Changelog 2018-09-26: Fishing, boats and more!

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • So much has been said already that I can hardly add to the discussion.

    After just a few hours of playing the new release(s) I consider it absolutely outstanding. Well worth the wait. What impresses me the most is that besides the major additions, like boats and fishing, the amount of attention that was given to bug fixes and "minor" improvements are seriously making this a very high quality game. That strategy is clearly going to increase its popularity and attract crowds of serious and casual gamers world-wide.

    I totally appreciate the amount of work that goes into every aspect of the code, and the fact that you (Red51) are responding so well to your player base while getting this all done is nothing short of overwhelming.


  • Red is wonderful isn't he?? Rising World is the only game where the creator is also deeply involved with the community and actually values player input unlike most other games I have purchased and played over the years. His bug fixes are greatly appreciated, new content he adds is icing on the cake!!!

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • Thanks for your feedback and your kind words :)

    when I make and launch both boats they are half full of water

    This happens if water post-processing is disabled. I'd recommend to enable it, usually it has no noticeable impact on performance (disabling it only makes sense for very old hardware [or office hardware]) ^^
    To enable it, go to your game directory -> open the file with a text editor -> set "graphic_water_post_processing" to true, then save the file, and run the game again.

    also when you step into a boat without hitting f to sit, you can sink them

    That's actually intended. If you're standing or walking on a boat, it will capsize ;)

    Also the motor boat won't move for me

    Make sure to change the gear to (D)rive or (R)everse by pressing Q and E (keybinding can be changed in the controls settings).

    Also the game is not letting me take screen shots while seated in either boat

    How do you take screenshots exactly? If you're using an external program for that, we have no control over that unfortunately :| If you're using the Steam version of the game, I'd recommend to use the built-in Steam screenshot feature (F12 by default)

  • First, I like this update, good job !
    Sorry if that was reported before (I don't think so) an issue with undoblueprint :
    undoblueprint seems to work, but when you close the game and relog a part or everything came back-

    Admin on  Artisans Realm

    Edited 2 times, last by Helie ().

  • the f12 feature is what I use. and thank you for the other info

    Make sure F12 is still set up as screenshot key in your Steam settings ;) Unfortunately we have no influence on this feature, that's solely handled by Steam...

    One thing I noticed with the indoors detection, is that quite often does not work for buildings with planks as part of the roof... which is most of my buildings as they are usually wooden.

    Actually it depends on the thickness of your roof. You're only protected from the outside if the outer walls/roofs have at least a thickness of 0.2 blocks. There is no need to have solid walls and roofs, so placing two layers of planks with a small gap between them should also do the trick :)

    undoblueprint seems to work, but when you close the game and relog a part or everything came back-

    Apparently this already happened prior to this update, but it looks like this happens more frequently now. We will check out what's going on there :)

    Anyone else having Polar Bears spawn outside of their natural biomes with this update?

    That's strange 8| Is there maybe a snow biome in close proximity?

  • Another hotfix is now available :) Updating multiplayer servers is optional. As a temporary solution, chests are accessible through walls again as long as you're standing in front of it and as long as the wall thickness is less than 0.5 blocks. This is a workaround until we found a proper solution for hiding chests in self-made furniture.

    Hotfix 2018-10-01:

    • [Change] Chests and signs are accessible again through thin walls (<0.5 blocks)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed issues regarding picking up items (need feedback)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed issues with modular placement (need feedback)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed some wrong sitting positions
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong collision of manhole covers
    • [Bugfix] Fixed player getting stuck in crouched position near water
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong rendering of plants if geometry instancing was disabled
    • [Bugfix] Player no longer gets stuck while climbing on a ladder
    • [Bugfix] Increased max range for terraforming tools (creative mode)

    Edited once, last by red51: Released another mini hotfix ().

  • In reply to @red51 there is a taiga brushlands nearby that has a snow biome about a mile or so out from it. Sure the grass has the tinge of white & green but that's why it's a taiga brushlands not exactly a snow biome per say. Te only mobs that should be spawning here should be deer, moose, black bear & wolves as polar bears are more of an Arctic type of creature.

  • Hi!
    I went here to say about problems with interaction with objects and got news about hotfix.

    I make a small test. It became much better. Thanks! :thumbsup:

    • [Bugfix] Fixed issues regarding picking up items (need feedback)
  • I notice since this hotfix, admin F5 F6 creative tools (terrain, placement), now requires you to fly down to within 20m of ground to use. Above this level the red indicator (circle or square) disappears from view and the function does not perform.

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • Sure the grass has the tinge of white & green but that's why it's a taiga brushlands not exactly a snow biome per say

    Polar bears don't spawn in these regions, they only spawn in the tundra (snow with white grass) and snow biome (no grass, barely vegetation, only snow)... do you play on a multiplayer server? Did someone maybe spawn the bear via command? Or did he maybe follow you while travelling through the snow biomes?^^

    I make a small test. It became much better. Thanks!

    Thanks for letting us know, I'm glad to hear that!

    I notice since this hotfix, admin F5 F6 creative tools (terrain, placement), now requires you to fly down to within 20m of ground to use. Above this level the red indicator (circle or square) disappears from view and the function does not perform.

    Oh, that's true =O Sorry about that, I just released another mini hotfix which should fix this issue^^

    Thanks Red51 for this bugfix everything is again working great

    Thanks for the feedback, glad to hear that! :)

  • Red you are awesome. Your most recent update resolved the creative tool issue. I hope you are able to get time in to sleep. :)

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • Something odd is happening with the map. Usually I got only the roofs of buildings when I click e.g. "Refresh". Now it looks like floors are combined at random and mixed into one flat image of the object without or only with parts of the roof. I can't figure a pattern for this. It's not a chunk border or sth. Is this a side effect of graphic_logarithmic_depthbuffer or the update?

  • Now we have a motor boat can we have a tow rope, skis, and life vest so we can ski behind it? Of course it would take 2 players to do it

    Hehe, sounds like a lot of fun :D I'll keep that in mind, maybe we will add it sometime in the future^^

    Your most recent update resolved the creative tool issue

    Thanks for letting us know, glad to hear it works now :)

    Now it looks like floors are combined at random and mixed into one flat image of the object without or only with parts of the roof

    Hmm... can you maybe post a screenshot of this issue? Do you use any graphics mods, like ReShade?

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