To Red51 Please read

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)
  • To @red51
    We all hope you enjoy your gift from the Rising World community,
    We would also like to thank you and your hard working team, for all the late nights working endlessly on the RW Code


    Red51, Thanks for making a game where we're able to do whatever we desire (or shall soon be able to) on a higher level of gaming. To eventually ride horses, trains, boats, and etc. Thanks for all your hard work while also listening to the community feedback. Here's a gift from us all for all your hard work. Sorry for being the 'loud one' in your community, just that I love where you're going with this game. Enjoy your lovely new gift from us, the Rising World community." - Arcticu Kitsu

    "Danke für dieses großartige Spiel und all die Liebe und Ausdauer, die du in es hinein steckst. Außerdem danke, dass du so nah mit der Community zusammenarbeitest und immer freundlich und hilfsbereit bist. Bitte arbeite weiter an dem besten Spiel, dass ich je gespielt habe und denk daran, dass die Rising World Community auch hinter dir steht."
    thanks XD

    english translation for those who don't speak german:
    "Thanks for this great game and all the love and effort you put in it. Also thanks for working close with the community and being friendly and helpful. Please keep on work on the best game I ever played and remember that the community got your back."
    At this point I want to thank the community too cause you're also helpful and friendly. And I think Rising world got the best connected community. So thank you all. - VictorIanClockwork

    we were all looking for a Rising World and you brought it - joni909

    To our very appreciated Red51: There's really a lot we can thank you for. First, and most obviously, the reason all of us gathered together into this community: the game you made alongside your team. It's so very obviously a labour of love and dedication. And it's the best kind of game, too. It's a game that fosters creativity and wonder, freedom and cooperation. Thank you for the late nights, the work, the support, and everything you do for your users. Thank you also for fostering the wonderful community that we enjoy. Like I have said before, a community always reflects its heads, and the fact that sensible, good people have gathered around the game is a credit to the way you and your team manage it, by example and actions. Thank you for being so accessible, for listening, for being friendly well beyond what would generally be the bare obligation. Thank you for going above and beyond everything we've learned to expect from developers. Just thank you. - BlueWind/Blue

    Uhhh... Can't think of anything inspiring or motivational to say. But I do look forward to seeing the game reach its completion so it can reach its potential. I do appreciate your passion and dedication to this project. You're a diamond in the rough world of early access. - Zfoxfire

    Thank you so much for all the time and effort you put into this game. There is somthing about this game that makes it feel like "my" personal game. No matter what other games i am attracted to, this one keeps drawing me back, as if it is my duty to play it lol. I love all the progress the game has made this far, and i can't wait to see where it will go! -DaBoiye

    @red51 I guess by now your starting to under stand how much we all realy do appreciate all the hours, late nights, putting up with some real douchebags, having to deal with everyones lack of knowledge, putting up with the pressure to put out updates, all while doing it with such professionalism and grace, you are the boss - Yahgiggle

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • Exhibit A: Typical keyboard of a Java developer after a difficult implementation session:

    Exhibit B: The little computer people work secretly in the night to make things good as new:

    Exhibit 3: Alternative data entry systems have been devised. Some even promote exercise and reduce risk of developing carpel tunnel syndrome:

  • Thank you @red51 for your hard work, and for this creative, mostly non-violent, peaceful game. Yes, that's what I like!

    And, thank you to the community for all your help to newbies, plus your appreciation of @Red51's dedication. <3

    Yay—all Rising World Citizens! We rock.

  • Exhibit A: Typical keyboard of a Java developer after a difficult implementation session:

    Haha.. as someone who developed predominately in C (and its OO equivalent C++ - even though you can OO in C itself) I once looked into Java back in the early 2000's because it was meant to be one of the easiest languages to learn.

    All I can say is all the was all to much for my brains limited memory capacity. Needless to say I've not touched it since :D

  • Clearly, he needs one that can withstand the ravages of time! :D

    If I respond in German, sorry for bad grammar. I don't speak German, but I do speak Google Translate. The community seems too nice to stay away!


    Wenn ich auf Deutsch antworte, entschuldige ich für jede schlechte Grammatik. Ich spreche kein Deutsch, aber ich spreche Google Translate. Die Gemeinde scheint zu schön, nicht zu bleiben!

  • with all my heart I, want to thank everyone involved with rising world and
    how we all help each other in the game.... WE the players, Admin and (god red51) for
    the support we give each other... Most games are hard to learn and definitely difficult at times
    but we as a community all seem like one big family or master computer that updates each other
    when we have problems...
    love you red51 and the players that help players so red51 drools on the couch at the christmas party lol

    sincerely with love
    mrorgonian :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

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