Changelog 2018-03-22: Bows, armors, chainsaw and dummy NPCs

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • since last night I have not been able to log into my server . I keep getting this fatal error. others are in the server just fine.

    Windows 10 (x64) 10.0 Java: 1.8.0_131 amd64 -H:3072 -D:3072 (Steam)
    Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7300HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz, MS-16J9, 8112 MB (3186 MB Heap)
    Intel(R) HD Graphics 630 20171017000000.000000-000
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 20171006000000.000000-000
    Error occurred during application-update (25)
    java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Compare function result changed! Make sure you do not modify the scene from another thread!
    at com.jme3.util.ListSort.mergeLow(
    at com.jme3.util.ListSort.mergeRuns(
    at com.jme3.util.ListSort.mergeCollapse(
    at com.jme3.util.ListSort.sort(
    at com.jme3.renderer.queue.GeometryList.sort(
    at com.jme3.renderer.queue.RenderQueue.renderGeometryList(
    at com.jme3.renderer.queue.RenderQueue.renderQueue(
    at commons.c.renderViewPortQueues(SourceFile:570)
    at commons.c.flushQueue(SourceFile:462)
    at commons.c.renderViewPort(SourceFile:653)
    at commons.c.a(SourceFile:698)
    at commons.c.render(SourceFile:685)
    at commons.JIWApplication.update(SourceFile:343)
    at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.runLoop(
    at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay.runLoop(
    at Source)

    This same error keeps popping up every now and then since the last major update. Now It is showing every time try to enter my server.

  • I traced down the problem to my player being corrupted in the data base. I changed my coordinates and my player came back online. Used DBbrowser to access the world db and altered the info. I can now enter the server. What is causing this corruption I do not know but I have had to do the same thing to 1 of my admins 3 times since this last set of updates.

  • @sharkbitefischer you mention before you had an "old"server is the database "old"as well.
    One of the "old" (ok I will quit now) fix is to empty yours and the admin's inventory.
    From what I seen most (not always) it is the inventory that cause's the corruption.


  • Not sure if this is the right place for this but I have been waiting for the player model, hive disintegration and hot fixes to finish up.
    My wife and I use the same computer, she has her own steam/RW account.
    I have mine, when I log out and she logs in it was fine before the player profile and we all looked the same.

    I setup my player profile hair, eyes, name etc in RW
    Then my wife logs into her account After logging I out of Steam, my profile is still there.
    She did not even notice until she went bounding up to her friend think she was in her RW profile
    and her friend was like WHO ARE YOU!!!! hmmmmm.
    My wife had hers setup, but I logged in after her and seen it did not change, and changed it back to mine.


  • Here are the error logs from yesterday and the server crashed for some reason today so I an including todays error log too.

    Thanks for the errorlogs! That looks like a bug in the game, unfortunately it's difficult to say what's causing it exactly... I try to get it fixed for the next update!
    However, this should not affect the server, so if the server crashes, there must be something else going on. In case of a server crash, there is either an "errorlog" or a "hs_err_pid" file in the server directory.

    Hello,I have a problem with animals Walking through blocks or objects and a fence. Would it fix it?

    We have to rework the animal AI and collision detection. It's on our list ;)

    Do you plan to add new furniture ?

    If that's referring to the game: Yes, in the future we will add more furniture, but now we have to focus on some other things first (especially the upcoming mounts update)^^

    Then my wife logs into her account After logging I out of Steam, my profile is still there.

    If you're using the same computer, Steam stores everything in the same directories (for both accounts). So there is basically only a single RW installation, sharing the config, worlds, blueprints etc. Since the game does not support multiple profiles, you share the same player name and profile settings. However, maybe we will introduce support for multiple player profiles in the future ;)

  • The next update will definitely include mounts, i.e. horse, camel, etc. not sure about the exact animals as there hasn't been an official announcement yet.

