MapViewer - not a plugin but a standalone tool

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  • Hi there,
    i wrote a small java application that runs directly on the client, so it is technically not a plugin. However, you can view a bigger part of your maps on your screen - all you need is a local jre version 8 and the attached zip-file (as well as a rising world client, of course).
    Installation is very easy: just unzip the attached zipfile ( into a folder of your choice. it contains 2 jars: mapviewer-0.0.1.jar which is my application and pngj-2.1.1.jar, which is a library to save big png files.
    To run the program you will need to start a console, cd to that the chosen directory and use the command:

    java -cp .:./* ch.sfu.mapviewer.MapViewer on MAC and Linux

    java -cp .;./* ch.sfu.mapviewer.MapViewer on Windows

    Soon a dialog will appear where you need to select the directory where your map is located. The dialog looks like this:
    After selecting the directory, the program scans all tiles and shows a map of a region near spawn, looking like this:
    In the title you see the tile coords of the upper left corner and the zoom factor.
    you can move the map around using

    • w - up
    • s - down
    • a - left
    • d - right

    you can zoom in and out using the + and - keys, the available zoom factors are 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16. A bigger zoom factor makes not much sense since you don't see enough details any more - and the file sizes when saving are too large. I tried and could create a 1.9GByte png of the whole explored map on one server, but i found no application ith which i could view that map, although i have 16 GByte RAM

    and... the last function is to create a nice png file of the displayed map part, but in full resolution, so with zoom factor 16 that will be around 250MBytes per png.
    The key you need to press for that is p

    The filename is combined from the upper left corner coords and the zoom factor, so in this case tile 8/20 with zoom factor 4

    While the png is created (can take some time) you see a dialog with the progress like this:
    After the image is saved (to that same directory where you copied the jar files) that dialog disappears and you can continue moving and zooming around.

    If someone would like to have the source code i can supply it, just ask.
    And if you should encounter bugs or have any questions, do the same.

    Now i hope everyone has fun with this little tool. Enjoy.



      (178.73 kB, downloaded 1,132 times, last: )

    Edited 3 times, last by Solveign: added correct command to start under Windows (class path separator = ; ) corrected some typos ().

  • Can we get something that's more "user friendly" that has a running execution or a .bat, or something? I'm trying to do what's mentioned with no success that I'm most likely doing it wrong. Also posting this for those that may also struggle with this. Hopefully something more "user friendly" that more people could make use of.

  • To run the program you will need to start a console, cd to that the chosen directory and use the command:

    Yea, i agree with ArcitcuKitsu - im probably too stupid to understand this instruction. how do i hopen a console on windows 10?

    I guess on Windows 7 i would open the DosBox with "CMD" but in Windows 10? I used Powershell and entered the java-string you mentioned for Windows but it just gave me an errormessage.

    Could you please explain a bit more detailled - for dummies like us? :)

    Thanks a lot!

  • This is what I did (on Windows 10 Pro - but will work on any Windows OS variant)

    Download the zip folder.

    Create a folder in C: root called MapViewer (Windows 8 and onward you will need to confirm this action as it requires admin rights to create a folder in the root of C).

    Extract the zip folder contents to the folder you just created (C:\MapViewer). The folder should now contain two jar files. (mapviewer-0.0.1.jar and pngj-2.1.1.jar). You must move the jar files into the MapViewer folder.

    Press Windows Key and R to to open up Run Dialogue, type in cmd press enter (this will open up a console screen).

    Type in CD\MapViewer and press enter (you'll be typing this in after your username (e.g. c:\users\username> )

    type (or copy and paste) java -cp .;./* ch.sfu.mapviewer.MapViewer and press enter ( you should be in c:\MapViewer\ when you do this on the console).

    Program will launch.

    Map files are located in: C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\Steam apps\common\rising world\maps (not on my PC so this is a guess of the path)

    (Should be enough information but if you need more just ask!)

    Look closely at this screen grab:

  • Nice one thanks for making it takes one more "plugin" off my list :) will tryit once home as i am on vacation atm with only 1-2 times per day wifi access :/

    I would recommend using java -jar jarfile.jar ti run it as it is simlwr than your long alternative ;) works both on linux and windows (for Windows please for the love of god use the powershell and not the cmd, i am dying inside :P )

    Best non-plugin plugin on RW :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

    Don't forget the blueprint texture editor too :P hahaha kidding :)

  • Not sure about performance but the powershell supports a lot of linux commands (some ofc have different names e.g. findstr is grep) that cmd doesn't. It is the shell equivalent on windows as cmd was too limited Microsoft added it in an attempt to go a bit the Linux way :D

  • Just copying and pasting whatever you wrote that I get this....... Whatever you wrote I simply copied and pasted it.

  • Well, a little confusion was that I was supposed to take it out of the folder. Something simple like that needs to be noted but it's now nice we can have a .png version of the map now, something we needed for a long while now. it'll help with plotting and planning things. Thanks for making this :thumbup:

    Issues now resolved.


    Well, I was expecting it to save the whole rendered chunks into a .png......

  • Very nice :) thank you for this tool. For information, I'm using zsh instead of bash (debian linux) and the command does not launch the tool.

    java -cp .:./* ch.sfu.mapviewer.MapViewer
    zsh: no matches found: .:./*

    it works fine with this syntax :

    java -cp '.:./*' ch.sfu.mapviewer.MapViewer
    Quote from ArcticuKitsu

    Well, I was expecting it to save the whole rendered chunks into a .png.....

    well, I try one export on widest zoom : it shows 6 squares biomes, the image is a 20480x12288 pixel and weight 205mo. a whole big map would be difficult to manipulate I think ?

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