Upcoming: Mounts

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • how about wear and tear on our tools so as to make a reason for you to keep making the tools. They need to break >:)and growing grass and lawn mowers

    Something tells me lawn mowers and a gang of bandits would seem somewhat out of place. Just imagine riding your Toro mower through the fields and in comes a group of bandits from the 12th century to rob you of what? Gasoline or mobility? ?(;) A group of pirates riding mowers across the lands :huh: Some strange stuff here. I'll take electrical lines over something as odd as that. :whistling::)

  • who said riding mowers? there is the old push type that is not even gasoline orerated :) Boy you youngsters are spoiled with these modern day convieniances :P these were the next step up from the sythe.

    I recently bought a house and now own a mower and 4stroke weed wacker that both have automatic chokes. I'm so stoked! The lawn mower doesn't even have to be primed. I feel so lazy now.

  • Hello again! I check this post a lot and I can't get over how the horse's face looks. I made a little edit that will hopefully explain what I think is wrong with the model. I hope my notes are easy to understand and that this proves useful.

    The orange circles represent the scale of the head vs the nose on both the real image and the in-game horse- you can see the difference very clearly.
    The red are the things that I think look very off, and of course green is stuff that's already good.

  • One thing though, that horse's head seems to be a bit off

    We will still do some tweaks to the model before the update goes live :)

    Will the horses come in different colors and patterns? Can we color the reins?

    Yes, there will be some different variations. However, the color of the rein cannot be changed, but that will be possible in the future (basically the reins are treated like clothes for the player, and being able to change the color of clothes is on our todo list) ;)

    How about hitching them to the grinding station, maybe a plow that the horses can pull to till large amounts of farmland at once, or even flatten land like the rake?

    Maybe this will be a thing in the future. We will definitely keep it in mind^^

    how about wear and tear on our tools so as to make a reason for you to keep making the tools. They need to break >:)

    That's something we took into consideration, but unfortunately I can't say much about that yet...

    Will the new RCON be in it?

    I'm not sure if the RCON tool will be ready in time, but if it's not going to available with this update, it will be most likely ready with the update after the next.

  • That's really exciting! Good to hear. Also I was trying to figure out how many you are in the team so I could have some understanding, and found out from somebody that you basically do most of the work on the game. I'm not sure how true that is, but if it is that's really impressive. Don't let me overwhelm you with my suggestions, ok? :thumbsup:

  • I can hardly wait to hang somebody for Horse theivery. :evil: or at least make them locked up in an area that looks like a jail :thumbup:

    I am so up for mounts. This game is so huge it will make a nice change of pace of running everywhere.

    PS that saddle looks a bit too American 19th Century Western for the Medieval theme of the clothing and many servers. I am just saying .. lose the horn.

  • Mabye there will be More than one style

    not EVERY server is Medevial
    some like modern times

    There are objects for all ages (medivial - Modern Times)
    and There are more Modernn Things Coming to RW, Electrcity, etc..

  • It would be cool to craft a gallow object, or perhaps to find one in an abandoned town desert town.

    Oh I was just making fun. I do wonder if Horse will have momentum in that they knock down players on foot versus just stopping when they run into them. Sort of Cavalry charge stuff.

    Also I am sure the knight lovers want a lance and shield put in so they can put that nice Jousting Arena in the Blueprints to work

  • I know someone talked about implements like cultivators and discs but what about carts? You could carry more things and carry people obviously.

    To add onto the implements obviously you don’t wanna go crazy with farming but it would be cool if you could harvest and cut hat with horse drawn implements. Obviously a very far down the road suggestion.

    Also, will mounts be the only thing added to this update or is there other things as well?

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