    Then probably some way to craft the mounts, saddles, etc. (maybe by capturing a free animal and putting a saddle on it? no exact information yet again)

    And finaly most likely some more clothing items, accessories, etc. but the main thing will be mounts not the extra small stuff. Also bugfixes as always :D

  • The next update will definitely include mounts, i.e. horse, camel, etc. not sure about the exact animals as there hasn't been an official announcement yet.

    Then probably some way to craft the mounts, saddles, etc. (maybe by capturing a free animal and putting a saddle on it? no exact information yet again)

    And finaly most likely some more clothing items, accessories, etc. but the main thing will be mounts not the extra small stuff. Also bugfixes as always :D

    horse races are starting soon :D:thumbsup:

  • The next update will definitely include mounts, i.e. horse, camel, etc. not sure about the exact animals as there hasn't been an official announcement yet.

    Then probably some way to craft the mounts, saddles, etc. (maybe by capturing a free animal and putting a saddle on it? no exact information yet again)

    And finaly most likely some more clothing items, accessories, etc. but the main thing will be mounts not the extra small stuff. Also bugfixes as always :D

    Awesome, I'm super psyched!

  • well I think I found out what was preventing me from logging into my server every now and then. I had an area I spamed about 20 dummy npc in and when I entered the area the screen would hang up and then go white and give me a fatal error and the game would close. I ended up having to play las Vegas sniper and kill off all the NPC Dummies from a distance before I could enter the area. When my player would hang up I could not log back in after the hang-up until I moved my player to another area. Then I could log in again but if I went back to that area I would hang up again and couldn't log back in until I went to the world db and moved my player again. Eliminating the dummynpc in the area fixed the problem. Here are the last 3 error logs for you from my client, I hope they help.


  • Well, it seems I'm anticipating the horses update so much that I'm dreaming about Red51 releasing an update that doesn't deal with mounts & trains, but something a bit after that. He released some sort of update in my dream.... maybe it was the construction blueprint update, or something..... I guess it's that time again where I"m restless for more Rising World updates with horses/mounts being the next on the list.

    Trying to keep myself in check by playing VR games.

  • @red51 Noticed you hinted at a "Mounts Update" ;) Is my dream of riding a horse across the wilds coming to pass? Hope this comes with a F5 to change perspective, would make for some interesting screenshots. Also I would like to ask if there's a way to edit NPC height? Got this idea for an episode to add children NPC's by scaling their height by 25-75% for a variety. Can you help me figure out how to do this? Thanks a lot and keep up the amazing work! :) Would also be interesting concept for baby animals <3:saint:

  • Red51 noted that we would be able to tweak NPC heights that I hope we can still get around to do doing that so I can gradually start creating characters from the 'Busou Shinki' line, something Konami killed. I have one already ready that I just need to tweak her to 15 cm tall in Rising World while waiting to see if Red51 shall support external outfits in the similar manner to blueprints and posters in a folder.

  • Red51 noted that we would be able to tweak NPC heights that I hope we can still get around to do doing that so I can gradually start creating characters from the 'Busou Shinki' line, something Konami killed. I have one already ready that I just need to tweak her to 15 cm tall in Rising World while waiting to see if Red51 shall support external outfits in the similar manner to blueprints and posters in a folder.

    I'm not familiar with Busou Shinki I'll have to swing by your channel to see what your talking about. The clothing however if each design had a unique id with coloring alternatives that would be nice. Kind of similar to how we choose block or plank types, we would just click left or right to pick colors. I always thought when clothing would be implemented we would be able to craft dye from flowers, water and oil then soak them in a barrel or tub of some sort. As for the height scaling please let me know if you find a way to do so. I imagine "editnpc height" or "setnpcscale 0.25-1.0 (1.0 for default, 0.25-0.99 for children through young adult)" would work well. If anything the "setnpcscale" would make for a valuable mod or addition to the game. This would also work well with bandit, rogue groups, or native tribes when they are added as it would add story and open up a world of factions, commerce, quest and more. Just imagine walking into one of these camps and you see npc's of all ages; yeah that would make for good story.

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