Changelog 2017-11-30: New playermodels, new items and more!

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • So, after tinkering around a bit, this is looking pretty cool, but I could not find if this question was answered, are clothes not present in this patch? They are referenced in the change log, but not how to create them. Couldn't find them as a loom option and looked at all the other crafting tables I could think of and came up empty.

    Clothes are currently created via commands at the moment, in the future they will be craftable though cloth/loom.

    I'll shut up now coz I'm a newb compared to pretty much everyone else on this site :)

  • Error when just staying still in an open to lan game with one other player. I am serving:

    Linux 4.13.0-1-amd64 Java: 1.8.0_131 amd64 0.9_37 -H:4096 -D:3072 (Steam)
    Error occurred during application-update (25)
    com.jme3.asset.AssetNotFoundException: Textures/Items/Repeater/k98512.ddse
    at com.jme3.asset.DesktopAssetManager.loadAsset(
    at com.jme3.asset.DesktopAssetManager.loadTexture(
    at content.Materials.loadTexture(SourceFile:1398)
    at content.Materials.loadTexture(SourceFile:1379)
    at ai.o.a(SourceFile:190)
    at ai.o.a(SourceFile:175)
    at ai.o.a(SourceFile:152)
    at O.e.<init>(SourceFile:32)
    at at.g.a(SourceFile:343)
    at ai.E.a(SourceFile:156)
    at aJ.o.a(SourceFile:142)
    at commons.JIWApplication.update(SourceFile:286)
    at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.runLoop(
    at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay.runLoop(

  • Error when just staying still in an open to lan game with one other player. I am serving:

    Linux 4.13.0-1-amd64 Java: 1.8.0_131 amd64 0.9_37 -H:4096 -D:3072 (Steam)

    Can't reproduce this one, I can connect to my other box running gentoo (kernel 4.14.2) with my main box serving (slackware - with kernel 4.14.1)

    fwiw I'm just seeing if the errors you provide are reproducible in other distro's. In my case I use Slackware and Gentoo, so far the only one I've been able to reproduce is the the underwater blue segments.

    Us Linux guys gotta stick together ;) What distro are you running?

  • Was playing around on an already existing Singleplayer map a bit. Didn´t occur any major bugs or problems. Only few ones i saw were:

    - the clock has no thumbnail
    - when picking up water with a bucket it doesn´t show if the bucket is full or not
    - can´t apply water on the paperpress

    Nothing serious so far - in my opinion you can release the final patch :) ill be home around 5pm CET and start playing around 8pm CET - thats the time frame for the official patch i hope for ;)

    I absolutely LOVE that now i can choose all items directly from my basic crafting when im in creative mode. That saves so many issues with creative building. I was always a bit annoyed i had to pick up the benches or craft them anew, then place them near where im building but not too close as it blocks space.

    Awesome patch so far.

    Btw... did i notice right that some block textures were reworked and others didn´t? I thought i saw some blocks looked a bit more "plastic" then before. But i tried several blocks and also dug down a bit and saw no difference to stone ore / soil and only a few blocks seemed to have a different texture.

  • Update:

    I encountered a rather strange and funny bug - but should be fixed soon.

    I started off a new world (Red51isawesomeRisingWorldisdabest 8) )

    I started creative mode and pushed F2 to fly around - worked just fine.

    But then my swings with the stone axe against the rockwall of a mountain didn´t have any effect on it. I turned off flymode with F2 - and then i got stuck in the air…iledetails/?id=1217472494

    When i turned on F2 again i could move again.

    I then logged off from the map (not the game though) and logged in again. First few seconds i had the same issue, then it worked just fine. But when i was flying a few meter ahead i had the same issue again. Stoneaxe didn´t do any damage to rock, flymode off = stuck in the air with angel-arms, flymode on = could move but no damage to anything with a stone axe.

    Also when i relogged i didn´t show up in the position i was when logging off but several meters underground.

  • But then my swings with the stone axe against the rockwall of a mountain didn´t have any effect on it. I turned off flymode with F2 - and then i got stuck in the air

    That happened because you probably flew too far ahead of the world generation and the game was still generating/loading parts when you tried to hit the rock, thus nothing happened. Also if you reach the generation limit your character gets stuck and you can only move with F2 mode, once the generation finishes you can also move as normal

  • Minotorious:

    Yea, i had the same idea. But i got a quite fast machine and the world was completely generated around me. And i am nto playing RW for the first time - this bug didn´t happen before the Beta-patch.

    I of course still assume it is connected to the generation somehow but as it wasn´t there before and getting stuck several times sounds like a matter to investigate for Red51.

    My break is over now - will do more testing when back home.

  • I also can't apply water on the paper press. I use the bucket of water on the paper press and water covers the rags but when I press the paper press down, it says I need to add water to make paper.

    When I fulled the bucket the first few times it didn't show a water meter but as I continued to keep filling it the water meter started showing water in the bucket. It now shows everytime if the bucket has water in it.

    I also have the player character covering the ammo and equipment slots with 1280 X 1024 resolution.

  • Hello,
    Some info, after playing the beta update (new world). Debian 9 - Linux 4.9.0-4-amd64 Java: 1.8.0_131 amd64 0.9_37

    - linux fullscreen option: OK
    - some preview are zoomed in (construction items)
    - Bandages and leg splits can't be applied by holding RMB
    - water can't be put on rags
    - some seeds cannot be planted (go back in inventory) (potatoes, watermelon, pumpking)
    - ligtbulb, lumber miniatures "image missing" in inventory
    - can't find/craft the sledgehammer ?
    - can't place a torch, there are no more torchmounts
    - some crashs when "quit to main menu" (not each time)

    Otherwise, some thoughts :
    - Fall damages are no joke
    - Mining drill is so cool !
    - increasing the speed and run is very nice
    - World seems to render faster
    - Musket is much more effective than crossbow :P

    I have more to investigate, so many changes

    Thank you for this update, it introduce well the next survival content :thumbsup::thumbsup:

  • Some more observations
    I noticed that smelted sulfur is rendered larger than other ingots so they stick out past the front of the smelting tray.
    * preview rendering of objects like the old clock show the object facing down so when it rotates, you only see the back side.
    * unable to add water from a bucket into the paper press. regardless of whether cloth or rags are placed, the message does not show up when you attempt to add water to cloth about first turning them into rags. Instead, water bucket places a water block at the base of the press and is difficult to pick it up without finding the right angle or picking up the press and then removing the water block
    *records and lumber still do not show in inventory slot. "missing image" instead
    * unable to place records on or crank the gramophone
    * on the primitive furnace, I have to go through the motion of "opening the side door" before i can load it with fuel. however, no door is visible

    Not sure if this was mentioned in the change log but.... we can now hold right-click and drag to quickly place ores into the smelter and then hold F to quickly remove them!!!!! OMG!! Greatest feature ever! Not to downplay the importance of character models and steel pickaxes but that's really been needed for a while

  • Not sure if this was mentioned in the change log but.... we can now hold right-click and drag to quickly place ores into the smelter and then hold F to quickly remove them!!!!! OMG!! Greatest feature ever! Not to downplay the importance of character models and steel pickaxes but that's really been needed for a while

    That is great!!

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