    The thumbs up image where you can see the shadows. I guess it is shadows that it makes the hand look a little funky. I guess we'll see for sure when the models are released that we can examine the fine details then. Was a discussion in Discord.

  • Just a small note: The stats page is now available https://stats.rising-world.net :) Here you find more information about it: Server Stats

    I love this! I love how detailed it is that I can check up on my server web page wise. This is awesome! It's also nice seeing how dedicated Harv is. He's up there with me & Zork that it's awesome :D

    I found out I'm one of the 7 Canadians on there, and that there's 1 Dutch & 1 Slovak playing the game. I'm one of the two Canadians who owns a server. Even 2 players from Japan, something I find interesting. ONce the modding API is grown some more I bet that number would rocket up higher.

    Edit: OH! These stats are changing. 391 Canadian players the last 30 days. That's awesome!

  • Hello everyone! New here but I have spent several hours on the game and am loving it! I am especially excited for this update and I am even happier to know there will be bows and muskets to shoot them griefers ;)

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